Cleopatra's Necklace

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Cleopatra's Necklace in 1997.

Cleopatra's Necklace is one of the Three New Keys to Power.


The necklace was a gift from the goddess, Hathor, to Cleopatra. Throughout the centuries, it was possessed by Catherine the Great and Princess Aga Khan.

Following the destruction of the Grimorum Arcanorum, the Eye of Odin being returned to Odin, and the dissolving of the Phoenix Gate, the mystical energies within those Three Keys to Power flowed into three new Keys; one of them was the necklace of Cleopatra. ("Everywhere")

On November 18th, 1997, Antoinette Dracon attended an auction in Geneva and bought the necklace for $900,000. The following day, she delivered it – the last of the three new Keys – to Demona at the gargoyle's townhouse. ("Acquisitions")

Along with the other two Keys, Demona began to subjugate all of humanity on Manhattan, but before her enchantments could wreck havoc on the rest of the world, she was thwarted at LaGuardia Airport by the Manhattan Clan. Once Goliath, Angela, and Turquesa wrestled the talismans from Demona, they promptly released the humans from her spell. Angela then proceeded to snap the necklace, with black pearls bouncing about on the tarmac. ("Unequivocal Success", "Queen of All She Surveys")


According to Demona, the necklace is a talisman capable of bending an individual's very will. It is made up of three rows of black pearls. ("Unequivocal Success")

Real World Background

While Catherine the Great was known to have a black pearl necklace (made of, at most, thirty pearls), connecting it to the Nina Dyer Necklace (151 pearls) – that was, indeed, sold at a Christie's auction in Geneva on November 18th, 1997 – appears, at first glance, to be another conflation of Greg Weisman's, until one is made aware that the necklace Catherine once had (eventually known as the Yusupov Necklace) has been unaccounted for since 1936, leaving the possibility that perhaps it was restrung by the 1950s. [1][2][3]