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(first pass proofread -- tangent, wonder how many pages still need the simplified summary? Also, the answer is 40 d:)
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===Act One===
===Act One===
The travelers find themselves on the open ocean. [[Elisa Maza|Elisa]] tells her companions that the first thing she plans to do upon returning to [[Manhattan]] is to buy a hot dog from a street vender. [[Bronx]] growls and Elisa agrees to get two hot dogs. Suddenly a monstrous screech is heard. Elisa notes that that didn't sound like a taxi to her. The mist clears and an [[Queen Florence Island|island]] appears before them. [[Goliath]] wonders where they are. Suddenly, [[Angela]] spots a form moving quickly through the water coming right for the [[skiff]]! Before anyone can react, it collides with the skiff, throwing its occupants into the ocean. Goliath manages to grab on to [[Sea Monster|the beast]]. Meanwhile, Elisa swims back to the overturned skiff and calls for Goliath's help when the monster emerges again from the ocean with Goliath still holding on. The sea monster dives back into the water, damaging the skiff and sending Elisa away in a wave. Angela uses a wave to get slightly airborne and launches herself at the monster. She claws at its hide, but is thrown off by a jet of water from the creature's body. Bronx also is biting the creature's tail. The [[gargoyle]]s continue to battle the monster both above and below the waterline before the creature dives deep and swims away. As it flees, Angela notes that the beast has been defeated. Goliath suddenly realizes that Elisa is nowhere to be seen and calls for her panickily. A raven flies overhead.
The raven flies still above the shores of the island where the damaged skiff and a small village are seen. It flies around a totem pole. Goliath, Angela, and Bronx swim ashore and crawl to the foot of the totem, catching their breath. Goliath is very concerned about Elisa, but finds himself in awe of the totem pole. Angela notes that the carvings look like gargoyles. Goliath wonders if that is even possible as the Sun rises and they [[Stone Sleep|turn to stone]]. The raven lands atop the totem and looks down to the sleeping gargoyles.
Meanwhile, in the village, a [[Queen Florence Island Family|family]] boards a small boat laden with their belongings. [[Grandmother]] urges them to not abandon their home. The father tells her that he wants to find work on the mainland. On the the island everything is dying. He yells a goodbye to [[Natsilane|Nick]] who waves back and wishes him luck. Grandmother tells Nick (who she calls Natsilane) that he is the Chief of their people and it is only he that can restore the island. He tells her that he has run every test to try to figure out what is wrong on the island. Grandmother tells him that science isn't going to solve the problem. He must climb the volcano and battle [[Raven]] like his father and grandfather did. Only that will break the [[magic|spell]] which is drying the island. Nick rolls his eyes at this. He didn't go to [[Harvard]] to battle evil spirits. He asks her to call him Nick. He suddenly spots Elisa washed up on the beach. He and Grandmother run to help her. She is alive, but unconscious. They move her inside.
The Sun sets and the gargoyles awake. Goliath tells Angela that they must find Elisa, but is hushed by a gargoyle atop the totem pole who calls him brother. Goliath and Angela are shocked. The raven-gargoyle glides down to them and tells them they must leave this place. Bronx growls suspiciously, but Goliath calms him and asks the stranger if he is a gargoyle. The raven-gargoyle says that he is and that he saw the fight with the Sea Monster but could not reach them before sunrise. Angela asks him if he has seen their friend, a [[human]] female. The gargoyle says that if their friend is human than she is no friend of his. Angela asks why this display of bitterness towards humans. The gargoyle tells them that the people of the island destroyed his [[clan]] while they slept and that only a few of them remain. Goliath reacts to this and asks where are the others. The gargoyle tells him they are in hiding and only emerge to protect the village. They must go to them now. Goliath wants to search for Elisa. The gargoyle relents and tells Goliath that his clan will help them search. They all climb the totem pole. The gargoyle cautions the rest to stay on guard: there is an evil sorceress named Grandmother who seeks to destroy the human village. It is she, he claims, that summoned the Sea Monster. He glides off towards the volcano. Angela notes that this place is full of surprises and they follow the new gargoyle.
