Television (Clock Tower)

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The TV

The television was a gift from Elisa Maza to the Manhattan Clan.




Elisa was carrying the television into the 23rd Precinct when she first met Matt Bluestone in January 1995. She told him it was a gift for a friend. Later that evening, she gave it to the Manhattan Clan. Hudson took to it, often watching Celebrity Hockey. The Trio would play and, occasionally, argue over a helicopter simulator video game. ("The Edge", "Her Brother's Keeper")

Later that year, Bluestone found the television up in the Clock Tower. Elisa tried to tell him the Clock Tower was her little hideaway but, at this point, her lies were unravelling. Shortly afterwards, Matt was introduced to the clan. ("Revelations")

The tv was destroyed in 1996 when the Hunters fired missiles into the Clock Tower. ("Hunter's Moon" Part Three)