TV Room (Wyvern)

The TV Room is Hudson's sanctuary in the modernized Castle following its reconstruction atop the Eyrie Building.
It is unknown what the purpose of this room was in the Dark Ages, but shortly after taking a name, Hudson discovered the television room rather than explore New York City. Upon turning the TV on, he and Bronx were scared away by a Hair-Metal music video. He later returned and took a liking to the television as his window to the modern world. ("Awakening: Part Three", "Awakening: Part Four")
Shortly after David Xanatos's arrest, the cable television in the room was adjusted so that the only program the gargoyles could see was The Pack. While Hudson grew fatigued with the show, the Trio loved it which allowed Lexington to lead Goliath into the trap that was being set. ("The Thrill of the Hunt")
In November 1995, Demona was put on television, which cast her Stone By Night Spell across Manhattan. Thailog (newly released from the cloning pod) caught her broadcast and wound up frozen in stone day and night until the spell was broken. [1] A week later, Fox watched Preston Vogel's press conference announcing the launch of Fortress-2. ("Outfoxed") [2]
Upon returning to the Castle in 1996 after their exposure to the world, some of the clan watched Nightwatch, first Travis Marshall's interviews with random New Yorkers and Matt Bluestone, and the following evening, Hudson watched the live debate between Margot Yale and Lennox Macduff. ("Nightwatch", "The Journey")
In May 1997, the entire clan gathered in the TV Room to watch Goliath's Hearing. ("Your Witness", "New Rules")
The TV Room is relatively simple. It contains a television, a reclining chair, a small couch to lie on, and a coffee table. There is a window overlooking the city. At some point in 1995, Fox rearranged the furniture, but it was arranged back by the time the gargoyles moved back in. By 1997, Hudson has also learned how to use the television set's video recorder, video-taping "all the best episodes" of Celebrity Hockey. ("Idyll or Nightmare")