Ruby-Mae Li
Revision as of 12:19, 17 April 2024 by Greg Bishansky (talk | contribs)
Ruby-Mae Li is the founder of the Gathering of the Gargoyles Guild.
Following Goliath's hearing, Ruby-Mae Li and other humans that met on the internet that held their first convention in 1997 at the Park Manor Hotel and invited Goliath to speak. ("Questions"
Ruby-Mae is idealistic and believes humans should learn to get to know gargoyles better and learned to share the world.
Real World History
File:Mae Li Gathering 1006.jpg
Mae Li is presented with the Fan Guest of Honor Award by Jennifer L. Anderson at the Gathering 2006.
Ruby-Mae Li is a tribute to multiple people. She was named after Mae Li, who founded the Gathering of the Gargoyles back in 1997; and she was also named Keith David's two daughters: Ruby and Mae Li. Keith David had his first date with the woman who would become his life at the 1997 Gathering of the Gargoyles.