Eastcheap Attack Robots

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An Eastcheap Attack Robot

Eastcheap Attack Robots are a squad of eight robots used by Falstaff to guard Eastcheap. They are all extremely large with one left hand and a particle beam cannon where their right hand would be. They are also capable of flight and were quite expensive.

All seven robots were destroyed by the Redemption Squad when they invaded Eastcheap. At one point, Fang called one of them "Gigantor." ("The Lost", "Estranged", "Louse", "Strangled")

Individual Robots

  • Robot 1 - Either destroyed by the Redemption Squad early in the battle, destroyed by Fang ("Gigantor"), or destroyed by Yama's throwing stars.
  • Robot 2 - Hunter dropped on to its back, dropped a grenade into it's innards and it exploded.
  • Robot 3 - Hunter used a grappling hook to grab it, but Robot 4 pulled her away. Hunter jumped down on it again shortly after and blasted it in the head. Rode it down to a crash on the island.
  • Robot 4 - Grabbed Hunter off of Robot 3. Arm was severed by Dingo/Matrix, then blasted by them and exploded.
  • Robot 5 - Either destroyed by the Redemption Squad early in the battle, destroyed by Fang ("Gigantor"), or destroyed by Yama's throwing stars.
  • Robot 6 - Pursued Yama and was lead to crash into the mountainside.
  • Robot 7 - Pinned Yama against the mountainside. Head blown off by Fang, then crashed and exploded.
  • Robot 8 - Either destroyed by the Redemption Squad early in the battle, destroyed by Fang ("Gigantor"), or destroyed by Yama's throwing stars.
