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Iona is a small island in Scotland.


According to Shahrizad, Merlin and Pelles brought the Stone of Destiny to Iona after it had served their purposes. Later, Saint Columba returned to Iona after taming the Loch Ness Monster, and died there after laying his head down upon the Stone. ("Rock & Roll")

Iona was considered a holy place by Medieval Scots, and according to Shahrizad's "Tale of the Three Brothers", Maol Chalvim I was buried there in 954. ("The Reach")

Real World Background

As in the Gargoyles Universe, Iona was an important center of Scottish Christianity, originally founded in the 6th century by Saint Columba. Scotland's first King Kenneth mac Alpin and, indeed, Maol Chalvim I were buried at the abbey there, as were Kings Duncan and Macbeth. Donald III, a character yet to be introduced in the series, is considered the last Scottish King to be buried there. [1]

Iona was originally called "Ioua"; the more familiar version of its name comes from Dr. Samuel Johnson's A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. (Shakespeare calls it "Colmekill" in Macbeth, derived from the Gaelic "I Choluim Chille".)

See Also

  • Iona at Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia