Puck's Flute

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Oberon holding Puck's Flute.

Puck's flute was a magic flute crafted by Puck. It resembles a simple tube with holes carved on one side, but it is not clear what the flute is made from or how it is played. The powers of the flute are as yet unknown.


In 971 AD, the flute was in the hoard of the dragon known as Wyvern. When the dragon attacked Wyvern Hill, the Archmage took the opportunity to send his apprentice Angel to retrieve the flute from the unguarded hoard. The gargoyle used a Scrying Glass to locate the flute among all of the treasure. She brought it to the Archmage afterwards. ("The Pledge")

Puck used the flute when he took on the role of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. ("Acquisitions")

By 1996, the flute was in the possession of Oberon who used the flute to help the gargoyle beast Boudicca track Puck's scent when Puck did not attend the Gathering. ("The Gathering" Part One)

Production Background

Greg Weisman had intended for the flute to reappear in "The Gathering" Part Two, in which Puck would have used the flute to temporarily subdue Oberon. He has said that not using the flute again was probably a mistake. [1]