Back at the village, Elisa is feverish in bed. Nick says they need to get her to a hospital. Grandmother instead pulls a tuber from a bag and begins to prepare it in a stone bowl. Nick tells her this isn't the time for "herbs and potions" and Grandmother scolds him, "When will you learn that the ancient ways of your people are strong?" Nick does not answer and leaves to radio for a helicopter. Elisa mumbles words of caution to Goliath in her feverish dreams.
===Act Two===
===Act Two===
Goliath, Angela, and Bronx follow the new raven-gargoyle to the volcano on the island. It glows with heat. They all land on the far side of the caldera where some totems stand near a cave. The gargoyle tells them that "our home is your home" and calls out to the cave for the others to meet their guests. Three gargoyles emerge slowly. Goliath greets them, but they recoil. The raven-gargoyle tells the newcomers that they were once warriors, but are now crippled with grief. Goliath is just glad to see living gargoyles.
In the village, Grandmother continues working on her brew as a very sick Elisa sleeps uneasily nearby. Grandmother puts her salve on Elisa's chest and tells her to be well. Within moments, Elisa awakes, alarmed, and asks where she is. Grandmother explains that she is on [[Queen Florence Island]] off the west coast of [[Canada]] and that she is called Grandmother by the [[Haida]] people. Nick rushes into the lodge explaining that due to a storm the hospital can't send a helicopter. He is surprised to find Elisa awake and doing much better. Elisa asks about her friends. Grandmother places her hand on Elisa's forehead and tells her she will see her friends but must rest first. Elisa quickly falls asleep again. Nick is relieved that Elisa's illness was not as serious as he thought apparently. "Just don't tell me you cured her with tree bark." Grandmother replies with a grin, "And roots..." Nick is nonplussed.
In the volcano's caldera, the raven-gargoyle tells the gargoyles that he and his clan will search the village as they know how to avoid the humans. Angela questions why they protect the humans if they mean them harm. Goliath explains that gargoyles protect with honor. It is their heritage – despite how they are treated. The raven-gargoyle notices that this truth weighs heavily on Goliath. Bronx growls and Goliath says there has been enough talk. He tells Bronx to find Elisa. The [[Gargoyle Beast|beast]] runs off. Goliath thanks the raven-gargoyle for his help. "It is an honor, brother." Goliath and Angela take to the air to follow Bronx. The raven-gargoyle watches them depart. He turns to his clan and they magically disappear! He takes flight.
Bronx is in the forest below, sniffing and searching. Above, Goliath and Angela follow and talk. Angela doesn't understand. If humans know how valued gargoyles are, shouldn't they open their hearts to them? Goliath tells her that the [[Earth|world]] is not always as they wish. "What humans don't understand, they fear. And what they fear, they often seek to destroy." Angela sees that Bronx has stopped on the shoreline. They land and discover that Bronx has located Elisa's police badge. They must not give up hope.
Back at the village, Elisa is out of bed and walking weakly away from the buildings. Nick tells her that she is in no condition to hike around the island. Elisa tells him it does not matter. She has to find her friends. She notices the totem poles and asks Nick if they were inspired by gargoyles. Nick is confused. He explains that the totems were carved to honor their animal ancestors. "It's tradition," he explains. Grandmother emerges from the lodge and tells Elisa that she does know of gargoyles; they have never lived on the island. Nick is annoyed. The women are talking about them as if they were real. Just like Raven, gargoyles are make-believe. Elisa laughs. That's what she used to think. She runs off to find her friends. Grandmother implores Natsilane to hear what Elisa is saying. He needs to open his eyes and his heart before it is too late. Nick scowls. "I can't wait to talk to someone rational." Grandmother is sadly silent.
Elisa continues to move through the dying forest. "This isn't exactly [[Central Park]]." A raven watches on. Elisa is startled when she comes across a [[Bear|bear]] looking for food. The raven flies down and agitates the bear and it runs away and right towards Elisa! Elisa runs and the bear gives chase. Elisa trips and looks at the bear approach her in terror. Suddenly, Bronx leaps from the brush and tackles the bear. The two beasts scuffle briefly and the bear flees. Elisa is elated to see Bronx and asks him about Goliath and Angela before laughing at her own question.  Goliath and Angela land and everyone is thrilled to be reunited. Goliath and Elisa embrace. Angela asks if Elisa is all right. She says she's a lot better now and wonders where the gargoyles have been. Goliath tells her that they have met other gargoyles and explains that the carved poles are markers of their murdered clan. Elisa says that Grandmother told her that there are no other gargoyles here. Goliath tells her that Grandmother is a sorceress and Angela informs Elisa that Grandmother summoned the Sea Monster. Elisa can't believe it, but Goliath insists that she has been deceived. Elisa goes to talk to the old woman and the gargoyles go with her to be safe. They come across Grandmother sitting in the woods quietly. Elisa asks if that looks like a sorceress. Bronx growls and a magical aura appears around the sitting woman. She stands and transforms into a huge, monstrous [[Thunderbird]]!
