City of Stone Part Four

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"City of Stone" Part Four is the twenty-fifth televised episode of the series Gargoyles, and the twelfth episode of Season 2. It originally aired on September 21, 1995.


The Story

Act One

The Eyrie Building, 1995: Before Demona is able to murder Elisa and Owen with her mace, Bronx pounces on her. Demona, speaking calmly, talks the beast down and resolves, instead, to access Xanatos's computer so that the gas packs will explode too soon to ignite the sky and break her spell, and far too soon for Goliath's clan and Xanatos to survive. She then calmly says that once they are dead, she'll kill Bronx, Owen, and especially Elisa (raising her voice at that last part). Bronx gets aggressive again at the change in Demona's voice; she returns to her calmer tone before stepping back towards the secret passage.

But before she can enter, the Hunter emerges, startling her. With the inhabitants of the city frozen in stone, he spotted the robots and gargoyles taking off from the castle and investigated to find her. Demona snarls that it's too late to save them and stop her, as she locks down the computer. But the Hunter doesn't care; he's not there for them, he's there for her. He wants it over between them.

Scotland, 1057. The Hunter leads an English army deep into Dunsinane, but they're ambushed by Demona and her clan and legions of Scottish troops. Demona calls upon the Hunter to surrender but he refuses and makes his escape. Demona knows the battle is far from over. She returns to Castle Moray and, very enthusiastically reports their victory to King Macbeth before lifting him into an embrace and spinning him in the air, but he takes his leave as he has business to attend. Demona's demeanor quickly changes from one of happiness to... suspicion.

Within the great hall, Macbeth asks Bodhe what he needed to say that Demona couldn't hear. Bodhe expresses his concern that the English are invading Scotland simply to destroy the remaining gargoyles and advises Macbeth to forswear them, depriving the Hunter of his English allies. But before Macbeth can respond, Luach stands in outrage, speaking up for the gargoyles and advising his father not to listen to this. Macbeth, however, in turn advises Luach that a wise king considers all of his options and then makes his choice; Luach doesn't respond, but storms off to gather reinforcements. But, unbeknownst to them Demona was clinging to the outer wall, listening to the conversation and, eyes burning red, she climbs away before she can hear what Macbeth says to Bodhe next.

Later on, Castle Moray is surrounded by the English and besieged, under the Hunter's command. A Scottish warrior reports to Macbeth that the gargoyles have deserted and that the English outnumber them five to one.

Act Two

As the castle burns, Macbeth runs through the halls and rescues Gruoch from the inferno within her bedchamber. Luach's reinforcements will not arrive in time, but Gruoch pleads with Macbeth that they must flee for the kingdom to survive.

Macbeth and Gruoch emerge from a storm drain as the English overrun the castle, and make their way towards Lunfanan Hill when they are confronted by the Hunter, who unmasks, revealing the face of Canmore. Macbeth, however, doesn't recognize him. Canmore announces his intent to slay Macbeth and recover his stolen crown. Macbeth attempts to offer Canmore forgiveness and mercy until they are joined by a vengeful Demona who has since joined Canmore's forces. Macbeth demands to know why she betrayed him, but she retorts that he knows he was conspiring to betray her to the English. Macbeth angrily declares that he'd never have done so, but Canmore takes this opportunity to stab Macbeth in the back and declares victory as Demona and Macbeth collapse.

Canmore is pleased that he confirmed the rumors that Demona and Macbeth were linked by sorcery; when one dies both die. He has no regrets about Demona's death, as it was only a matter of time before she would have betrayed them... and that gargoyles were an abomination that did not deserve to live (after casually mentioning that he'd destroyed the rest of her clan). A retainer of Canmore warns him that Luach is approaching with reinforcements, so Canmore again takes his leave.

Moments later, Luach and Bodhe come across Gruoch, her own body over her Macbeth's. Luach mourns his father and vows that the Hunter "and his English dogs will pay for this!". But Bodhe picks up the crown and places it on Luach's head, crowning him king. As Luach warns they must go, Gruoch asks for one moment alone with Macbeth.

