Owen's Office (Eyrie Building)

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Owen Burnett's Office

Owen's office is located inside Castle Wyvern atop the Eyrie Building.


Sometime between his purchase of Wyvern in 1993 and the skyscraper's completion in 1994, David Xanatos built a modern office into the Castle for his majordomo, Owen Burnett.

After Elisa Maza was shot, Goliath confronted Owen in the office to find out what happened to Elisa and learn she was at Manhattan General. When Owen learned that Fox was pregnant, he prepared counter measures for the building such as a force field and Iron Clan robots hidden near the building. ("Deadly Force", "The Gathering" Part One)

When Demona began her quest to acquire the Three Keys to Power, she confronted Owen in his office to steal Puck's Flute. ("Quo Vadis Cum Hoc?")


Where Is this Office?

The exterior?

In "Deadly Force", just before Goliath confronts Owen in the office, there is an establishing shot of the exterior of the Eyrie Building well below the Castle. While it is more than possible that (considering the circumstances) Goliath would journey deep into the building for answers about Elisa's condition, Greg Weisman wrote in 2007 on Ask Greg that the office was located in the Castle. [1] This is also supported by Demona's theft of Puck's Flute in "Quo Vadis Cum Hoc?"

It should be noted that the exterior doesn't match the interior, so this may have been a boarding mistake.