Royal Suite (Wyvern)

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The exterior of the Royal Suite in 1994.

The Royal Suite is the living quarters of the master of the castle. Prince Malcolm and Princess Katharine both had their quarters here. In modern times, David Xanatos and Fox keep their master bedroom here. Alexander Fox Xanatos's nursery is also located here.


Princess Katharine's bedroom in 984
The balcony in 984.
The Master Bedroom in 1996
The nursery in 1996

In 984 ad, after putting Katharine to bed, Prince Malcolm met with Mentor in the room and then out on the balcony. Mentor wished to discuss the threat the Archmage presented despite his recent banishment. The Archmage appeared on the balcony and then fired a poisoned dart into the prince. The princess emerged after the attack and blamed Mentor. ("Long Way to Morning")

David Xanatos moved into what used to be Princess Katharine's bedroom of the castle after transporting it across the Atlantic Ocean and rebuilding it atop the Eyrie Building in 1994, making it the master bedroom. In 1995, Fox moved into the building and while she had her own bedroom (and likely didn't make much use of it), she moved into the master bedroom officially following her wedding to Xanatos. It was in the master bedroom that Xanatos witnessed Fox's transformation into the werefox prior to the wedding.

Following the birth of Alexander Fox Xanatos, the newborn child was visited by Halcyon Renard, Petros Xanatos, Preston Vogel, and Anastasia Renard. The arrival of Lord Oberon not too long afterward resulted in the revelation that Anastasia was actually Queen Titania and of Fox and Alexander's true heritage as well as their intent to take Alexander to Avalon. Xanatos attempted to protect his family but was unable to stand against Oberon. Later that same evening, Fox's powers emerged as she blasted Oberon with her magicks. Following this, Oberon was persuaded to let Alexander remain with his parents with Puck as his teacher. Puck was soon banished from Avalon eternally, and stripped of all power save for training or protecting his new young charge.

A nursery was soon added to the royal suites for Alexander where Puck often entertains and trains the boy.


In the modern day, the suite is located on the north side of the castle and likely provides a beautiful view of Central Park.
