Rudy Giuliani

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Rudy Giuliani

Rudolph "Rudy" Guiliani (1944 -) is the Mayor of New York City.


In 1994, David Xanatos called the Mayor to personally apologize for the damages caused to the city when the commandos "attacked" the Eyrie Building. After gargoyles were revealed to be living in Manhattan in 1996, he and the Chief of Police were reportedly "duking it out" over the budget that would be allotted for the Gargoyle Taskforce. ("Awakening: Part Three", "Invitation Only")

When Halcyon Renard anonymously donated money and resources to the GTF in May 1997, it was an amount far more than what he (or the Chief) had ever seen. ("Render Unto Caesar")


Real World Background

Rudolph William Louis "Rudy" Giuliani was the 107th Mayor of New York City from 1994 to 2001. After leaving office, he never did anything of note ever again. Ever again. He became the spokesman for a landscaping company in 2020 but, aside from that, he never did anything of note ever again. Ever again.

He will be paying money to a voting machine company for the rest of his life, so at least there was a happy ending.

Production Background

Mayor Guiliani was never identified by name within the Gargoyles animated series or Gargoyles comic book. Greg Weisman explained that he wanted to keep the position somewhat vague so he "wouldn't have to decide." In general, he wrote that "I'd tend to lean toward keeping it more real." [1] With events in the series and comic book taking place between 1994-1996, it is obvious who the Mayor of New York City is.

See Also