===Act Three===
===Act Three===
The Thunderbird takes to the air. Elisa and the gargoyles watch on in shock as it heads toward the village. Goliath and Angela take to the air in pursuit. From the ground, Elisa begs Goliath to stop. Undeterred, Goliath and Angela attack the Thunderbird who takes damage and tries to get away (and stay airborne). Seeing the damage the Thunderbird is taking, the raven-gargoyle and his clan arrive and encourage the violence. "Destroy the monster!" Angela notes something odd: the Thunderbird's wings seem to pass right though the island's gargoyles as if they are not even there! She grows suspicious. Below, Elisa is shocked to see that there are gargoyles just as Goliath said. The Thunderbird again attempts to flee and Elisa and Bronx follow. the raven-gargoyle tells Goliath that their human friend was not in the village. Goliath begins to explains, but Angela interrupts him and claims they have not found her either. The raven-gargoyle says he will continue to search with them, but Angela tells him that he has left his home unprotected for too long. The raven-gargoyle agrees and departs. Goliath wants to know why Angela lied to him and she explains that the gargoyles they met are ''not'' what they seem.
In the forest, the Thunderbird has transformed back into Grandmother. She rests against a tree, seeming tired or injured. Elisa and Bronx approach her and Elisa asks her why she attacked them. Grandmother explains that she did not attack them. She just wanted Natsilane to see a creature of legend which is why she appeared as the Sea Monster and the Thunderbird. Goliath and Angela join them and ask for further explanation. Grandmother has not seen gargoyles for many generations and is glad to see that they thrive. Goliath corrects her, "We live... we do not thrive." Elisa points out that she saw the other gargoyles in the sky. Angela shakes her head and tells her that they were not gargoyles, but illusions. Grandmother agrees that they were created by Raven, the trickster. Goliath wonders why Raven would want to mislead them. Raven, in his raven-gargoyle form, appears and asks isn't it obvious by now: if Natsilane won't battle him, then the island is his. He transforms into a more human-looking visage. He points out that his cousin, Grandmother, tried to get the chief to believe the myths, but failed. And fortunately, the travelers arrived and did all the fighting for him. Elisa asks why Grandmother cannot just show her power and Grandmother explains that they are [[Children of Oberon]] and thus are [[Oberon's Law|forbidden from intervening directly in human affairs]]. Goliath is enraged at being tricked and lied to. He says he will battle Raven instead. Raven is not scared. He tells Goliath that he knows where he lives and transforms back into his raven form and flies off. Goliath is prepared to follow, but Elisa stops him. She has a better idea.
Elisa returns to the village and approaches Nick. He is relieved to see her, and was worried. She says that she is fine and that she found her friends. Goliath, Angela, and Bronx reveal themselves and Nick is shocked. Elisa tells him that the gargoyles should be proof that legendary creatures exist beyond his worldview. Angela hands him an axe and shield and demands that he battle Raven. Nick still balks. He's supposed to battle a creature of legend?! Goliath is annoyed at Nick's reluctance and leaves. The man explains that he's a scientist and can't turn his back on everything he believes in. As the travelers part, Elisa tells him that maybe it's time to get some new beliefs. "Or some old ones."
Goliath and Angela return to the volcano ready to battle Raven. Raven appears in human form and tells Goliath to control himself. He doesn't want to fight the gargoyle. Suddenly, from the rim of the caldera, Natsilane appears in traditional clothes and armed for battle. He declares that it is he that must battle Raven! The trickster scoffs and mocks him, but relents. But first he must make sure it's an uneven fight. Raven casts a spell on a totem pole animating the wooden beasts. He then transforms into his raven-gargoyle form and, barely motivated, instructs the wooden gargoyle creatures to fight the real gargoyles while he handles Natsilane. As the totem beasts attack the gargoyles, Raven flies up to Natsilane and begins his attack while mocking him. Natsilane defends himself and is undeterred when Raven tells him the island is his. Natsilane uses his weapons to fire a magical blast at Raven. Below, the wooden beasts continue their attack on the gargoyles. Goliath plays dead long enough to trick one into approaching him before grabbing it and smashing it against the rocks. Angela, being pursued through the air by another, tricks it into flying into the caldera wall, destroying it. The third beast nearly tackles Angela, but Bronx leaps onto it from above and smashes it into the ground. Angela lands and thanks the beast. Meanwhile, above, Natsilane continues to fire magical blasts at Raven, to the latter's shock. He transforms back into his human-like form. Natsilane tells him that the land belongs to the Haida people, not to the trickster. Raven tells him the people have fled, but Natsilane replies that the people will return when the land is again plentiful. Grandmother and Elisa approach Natsilane and the gargoyles join them to surround the trickster. Grandmother tells Raven that he is beaten. Raven refuses to admit it and instead transforms back into his gargoyle form and departs while laughing. Natsilane asks Grandmother if Raven is gone forever. "No," she replies, "that is why you must see that the ways of the people remain strong." Elisa compliments Natsilane on his heroism. The Chief protests that he doesn't know anything about the travelers and Goliath tells him that it isn't important. He has regained his home and now they must do the same. Elisa looks around and can't find Grandmother. She wanted to say goodbye. A glowing aura surrounds Grandmother at the base of the volcano. Her hair magically becomes flowing water. As the water creeps across the land, the island is healed. New plants grow and the island becomes green and healthy again. As water continues to spill from her hair, Grandmother waves goodbye to the travelers. Goliath, Angela, Elisa, and Bronx depart the island on their skiff.
==Featured Characters==
==Featured Characters and First Appearances==
Line 44: Line 71:
*[[Raven's Clan|Raven's "Clan"]] '''(First Appearance)'''
*[[Sea Monster]] '''(First Appearance)'''
*[[Bear]] '''(First Appearance)'''}}
*[[Bear]] '''(First Appearance)'''
*[[Thunderbird]] '''(First Appearance)'''}}
==First Appearances==
*[[Queen Florence Island]]
*[[Totem Beasts]]
Both [[Raven]] and [[Grandmother]] are seen [[Gathering|returning]] to [[Avalon]] in [[The Gathering Part One|"The Gathering" Part One]].
Both Raven and Grandmother are seen [[Gathering|returning]] to [[Avalon]] in [[The Gathering Part One|"The Gathering" Part One]].
[[Goliath]] recognizing Raven as a [[gargoyle]] confirms prior to [[M.I.A.|"M.I.A."]] and [[The Green|"The Green"]] that the race can vary in different appearances.
Goliath recognizing Raven as a [[gargoyle]] confirms prior to [[M.I.A.|"M.I.A."]] and [[The Green|"The Green"]] that the race can vary in different appearances.
[[Elisa Maza|Elisa]] quotes the famous line from ''[[Hamlet]]'', "There are more things in heaven and [[Earth]]..." – bringing yet another piece of [[William Shakespeare|Shakespeare]] into ''[[Gargoyles (TV series)|Gargoyles]]''.
Elisa quotes the famous line from ''[[Hamlet]]'', "There are more things in heaven and [[Earth]]..." – bringing yet another piece of [[William Shakespeare|Shakespeare]] into ''Gargoyles''.
Raven's lies would later on be converted into truth, according to [[Greg Weisman]]; at the beginning of his projected sequel series, ''[[Gargoyles 2198]]'', a [[Liberty Clan|new clan]] would be founded at [[Queen Florence Island]]. That same series would also include among its major characters a descendant of [[Natsilane]] (who would also be related to the Mazas, though just when the two families intermarried has not yet been revealed).
Raven's lies would later on be converted into truth, according to [[Greg Weisman]]; at the beginning of his projected sequel series, ''[[Gargoyles 2198]]'', a [[Liberty Clan|new clan]] will be founded at [[Queen Florence Island]]. That same series would also include among its major characters a descendant of Natsilane (who would also be related to the Mazas, though just when the two families intermarried has not yet been revealed).
Raven refers to Grandmother as his cousin; this is a (much-neglected, alas) sign that the title "[[Children of Oberon|Oberon's Children]]" for the Third Race should not be interpreted literally.
Raven refers to Grandmother as his cousin; this is a (much-neglected, alas) sign that the title "Oberon's Children" for the Third Race should not be interpreted literally.
Although Natsilane is a member of the [[Haida]] nation, during the battle against Raven he is dressed like a stereotypical "Plains Indian" chief, very different from traditional Haida garb. This is most likely an error due to oversight.
Although Natsilane is a member of the [[Haida]] nation, during the battle against Raven he is dressed like a stereotypical "Plains Indian" chief, very different from traditional Haida garb. This is most likely an error due to oversight.

