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Europe is a continent on Earth composed of one large land mass and many large and small islands including Great Britain and Ireland. As of 1997, Europe contains the countries of the Czech Republic, England, France, Greece, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, and Scotland, among many others. Some of the largest cities on the continent are Athens, Edinburgh, Geneva, London, Paris, Prague, and Rome.


Humans and gargoyles have lived throughout Europe since ancient times.

In 1994, Dingo fled to Europe after the arrest of Fox and Wolf and the cancellation of The Pack. ("Her Brother's Keeper")

In 1996, Europe is home to two gargoyle clans, the London Clan and the Loch Ness Clan. [1] Eventually, the Wyvern Clan and Notre Dame Clan will also be founded there. [2][3][4]

See Also

  • Europe at Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia