Better Angels Chapter Two

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Gargoyles: Demona #2

The second issue of the Gargoyles - Demona comic by Dynamite Entertainment. It is anticipated to be released on June 11th, 2025. [1]



The year is 1107, and an immortal Demona and her adopted daughter Angelika have found their way to the frozen fjords of Norway, where they sign on to help crew the flagship of Sigurd Magnusson, last of the Viking kings.

Carving a path of destruction across the sea and land, they raid and plunder in a relentless (and rewarding!) search for treasure. But the two exiles are not the only Gargoyles in Sigurd's employ and when his fearsome longboats reach the glittering city of Constantinople, all of the stone guardians on board will face a life-altering dilemma!

Gargoyles creator GREG WEISMAN and original animated series artist FRANK PAUR set a course for adventure in the second chapter of their history-bestriding saga Gargoyles: Demona featuring fiercely fashioned covers from PAUR, MEGHAN HETRICK, JAE LEE & JUNE CHUNG, and MARK BAGLEY!

The Story


Featured Characters and First Appearances



Cover Gallery

See Also

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