Latest revision as of 19:58, 24 June 2024


"Heritage" is the thirty-eighth televised episode of the series Gargoyles, and the twenty-fifth episode of Season 2. It originally aired on November 27, 1995.


The Story

Previously on Gargoyles

Act One

The travelers find themselves on the open ocean. Elisa tells her companions that the first thing she plans to do upon returning to Manhattan is to buy a hot dog from a street vender. Bronx growls and Elisa agrees to get two hot dogs. Suddenly a monstrous screech is heard. Elisa notes that that didn't sound like a taxi to her. The mist clears and an island appears before them. Goliath wonders where they are. Suddenly, Angela spots a form moving quickly through the water coming right for the skiff! Before anyone can react, it collides with the skiff, throwing its occupants into the ocean. Goliath manages to grab on to the beast. Meanwhile, Elisa swims back to the overturned skiff and calls for Goliath's help when the monster emerges again from the ocean with Goliath still holding on. The sea monster dives back into the water, damaging the skiff and sending Elisa away in a wave. Angela uses a wave to get slightly airborne and launches herself at the monster. She claws at its hide, but is thrown off by a jet of water from the creature's body. Bronx also is biting the creature's tail. The gargoyles continue to battle the monster both above and below the waterline before the creature dives deep and swims away. As it flees, Angela notes that the beast has been defeated. Goliath suddenly realizes that Elisa is nowhere to be seen and calls for her panickily. A raven flies overhead.

The raven flies still above the shores of the island where the damaged skiff and a small village are seen. It flies around a totem pole. Goliath, Angela, and Bronx swim ashore and crawl to the foot of the totem, catching their breath. Goliath is very concerned about Elisa, but finds himself in awe of the totem pole. Angela notes that the carvings look like gargoyles. Goliath wonders if that is even possible as the Sun rises and they turn to stone. The raven lands atop the totem and looks down to the sleeping gargoyles.

Meanwhile, in the village, a family boards a small boat laden with their belongings. Grandmother urges them to not abandon their home. The father tells her that he wants to find work on the mainland. On the the island everything is dying. He yells a goodbye to Nick who waves back and wishes him luck. Grandmother tells Nick (who she calls Natsilane) that he is the Chief of their people and it is only he that can restore the island. He tells her that he has run every test to try to figure out what is wrong on the island. Grandmother tells him that science isn't going to solve the problem. He must climb the volcano and battle Raven like his father and grandfather did. Only that will break the spell which is drying the island. Nick rolls his eyes at this. He didn't go to Harvard to battle evil spirits. He asks her to call him Nick. He suddenly spots Elisa washed up on the beach. He and Grandmother run to help her. She is alive, but unconscious. They move her inside.

