Scrying Glass

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Revision as of 21:07, 28 May 2024 by Phoenician (talk | contribs) (I could have sworn that it was telescope-looking, but there's no shot that makes that clear. Also, despite the name, I don't know how it technically operates, so I left out the 'magic' category for now. Feel free to add it if it doesn't seem like a leap.)
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The Scrying Glass is an object used to help find things.


In 971, when the Archmage sensed an opportunity to search the dragon Wyvern's hoard, he gave the Scrying Glass to the gargoyle, Angel. She ventured off to the dragon's cave and used the tool to locate a wooden flute. Taking the flute with her, she handed it over to the Archmage. What became of the Scrying Glass is not known. ("The Pledge")


The Scrying Glass is a small glass, lightly tinted green, framed in gold. One only needs to look through the glass to use it, although how it identifies what the user is looking for has yet to be revealed.