Tomas Brod

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Tomas Brod

Tomas Brod was a prominent gangster in Prague. His first name is pronounced like Tomáš, a common Czech name.


His organization had become so formidable by 1996 that even the police were unable to hold him in check, allowing him to run riot throughout the city. Halcyon Renard entered into an alliance with him, giving him a Cyberbiotics hovercraft in exchange for Brod stealing the Golem for him. Armed with the hovercraft, he raided an armory at a Konrock construction site, but was defeated by Goliath and the Golem before he could successfully steal the weapons there. ("Golem")

After his defeat, Brod managed to escape to New York City, where he set up a new organized crime syndicate in rivalry to Tony Dracon's, even attracting Jack Dane into his following. A turf war between Brod and Dracon began, which Elisa, the Trio, and Angela finally managed to end by defeating Brod -- who afterwards found himself sharing a cell with Dracon, to their mutual disgust. ("Turf") When word broke out that both Dominic and Dino Dracon would be free men, Brod hassled his cellmate on why he didn't look happy with the news. ("A Little Crazy")

Jack Dane continued to represent Brod and his interests on the streets. When Goliath was captured by the Gargoyle Taskforce and imprisoned in a cell directly across from the two rival crime lords, Brod was delighted at the gargoyle's predicament. But when Brooklyn attempted to rescue his leader from captivity, Brod was quick to point out the hypocrisy of the gargoyles being willing to break the law when it suited them. These words may have struck a chord with Goliath, who chose to remain imprisoned and face human justice. This ultimately saved Brod's life, as Grisha Volkov narrowly survived an assassination attempt from Dino Dracon, with Dane being implicated and, as such, Volkov sent his son, Wolf, to Rikers Island to kill Brod (and Tony, as well). Wolf soon arrived with Jackal and Hyena, but Goliath broke out and defeated the Pack. Even with this chance to escape, Goliath chose to remain and face his night in court... which surprised the gangster. ("Render Unto Caesar", "Mayday")

After the apparent demise of Dino Dracon, the gang wars ceased with the Dracon Family ceding territory to Brod's gang in return for a ten percent tithe on all revenue and Dominic Dracon being recognized as Pater Familias to all six crime families. But, unbeknownst to Brod, he handed influence to his gang over to Antoinette Dracon and, through her, Demona. ("Cold Comfort")


Production Background

Voice Actor: Clancy Brown