The Sun sets and the gargoyles awake. Goliath tells Angela that they must find Elisa, but is hushed by a gargoyle atop the totem pole who calls him brother. Goliath and Angela are shocked. The raven-gargoyle glides down to them and tells them they must leave this place. Bronx growls suspiciously, but Goliath calms him and asks the stranger if he is a gargoyle. The raven-gargoyle says that he is and that he saw the fight with the Sea Monster but could not reach them before sunrise. Angela asks him if he has seen their friend, a human female. The gargoyle says that if their friend is human than she is no friend of his. Angela asks why this display of bitterness towards humans. The gargoyle tells them that the people of the island destroyed his clan while they slept and that only a few of them remain. Goliath reacts to this and asks where are the others. The gargoyle tells him they are in hiding and only emerge to protect the village. They must go to them now. Goliath wants to search for Elisa. The gargoyle relents and tells Goliath that his clan will help them search. They all climb the totem pole. The gargoyle cautions the rest to stay on guard: there is an evil sorceress named Grandmother who seeks to destroy the human village. It is she, he claims, that summoned the Sea Monster. He glides off towards the volcano. Angela notes that this place is full of surprises and they follow the new gargoyle.

Back at the village, Elisa is feverish in bed. Nick says they need to get her to a hospital. Grandmother instead pulls a tuber from a bag and begins to prepare it in a stone bowl. Nick tells her this isn't the time for "herbs and potions" and Grandmother scolds him, "When will you learn that the ancient ways of your people are strong?" Nick does not answer and leaves to radio for a helicopter. Elisa mumbles words of caution to Goliath in her feverish dreams.

Act Two

Goliath, Angela, and Bronx follow the new raven-gargoyle to the volcano on the island. It glows with heat. They all land on the far side of the caldera where some totems stand near a cave. The gargoyle tells them that "our home is your home" and calls out to the cave for the others to meet their guests. Three gargoyles emerge slowly. Goliath greets them, but they recoil. The raven-gargoyle tells the newcomers that they were once warriors, but are now crippled with grief. Goliath is just glad to see living gargoyles.

In the village, Grandmother continues working on her brew as a very sick Elisa sleeps uneasily nearby. Grandmother puts her salve on Elisa's chest and tells her to be well. Within moments, Elisa awakes, alarmed, and asks where she is. Grandmother explains that she is on Queen Florence Island off the west coast of Canada and that she is called Grandmother by the Haida people. Nick rushes into the lodge explaining that due to a storm the hospital can't send a helicopter. He is surprised to find Elisa awake and doing much better. Elisa asks about her friends. Grandmother places her hand on Elisa's forehead and tells her she will see her friends but must rest first. Elisa quickly falls asleep again. Nick is relieved that Elisa's illness was not as serious as he thought apparently. "Just don't tell me you cured her with tree bark." Grandmother replies with a grin, "And roots..." Nick is nonplussed.

In the volcano's caldera, the raven-gargoyle tells the gargoyles that he and his clan will search the village as they know how to avoid the humans. Angela questions why they protect the humans if they mean them harm. Goliath explains that gargoyles protect with honor. It is their heritage – despite how they are treated. The raven-gargoyle notices that this truth weighs heavily on Goliath. Bronx growls and Goliath says there has been enough talk. He tells Bronx to find Elisa. The beast runs off. Goliath thanks the raven-gargoyle for his help. "It is an honor, brother." Goliath and Angela take to the air to follow Bronx. The raven-gargoyle watches them depart. He turns to his clan and they magically disappear! He takes flight.

Bronx is in the forest below, sniffing and searching. Above, Goliath and Angela follow and talk. Angela doesn't understand. If humans know how valued gargoyles are, shouldn't they open their hearts to them? Goliath tells her that the world is not always as they wish. "What humans don't understand, they fear. And what they fear, they often seek to destroy." Angela sees that Bronx has stopped on the shoreline. They land and discover that Bronx has located Elisa's police badge. They must not give up hope.

