Bronx (Winter Special)

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Gargoyles: Winter Special #1 by Jae Lee

"Bronx" is the Gargoyles Winter Special for the Gargoyles comic by Dynamite Entertainment. It was released December 18th, 2024. [1]


Disney and Dynamite present a very special GARGOYLES holiday treat: "Bronx's Silent Night!"

When a December blizzard blankets New York in snow, the city that never sleeps comes to a standstill - and the Gargoyles awaken to find that Manhattan has been transformed into a silent winter wonderland!

With the rest of the Clan on patrol, Bronx is eager to explore this new landscape on his own... but his peaceful night is interrupted when a family is separated and Bronx has to sniff out the missing member before they're trapped under ten feet of snow!

Co-written by Gargoyles creator GREG WEISMAN and NATE COSBY, and illustrated by returning Gargoyles artist GEORGE KAMBADAIS, this all-new 40-page special will warm the hearts of even the most jaded of seasonal cynics - fortified by glowing covers from KAMBADAIS, JAE LEE & JUNE CHUNG, TRISH FORSTNER, and CHRIS ELIOPOULOS!

The Story

Traffic and crowds move through the busy streets of Manhattan. As the afternoon passes, snow begins to fall and fewer and fewer cars and pedestrians pass. By evening, the cacophony of horns has faded and by nightfall, a blanket of snow lays over the empty, silent streets.

At Castle Wyvern atop the Eyrie Building, the Manhattan Clan sleeps. Their frozen stone forms collect a layer of snow. Suddenly, the stone skin cracks and the clan bursts out with a roar! Bronx looks at the still falling snow curiously, shakes it off of his blue hide, and sits to scratch behind the ears. A wayward snowball unexpectedly smashes into his face. Bronx growls and watches the Trio playfully toss snowballs at each other. The gargoyle beast shakes off more snow as Gnash and Angela join in the fun. A growl stops the five gargoyles and they look up at their leader Goliath who smiles at his young charges before beckoning them to look out over the city with him. Playtime is done and they have duties to attend to. Goliath, Angela, Gnash, Broadway, Lexington, and Brooklyn are joined by Katana and they glide out into the snow-covered city. Meanwhile, Hudson and Fu-Dog make their way inside the castle's TV Room to rest and watch Celebrity Hockey. While Fu-Dog curls up next to Hudson's recliner, Bronx elects to stay out in the snow.

Bronx slowly climbs down from the massive skyscraper. Finally, he reaches street level and, with a final leap, dives into a snowbank. Elated, Bronx digs and plays in the snow. Nearby, a dog watches the beast's antics. Bronx continues running around in the snow until he finds himself perched upon a streetlight. There, he holds out his thick tongue to catch a snowflake. His attention is drawn to the dog which barks up at him. Bronx jumps down from the light to meet the dog and the two of them are friendly. Suddenly, footsteps are heard crunching through the snow. A human woman holds a pet carrier and calls out for her lost cat. Disheartened with her lack of success, she continues her search through blizzard. As she walks on, she does not notice that a ball of yarn falls from the pet carrier. But the nearby beast and the dog do see the toy. They approach and investigate. After smelling the ball, Bronx gets the scent of it's owner and begins moving off down the quiet, snowy street. The dog follows, barking all along.

Bronx and his companion follow the scent trail to Central Park. They enter the Park which is empty and deeply blanketed in snow. They look out on the vast area and Bronx closes his eyes to recall the smell of the yarn ball. Taking a deep inhale, he recaptures the trail and moves into the Park. He uses his muscular body as a snow plow and the dog follows him in his wake. The duo pass over a bridge, move through a wooded area, walk past the Alice in Wonderland sculpture and come to Belvedere Castle. Bronx climbs atop the stone structure as the dog barks at him from below. They move on as the snow becomes deeper and deeper. The dog takes a leap into a snowbank and finds himself buried and stuck. Bronx grabs the dog's leg in his mouth and tosses the canine on to his back. Bronx continues to plow through the snow with his barking passenger perched atop him. Finally, the scent trail leads them to a stone arch and the beast and dog are suddenly alerted by the quiet mew of a cat. They have found their quarry! Excitedly, the duo approach the cat. The cat leads them under the arch and Bronx is surprised to find that the cat is not alone! The cat has given birth to kittens and they are curled up on an old flannel shirt. The cat picks up one kitten in its mouth and from there, Bronx picks them both up. Soon, the dog, the cat, and her kittens are all perched on top of Bronx's broad back. As the kittens rest next to their mother, the dog watches over all three. Bronx begins to plow his way out of the Park.

The journey is not the smoothest – despite slipping and sinking in the snow, they find their way back into the city unharmed. They approach the yarn ball and Bronx lets out a loud snort. A figure emerges from the falling snow. It is the woman from earlier! Bronx drops off his passengers and the dog barks to get the woman's attention. She is thrilled to discover her cat and the kittens. And the dog gives her face a friendly lick. From the shadows, Bronx watches them all leave together. He sees they are safe and reunited.

Satisfied with his efforts, Bronx climbs back up the Eyrie Building towards home. As he climbs over the parapets of Castle Wyvern, he is greeted by Fu-Dog who questions his whereabouts. The two beasts seem to come to an understanding. Meanwhile, the gargoyles have returned from their patrol. Lexington gives Bronx a friendly head scratch and they all take their places as dawn approaches. Standing in his spot between Goliath and Brooklyn, Bronx smiles as he turns to stone once more.


This may be the most unusual official Gargoyles story yet. To begin with, it's the first one with no dialogue (at least, no conventional dialogue). It's told through the eyes of Bronx, who, one snowy night in Manhattan, goes off on an adventure by himself (Fu-Dog is napping by Hudson's armchair while Hudson watches Celebrity Hockey). At least, initially by himself, for he soon meets and befriends a local dog, and the two go off on a search for a missing cat.

With no dialogue (just sound effects), a lot of focus is on the snowy landscape of New York that Bronx explores. "Winter wonderland" is a bit of a cliché, but it feels like a good description of Bronx's surroundings. (Appropriately, in light of the "wonderland" part, we get a return visit to the "Alice" sculptures that first appeared in "Awakening: Part Four".) The very first page shows us a panel-by-panel depiction of the snow falling on a street in New York, increasingly covering everything, until the street, filled with traffic at the top of the page, is now silent and empty at the bottom. Later, we get a just as lovely aerial view of a snow-covered Central Park.

As a cat-lover, I'm happy to report that Bronx and his new friend find the missing cat, and reunite her (and her kittens; she'd apparently slipped away to give birth to them) with her human. It gives a heartwarming tone to the story (which, incidentally, may also be the first official Gargoyles story to have no antagonists or fights; the adversary is the weather). I'd read this one to my own pet cat Zoey – except the format would make it a major challenge. All in all, it's a beautiful "change-of-pace" Gargoyles story, that I highly recommend.

Featured Characters and First Appearances

Gargoyles Humans Others



  • "ruhrbrar?"
"rruhrurr" - Fu-Dog and Bronx


Lance receives his own copy of the comic.

Cover Gallery

Dynamite Gargoyles Winter Special 1 Gallery1.jpg


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