Great Hall (Wyvern)

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The exterior of the Great Hall in 1994.

The Great Hall is the largest chamber of Castle Wyvern. It served as the center of Castle Wyvern during the Dark Ages and a grand foyer to the Castle after David Xanatos rebuilt it atop the Eyrie Building.


The Great Hall in 994.
Prince Malcolm and Princess Elena's wedding in 975.
The Great Hall in 1994.
David Xanatos and Fox's wedding in 1995.

The Great Hall was constructed alongside the rest of the Castle in 971 AD. By 975, Prince Malcolm and Princess Elena were wed in the Great Hall. But things changed across the following nineteen years and by 994, Princess Katharine forbid the gargoyles from being allowed in the dining hall - however had no issue with allowing dogs within. The princess and her advisor the Magus were outraged when the Captain of the Guard invited Goliath and Angel into the Great Hall to be recognized for protecting the Castle from Hakon and his band of Vikings. ("Vows", "Awakening: Part One")

In 1994, David Xanatos rebuilt the Castle, Great Hall and all, atop the Eyrie Building. When he awoke Goliath and the surviving members of the Wyvern Clan, he brought them into the Great Hall to explain his version of what had happened and where they were. It was later that evening that Elisa Maza met Xanatos for the first time inside the Great Hall. Two nights later, Xanatos reunited Goliath with Angel - now called Demona in the Great Hall and later brought the Steel Clan online. ("Awakening: Part Two", "Awakening: Part Three", "Awakening: Part Four", "Awakening: Part Five")

The Grimorum Arcanorum was kept in the Great Hall under glass, and stolen twice. The first time by Brooklyn under Demona's manipulations. The second and final time by Broadway, Hudson, and Elisa Maza despite Owen Burnett's efforts to stop them. ("Temptation", "Enter Macbeth")

Like Princess Malcolm and Princess Elena before them, David Xanatos and Fox were married in the Great Hall. The marriage was conducted by Judge Roebling and was attended by Goliath, Demona, Owen Burnett and Petros Xanatos. ("Vows")

When Demona turned the population of New York City to stone, Xanatos brought out four Steel Clan robots and attached gas packs to them. He was confronted by Elisa Maza who then turned to stone at sunset with Owen before the arrival of the Manhattan Clan who flew out over the city with Xanatos. It was at that moment that Demona entered the Great Hall thanks to a secret passage hidden behind a 12th century tapestry on the south wall. She was confronted by Macbeth and there battle did considerable damage to the Great Hall but ultimately they were defeated and Demona's spell was broken. ("City of Stone" Part Three, "City of Stone" Part Four)

Since moving back into the Castle, the gargoyles spend considerable time in the Great Hall.


The doors to the Courtyard in 994.
The elevator's doors closed.
The desk.
The doors to the Courtyard in 1994.
The elevator's doors open.
The west wall.

The Great Hall, probably the largest space in the Castle was, in the Middle Ages, a typical castle hall. It was used for feasting and official functions, such as Prince Malcolm's wedding to Princess Elena. In the modern day, the Hall is no longer used as an eating area, but rather a grand foyer or main room.

Elevator access from the rest of the Eyrie Building to the Castle seems to come in through this room. The room is decorated with tapestries and for a time the Grimorum Arcanorum was stored there in a glass case.

A main desk is present in this room and sometimes smaller desks, tables and/or chairs and other furniture is kept here.

The room's old dirt and stone floor was replaced with smooth tile and grand chandeliers and electric lights now hang where candles were before.

Not all things have been altered however, the Hall retains most of the original stonework, and a secret entryway (hidden by a 12th century tapestry) on the south wall survived the renovation. Like Prince Malcolm and Princess Elena before them, David Xanatos and Fox wed in the Great Hall.

Future Tense

The exterior of the Great Hall in "Future Tense".
The Great Hall in "Future Tense".

In Puck's illusion of 2036, the Great Hall was converted into a command center with a terminal storing the Xanatos Program. The Great Hall was destroyed when Goliath threw a treacherous Lexington into the terminal. ("Future Tense")