Back at the village, Elisa is out of bed and walking weakly away from the buildings. Nick tells her that she is in no condition to hike around the island. Elisa tells him it does not matter. She has to find her friends. She notices the totem poles and asks Nick if they were inspired by gargoyles. Nick is confused. He explains that the totems were carved to honor their animal ancestors. "It's tradition," he explains. Grandmother emerges from the lodge and tells Elisa that she does know of gargoyles; they have never lived on the island. Nick is annoyed. The women are talking about them as if they were real. Just like Raven, gargoyles are make-believe. Elisa laughs. That's what she used to think. She runs off to find her friends. Grandmother implores Natsilane to hear what Elisa is saying. He needs to open his eyes and his heart before it is too late. Nick scowls. "I can't wait to talk to someone rational." Grandmother is sadly silent.

Elisa continues to move through the dying forest. "This isn't exactly Central Park." A raven watches on. Elisa is startled when she comes across a bear looking for food. The raven flies down and agitates the bear and it runs away and right towards Elisa! Elisa runs and the bear gives chase. Elisa trips and looks at the bear approach her in terror. Suddenly, Bronx leaps from the brush and tackles the bear. The two beasts scuffle briefly and the bear flees. Elisa is elated to see Bronx and asks him about Goliath and Angela before laughing at her own question. Goliath and Angela land and everyone is thrilled to be reunited. Goliath and Elisa embrace. Angela asks if Elisa is all right. She says she's a lot better now and wonders where the gargoyles have been. Goliath tells her that they have met other gargoyles and explains that the carved poles are markers of their murdered clan. Elisa says that Grandmother told her that there are no other gargoyles here. Goliath tells her that Grandmother is a sorceress and Angela informs Elisa that Grandmother summoned the Sea Monster. Elisa can't believe it, but Goliath insists that she has been deceived. Elisa goes to talk to the old woman and the gargoyles go with her to be safe. They come across Grandmother sitting in the woods quietly. Elisa asks if that looks like a sorceress. Bronx growls and a magical aura appears around the sitting woman. She stands and transforms into a huge, monstrous Thunderbird!

Act Three

The Thunderbird takes to the air. Elisa and the gargoyles watch on in shock as it heads toward the village. Goliath and Angela take to the air in pursuit. From the ground, Elisa begs Goliath to stop. Undeterred, Goliath and Angela attack the Thunderbird who takes damage and tries to get away (and stay airborne). Seeing the damage the Thunderbird is taking, the raven-gargoyle and his clan arrive and encourage the violence. "Destroy the monster!" Angela notes something odd: the Thunderbird's wings seem to pass right though the island's gargoyles as if they are not even there! She grows suspicious. Below, Elisa is shocked to see that there are gargoyles just as Goliath said. The Thunderbird again attempts to flee and Elisa and Bronx follow. the raven-gargoyle tells Goliath that their human friend was not in the village. Goliath begins to explains, but Angela interrupts him and claims they have not found her either. The raven-gargoyle says he will continue to search with them, but Angela tells him that he has left his home unprotected for too long. The raven-gargoyle agrees and departs. Goliath wants to know why Angela lied to him and she explains that the gargoyles they met are not what they seem.

In the forest, the Thunderbird has transformed back into Grandmother. She rests against a tree, seeming tired or injured. Elisa and Bronx approach her and Elisa asks her why she attacked them. Grandmother explains that she did not attack them. She just wanted Natsilane to see a creature of legend which is why she appeared as the Sea Monster and the Thunderbird. Goliath and Angela join them and ask for further explanation. Grandmother has not seen gargoyles for many generations and is glad to see that they thrive. Goliath corrects her, "We live... we do not thrive." Elisa points out that she saw the other gargoyles in the sky. Angela shakes her head and tells her that they were not gargoyles, but illusions. Grandmother agrees that they were created by Raven, the trickster. Goliath wonders why Raven would want to mislead them. Raven, in his raven-gargoyle form, appears and asks isn't it obvious by now: if Natsilane won't battle him, then the island is his. He transforms into a more human-looking visage. He points out that his cousin, Grandmother, tried to get the chief to believe the myths, but failed. And fortunately, the travelers arrived and did all the fighting for him. Elisa asks why Grandmother cannot just show her power and Grandmother explains that they are Children of Oberon and thus are forbidden from intervening directly in human affairs. Goliath is enraged at being tricked and lied to. He says he will battle Raven instead. Raven is not scared. He tells Goliath that he knows where he lives and transforms back into his raven form and flies off. Goliath is prepared to follow, but Elisa stops him. She has a better idea.

