Project Thailog

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Project Thailog: May 13th, 1995.

Project Thailog was a long term plan developed by David Xanatos and executed by Anton Sevarius to clone Goliath.


November 15th, 1994

A Steel Clan robot was activated and sent to attack Goliath with the goal of wounding him. While Goliath did destroy the robot, it's mission was successful as Owen Burnett approached with a First Aid kit. On the surface, Owen was tending to Goliath's wounds but in actuality, the majordomo was collecting cell samples from the the gargoyle.

December 31st, 1994

Dr. Sevarius began the process of cloning Goliath.

January 4th, 1995

Upon being released from prison, Xanatos visited Gen-U-Tech Systems, Sevarius had successfully cloned Goliath and began the accelerated growth of the gargoyle they would name Thailog.

May 13th, 1995

Thailog has reached full gargoyle adolescence. But a side affect of his artificial maturation rate has become apparent, a discoloration of his hair and skin.

August 8th, 1995

The artificial maturation process is augmented by an ongoing subliminal education program that was personally designed by Xanatos.

November 1st, 1995

Thailog is finally released from his maturation chamber, taking up residence at the Eyrie Building.


Not content to be subservient, Thailog proved to be every bit as Machiavellian as his creator and engineered a scheme to rob Xanatos of $20 million and kill him and Sevarius in the process. He also lured Goliath to the meeting, but grew to hate the gargoyle when Goliath reacted in horror and declared him an "abomination". While Goliath tried to undo this, the damage was already done and he had made a new, and dangerous enemy. While Thailog's scheme to kill his "three fathers" was foiled, he successfully escaped with the money. Afterward, he joined forces with Demona and the two pooled their resources to establish Nightstone Unlimited and soon after, even more clones were created.