As Gruoch says good-bye to Macbeth, the Weird Sisters appear. Phoebe consoles Demona, expressing compassion that her pain is great; Seline adds that she is unharmed, and Luna tells her to waken now... to the pain she has made for herself. As Demona gets back to her feet, an enraged Gruoch confronts her with the knowledge that Canmore betrayed her and destroyed her clan; that she is the last of her treacherous kin. Demona snarls that she's lying, but Gruoch tells her to search until she and all gargoyles are "a nightmare memory".

The Weird Sisters stand over Macbeth. Phoebe again expresses sympathy before revealing that Canmore was wrong. Seline continues with Canmore's belief that when one dies, both die... when in actuality it's when one lives, both live. Luna finishes their revelation by declaring that both will live, eternally linked, sharing each other's pain and anguish with no relief until one destroys the other... only then will both finally perish together.

Gruoch stares at Macbeth, terrified, until he takes her into his arms. Macbeth wants to return to Luach to win this battle, but Gruoch talks him out of it, telling him that's already been accused of sorcery and even his loyal Scotsmen will fear him now, that he must leave Scotland if they have any hope of victory. Macbeth begs Gruoch to come with him, but she says they cannot both abandon their son. They kiss one more time and Macbeth departs as the sun rises.

Act Three

New York City, 1995. The Hunter tells Demona that he has hunted her through the centuries for his vengeance. A bemused Demona tells Macbeth to take off that mask as he isn't fooling anyone. Behind her, the clock on Xanatos and the Manhattan Clan is ticking ominously.

In the skies over the city, Goliath tells Xanatos that it looks like their plan will work. Xanatos is more worried about Bronx shredding his tapestry. When Goliath asks which tapestry, Xanatos tells him the one on the south wall... an alarmed Goliath cries that they must return to the castle.

Macbeth removes the mask of the Hunter, saying he wears it as a reminder of her treachery. But Demona doesn't take him seriously; he blames her and she blames him... isn't he tired of talking about it? He snarls that he's not there to talk. But Demona continues to scoff at him; he knows the rules and that killing her will gain him nothing but his own death. Macbeth coldly draws his gun, stating that after this long a lifetime he has no fear of that and no desire to live in the kind of world she's creating. He pulls the trigger; Demona dodges the blast and the two engage in a fight for their lives... him to take theirs, and she to preserve hers.

The floor takes a blast and part of it begins to collapse. Goliath and Xanatos return to the Great Hall and Goliath narrowly manages to save the statues of Elisa and Owen, pulling them to safety and ordering Bronx to guard Elisa. Xanatos heads to the computer and is nervous when he discovers that the gas packs are set to detonate ten minutes prematurely; he attempts to change it but Demona changed the access code and locked him out. At this point, Demona is the only one who can save the city and the rest of the gargoyles.

Goliath and Xanatos descend into the lower levels of the castle. Goliath attempts to reason with Demona and Macbeth but both are (violently) uninterested. Xanatos resolves to take them down and sort it out later. But Macbeth pulls a grenade, taking out the floor under them and all fall towards the Atrium below the castle. Goliath and Xanatos manage to right themselves but Demona lands hard, Macbeth on top of her.

Macbeth picks up the unconscious Demona, with intent to impale her on a piece of debris, finally putting an end to both of them. Goliath pleads with him not to kill her... that it won't solve anything. The Weird Sisters appear, Phoebe saying that Goliath is right. Luna tells Macbeth that Duncan was afraid that Findlaech would make him king, and asks if his father's death actually stopped him from becoming king. Macbeth says no. Seline tells him he wanted to avenge his father, and asks if Gillecomgain's death settled the score. Macbeth, again, says no. Phoebe drives the point home by asking Macbeth if his "own death" saved Luach from Canmore. Macbeth solemnly says no. In his grief, he confesses that he's just so tired. The Weird Sisters then surround him and tell him to sleep, and Macbeth falls to the floor.

Xanatos cuts in, saying that normally he'd be fascinated, but he needs the access code to save his city.