Elisa returns to the village and approaches Nick. He is relieved to see her, and was worried. She says that she is fine and that she found her friends. Goliath, Angela, and Bronx reveal themselves and Nick is shocked. Elisa tells him that the gargoyles should be proof that legendary creatures exist beyond his worldview. Angela hands him an axe and shield and demands that he battle Raven. Nick still balks. He's supposed to battle a creature of legend?! Goliath is annoyed at Nick's reluctance and leaves. The man explains that he's a scientist and can't turn his back on everything he believes in. As the travelers part, Elisa tells him that maybe it's time to get some new beliefs. "Or some old ones."

Goliath and Angela return to the volcano ready to battle Raven. Raven appears in human form and tells Goliath to control himself. He doesn't want to fight the gargoyle. Suddenly, from the rim of the caldera, Natsilane appears in traditional clothes and armed for battle. He declares that it is he that must battle Raven! The trickster scoffs and mocks him, but relents. But first he must make sure it's an uneven fight. Raven casts a spell on a totem pole animating the wooden beasts. He then transforms into his raven-gargoyle form and, barely motivated, instructs the wooden gargoyle creatures to fight the real gargoyles while he handles Natsilane. As the totem beasts attack the gargoyles, Raven flies up to Natsilane and begins his attack while mocking him. Natsilane defends himself and is undeterred when Raven tells him the island is his. Natsilane uses his weapons to fire a magical blast at Raven. Below, the wooden beasts continue their attack on the gargoyles. Goliath plays dead long enough to trick one into approaching him before grabbing it and smashing it against the rocks. Angela, being pursued through the air by another, tricks it into flying into the caldera wall, destroying it. The third beast nearly tackles Angela, but Bronx leaps onto it from above and smashes it into the ground. Angela lands and thanks the beast. Meanwhile, above, Natsilane continues to fire magical blasts at Raven, to the latter's shock. He transforms back into his human-like form. Natsilane tells him that the land belongs to the Haida people, not to the trickster. Raven tells him the people have fled, but Natsilane replies that the people will return when the land is again plentiful. Grandmother and Elisa approach Natsilane and the gargoyles join them to surround the trickster. Grandmother tells Raven that he is beaten. Raven refuses to admit it and instead transforms back into his gargoyle form and departs while laughing. Natsilane asks Grandmother if Raven is gone forever. "No," she replies, "that is why you must see that the ways of the people remain strong." Elisa compliments Natsilane on his heroism. The Chief protests that he doesn't know anything about the travelers and Goliath tells him that it isn't important. He has regained his home and now they must do the same. Elisa looks around and can't find Grandmother. She wanted to say goodbye. A glowing aura surrounds Grandmother at the base of the volcano. Her hair magically becomes flowing water. As the water creeps across the land, the island is healed. New plants grow and the island becomes green and healthy again. As water continues to spill from her hair, Grandmother waves goodbye to the travelers. Goliath, Angela, Elisa, and Bronx depart the island on their skiff.

Featured Characters and First Appearances

Gargoyles Humans Oberon's Children Others

Places Magic


Both Raven and Grandmother are seen returning to Avalon in "The Gathering" Part One.

Goliath recognizing Raven as a gargoyle confirms prior to "M.I.A." and "The Green" that the race can vary in different appearances.


Elisa quotes the famous line from Hamlet, "There are more things in heaven and Earth..." – bringing yet another piece of Shakespeare into Gargoyles.

Raven's lies would later on be converted into truth, according to Greg Weisman; at the beginning of his projected sequel series, Gargoyles 2198, a new clan will be founded at Queen Florence Island. That same series would also include among its major characters a descendant of Natsilane (who would also be related to the Mazas, though just when the two families intermarried has not yet been revealed).

Raven refers to Grandmother as his cousin; this is a (much-neglected, alas) sign that the title "Oberon's Children" for the Third Race should not be interpreted literally.

Although Natsilane is a member of the Haida nation, during the battle against Raven he is dressed like a stereotypical "Plains Indian" chief, very different from traditional Haida garb. This is most likely an error due to oversight.

DVD Release


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