Belvedere Castle

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Belvedere Castle

Belvedere Castle is a pseudo-medieval structure built in Central Park in 1872.


In November 1995, Demona, Macbeth, and Coldstone (who was being controlled by the evil personality at the time) brought the captured Manhattan Clan to Belvedere Castle as a trap for Elisa Maza. [1] Demona had shielded all of them from prying eyes (including Brendan and Margot) using a spell from the Grimorum Arcanorum. When Elisa arrived, she fought Demona until Coldstone's primary personality took control of the body and helped free the clan before departing. Elisa then took a nap as a Jogger remarked on the sudden appearance of the sleeping clan. ("High Noon")

Later, Elisa arranged for the adult Tom to meet Goliath and Bronx at Belvedere Castle. From there, the four of them made their way to the nearby lake and departed for Avalon. ("Avalon" Part One)

In December 1997, Bronx and a friendly bull terrier visited Belvedere Castle as the two searched for a missing cat. Bronx even climbed atop the castle's tower (while his canine companion barked below) during their pursuit. ("Bronx") [2]


Belvedere Castle also played a key role in the Disney Adventures comic "Lines of Allegiance". Broadway deduces that it provides the "royal ground" called for in a spell Demona has cast. The major battle of the story also takes place there.

Real World Background

Belvedere Castle sits atop Vista Rock, the second highest natural point in Central Park. It lies west of Turtle Pond and directly south of Delacorte Theatre, where Shakespeare in the Park often takes place. Central Park architects Calvert Vaux and Jacob Wrey Mould are credited with the design, giving it the name which means, in Italian, "beautiful view". Built in 1872, the original design had an additional tower on the site's west side. The second tower was never built, in an effort to reduce costs. Today, tourists that visit Belvedere Castle can walk the spiraling staircase to the turrets and enjoy the view from the highest point in the entire park. [3]

Originally an open-air terrace, windows and doors were added to the structure by 1920 when the Castle began to be used by the US Weather Bureau. By 1960, the weather station had become automated (except for the measurement of the snowfall) and the Weather Bureau left the Castle unattended when they relocated their operations to Rockefeller Center. [4] Left to vandalism and ruin, the automated weather equipment was stolen in 1977, but ultimately weather observations would continue. Belvedere Castle continues to be a weather station in the modern day, celebrating its centennial as such in 2020. [5] Belvedere Castle has undergone three renovations – the first in 1983, the second in 1995-1996 (just in time, evidently, for its appearance in "High Noon"), and most recently in 2018-2019. [6][7][8]

A bronze cockatrice was sculpted by Jacob Wrey Mould and is displayed over the main entry inside Belvedere Castle. [9]

See Also