The Weird Sisters raise Demona, who speaks in a trance. Phoebe urges Demona to give them the code. But Demona wants vengeance for the betrayal of her clan and vengeance for her pain. Seline asks who betrayed her clan and Luna asks who caused this pain? Demona, even in a trance trying to avoid the answer, says that the vikings destroyed her clan. Seline asks who betrayed the castle to the Vikings, but Demona continues to dodge the answer: the Hunter hunted them down. Phoebe asks who created the Hunter? Demona merely says that Canmore destroyed the last of them. Luna asks the last question: who betrayed Macbeth to Canmore? Goliath adds in that Demona's quest for vengeance has only created more sorrow and pleads with her to end it by giving them the code.

A tearful Demona replies: "The access code is: ALONE".

Xanatos immediately activates his thrusters and flies back up to the Great Hall; there he enters the access code and then resets the timer with three seconds to spare, actually breaking a sweat before sighing in relief.

Back in the Atrium, Demona comes out of her trance, sees Goliath and the Weird Sisters and her eyes burn red in anger, growling that they tricked her and had her under a spell! She declares that none of this was her fault, it was the humans! Always the humans! Resignedly, Goliath says she has learned nothing. But Demona is determined to have her revenge. The Weird Sisters restrain Demona before Luna puts her to sleep.

Goliath wonders what they should do with them. Phoebe says that they have written their stories; Seline comments that they are their responsibility. Luna then adds that they are their children. They surround the sleeping Demona and Macbeth and begin to teleport. Before they leave, Goliath asks who they are... what they are. One of the Sisters says that's a story for another day as the five of them disappear.

Xanatos and the gargoyles stand on the parapets as the gas packs ignite, the Steel Clan explode and the skies are briefly set ablaze. Xanatos is pleased with the results.

Inside the Great Hall, Elisa and Owen return to flesh and blood. The gargoyles quickly rush over to embrace Elisa. Xanatos hopes Owen will forgive him if he just shakes his hand. Owen is quite glad the plan worked.

Before the gargoyles can leave, Xanatos approaches Goliath saying they made a good team and admits that all his time he wondered why he let them live, then adds now he knows and it's because "you come in handy now and then". Goliath is annoyed at first before admitted that so does Xanatos... occasionally.

The gargoyles and Elisa depart the castle as the people of Manhattan return to flesh and blood and the sun rises on a new day.

Featured Characters and First Appearances

Gargoyles Humans Oberon's Children Others



Bodhe mentions that the English had already wiped out all the gargoyles in England; it will be revealed in "M.I.A." that he was mistaken, since at least one clan (the London Clan) lived on in hiding. This is the first time in the series that it is indicated that there were gargoyles native to regions other than Scotland.

At the end of the episode, Demona and Macbeth are taken away by the Weird Sisters, to be used as foot soldiers for the Archmage. They will remain under the Sisters' control until "Avalon" Part Three.

Goliath and Xanatos end their brief alliance (formed in "City of Stone" Part Two) on surprisingly amicable terms.


The link between Demona and Macbeth ties subtly in with William Shakespeare's play. In Shakespeare's Macbeth, the Three Witches tell him that "none of woman born" can kill him, which Macbeth misinterprets as meaning that he is invulnerable – until he discovers that his sworn foe, Macduff, was "from his mother's womb untimely ripped", i.e., born through Caesarian section. Demona, the only person who can kill the Macbeth of Gargoyles, was hatched from a gargoyle egg, which makes as good a loophole as Macduff's birth. (According to Greg Weisman, there were plans at one point to mention this in City of Stone, but these were dropped for lack of time. So also were plans to adapt the Birnam Wood sequence from Shakespeare's play into the story.)

In actual history, Canmore overthrew Luach in 1058 (the year after Macbeth's final defeat) and became King of Scotland (an event hinted at in the Weird Sisters' words to Macbeth near the end of this episode – "Did your own death save Luach from Canmore?"). He ruled until 1093, when he was slain in battle against the English (who had by this time been conquered by the Normans, so that he was not actually at war with his former allies, but with their subjugators) – at least, officially, his slayers were the English. From the perspective of the Gargoyles Universe, on the other hand, one wonders whether Canmore's death may have come from the hands of another party, something that would explain certain developments much later on in the series...

DVD Release


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