Giants of Finance

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The 'Giants of Finance'

The Giants of Finance are a series of art deco sculptures carved on the side of a prominent skyscraper and are located within the general vicinity of PackMedia Studios.

In 1995, in September, Brooklyn, Lexington, and Bronx perched atop the Giants of Finance while keeping a vantage on PackMedia Studios and searching for any signs of the recently escaped Pack. Then on Halloween night, David Xanatos flew past the 'Giants' in his exo-frame while tracking the werefox to Felice's Meats. ("Leader of the Pack", "Eye of the Beholder")

Real World Background

20 Exchange Place, formerly the City Bank–Farmers Trust Building, is a skyscraper in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan in New York City. Completed in 1931, it was designed by Cross & Cross in the Art Deco style as the headquarters of the City Bank–Farmers Trust Company, predecessor of Citigroup.

There are fourteen figures at the 19th floor, corresponding to the piers directly in front of the tower. The figures, designed by David Evans, contain representations of "giants of finance"; half are depicted with scowls, while the other half have smiles. These faces allude to a prophecy made by the biblical figure Joseph, who, after interpreting Pharaoh's dreams, predicted that "seven years of plenty" would precede "seven years of famine" in Egypt. (Genesis 41: 1-57)

See Also