Welcome to GargWiki, the ultimate reference guide to the world of Disney's Gargoyles! Although GargWiki contains information on anything and everything relating to Gargoyles, the primary focus of the wiki is the canonical Gargoyles Universe, as envisioned by creator Greg Weisman. This includes the first two seasons of the television show, the comic book series by Slave Labor Graphics and the current comic series by Dynamite Entertainment.
GargWiki is an invaluable resource to fans of Gargoyles and a great way to familiarize yourself with the series if you're new to the property. Feel free to look for your favourite characters with our search bar on the left of the screen or browse the site using our category system (the top-level categories are listed in the banner at the top of this page).
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The Praying Gargoyle is a magical talisman of ancient origin resembling a small statue of a gargoyle. Its past is as yet untold, but by 1980 it had found its way to a hidden chamber at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France. There, Demona acquired it for her own purposes.
The statuette remained in Demona's possession until 1996 when she took it to Saint Damien's Cathedral, planning to use it as an integral part of Operation Clean Slate. According to her plan, the Praying Gargoyle would protect the gargoyle species from the plague she intended to release upon the world. Goliath, desperate to stop her plot, destroyed the talisman and Demona gave up on her plan, angrily fleeing the Cathedral.
She returned several nights later on Halloween, however, to retrieve a mysterious crystal from the broken bits of the Praying Gargoyle. (more...)
About this Wiki
- See also: GargWiki:About
GargWiki is a reference guide to all things Gargoyles, both in-universe information (characters, places, and things) as well as Category:Out-of-universe information (including cast members and episodes).
GargWiki focuses on information from the first two seasons of the animated series Gargoyles, as well the comic books published by both SLG and Dynamite Entertainment. This information can be found in Category:Canon.
Since the series ended, Greg Weisman has revealed many secrets and plans he had for the Gargoyles Universe, including spin-offs and new characters. Entries on these revelations are located in Category:Canon-in-training.
Some canon entries contain text written in bold, blue type. This signifies, for easy distinction, Canon-in-training material in a primarily Canon entry.
Finally, Category:Apocrypha is dedicated to non-canon Gargoyles material, such as The Goliath Chronicles, the Marvel Comics series, the Disney Adventures comic, and the Sega Genesis video game.
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All materials (names, characters and their likenesses, graphics) are used on this site under the Fair Use clause (U.S. Code Title 17, Section 107), intended only for analysis, comment and research.
All trademarks and copyrights referred to on this Web site are the respective properties of the companies that created and own them. This site is in no way affiliated with any of the owning companies. No materials used here are intended to reduce the potential value of these properties to their owners.
This site is not engaged in any commercial activities, and no material profit is intended to be made from these properties' use. This site is an unofficial site that exists simply to inform and entertain fans.