Dracon Family
The Dracon Family is the most powerful crime family in New York City.
"Dracons have owned this town for three generations." - Glasses, ("Turf")
At some point, the Dracons emigrated to the United States of America from Italy. It is unknown when they entered the world of organized crime, but Dominic Dracon brought the Family into prominence as the undisputed head of the Five Families. The Dracons were part of a jewel heist, partnered with Mace Malone, but following the heist, Malone disappeared without splitting the take. ("The Silver Falcon")
At various unknown dates, Dracon Family Associate, Jack Dane testified against the Family and entered Witness Protection. Dino Dracon also murdered his brother, Anthony some time before being sent to prison. ("Cold Comfort")
By 1994, Tony Dracon was the biggest major player in the family on the street. He engaged in many operations but ran afoul of Elisa Maza and the Manhattan Clan before being sent to jail. The Dracons' power was further eroded by a turf war instigated by Tomas Brod. ("Protection", "Turf")
With Dino and Tony in prison, Antoinette Dracon was left in charge when, at an unknown point, she made the acquaintance of the gargoyle, Demona. When Dominic was released from Bellevue and Dino from prison, Antoinette and Demona took advantage of the situation to manipulate Dino's violent tendencies and desire to control the city against the Manhattan Clan - and the scheme culminated in the apparent demise of Dino, and the Dracons returning to their former position as head of the now-Six Families with Dominic named pater familias - but, in actuality, Antoinette Dracon controlled her grandfather and in turn was controlled by Demona. ("Idyll or Nightmare", "Tale Old as Time", "Cold Comfort")
Known Members
Known Dracons
- Dominic Dracon - Boss (in name only)
- Anthony Dracon - Deceased
- Dino Dracon - Deceased
- Tony Dracon - Incarcerated
- Antoinette Dracon - De facto Boss... answers to Demona