Gargoyles (TV series)

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Gargoyles is a Walt Disney Company animated television series. Two seasons of the show (totalling 65 episodes) were aired as part of the Disney Afternoon programming block between October 24th, 1994 and May 15th, 1996. (A third season, rebranded as The Goliath Chronicles and broadcast on ABC, aired from September 7th, 1996 until February 15th, 1997, but this season is not considered canonical.) In 1995, Touchstone Pictures expressed interest in developing a live-action Gargoyles film.

The series differed from other Disney series in its level of maturity and the darker tone of the program. It drew much inspiration from world folklore, notably the works of William Shakespeare, legends of King Arthur, and Norse mythology.

Opening titles

During the opening title sequence of Gargoyles, clips from the show (many of them from the five-part pilot episode, "Awakening") are set to an instrumental score by Carl Johnson.

During the second season, in order to familiarize new viewers with the show's backstory, Keith David (the voice of Goliath) provided a voice-over that played over the theme tune.

One thousand years ago, superstition and the sword ruled. It was a time of darkness. It was a world of fear. It was the age of gargoyles.
Stone by day, warriors by night, we were betrayed by the humans we had sworn to protect--frozen in stone by a magic spell for a thousand years.
Now here in Manhattan, the spell is broken, and we live again!
We are defenders of the night. We are Gargoyles!


The series revolved around the adventures of the Manhattan Clan and their human allies, and occasionally, their enemies. But the series regulars were considered to be:


The Comedy Development

Gargoyles was originally pitched as a comedy-adventure series, more in the vein of Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears, but in the modern world. The basic premise remained the same: approximately one thousand years ago, gargoyles were not merely stone statues, but real flesh and blood creatures. But unlike the noble protectors of the finalized series, these gargoyles were mischievous troublemakers who frequently drove the local humans nuts. Eventually, the gargoyles are tricked into consuming 1000 year sleeping potion. Since gargoyles turn to stone whenever they fall asleep, they remain stone for the next thousand years. Then a wealthy businessman moves the castle where the gargoyles are napping to the top of his skyscraper, largely because he can. The jostling from the castle being placed atop the skyscraper is enough to wake the sleeping gargoyles. Now it's the twentieth century, the gargoyles are awake, and they are ready to party.

The comedy development went through several versions before eventually being scrapped in favor of a more serious treatment of the subject matter. However, some of the characters created in this early stage would later evolve into the final characters in the action-adventure series. One character who persisted through many versions of the comedy development was Morgan, the gargoyles' human friend. Morgan's day job went from museum curator to inventor to elementary school teacher. She was tasked with teaching the gargoyles about the modern world and keeping them out of trouble. When the show was reimagined with more of a dramatic focus, Morgan stayed around, eventually became a detective, and was renamed Elisa Maza. The name Morgan was eventually used as well.

On the villains side, the gargoyles' main foe was Xavier, a guy with very few morals and lots of inherited wealth. Xavier is also a descendant of an ancient sorcerer (named "Sidero", "Xavier of Glint", or the more informal "Sorcy") who battled the gargoyles back in the day. Now, however, he's stuck as a transparent ghost-like image and has to content himself with ordering his descendant around. Over the various stabs at the comedy development, Xavier was described first as a lazy, spoiled, rich guy who couldn't handle real work, then as an unscrupulous businessman who partnered with inventor Morgan and profited from her talents until he grew tired of being outshone by her and kicked her out of the company. At one point, Xavier had a flunky named Mister Owen who had somehow been turned into an anthropomorphic aardvark. Xavier, of course, evolved into David Xanatos. Owen was promoted from sniveling aardvark to Xanatos' right hand man and the epitome of "straight man". Aspects of the villainous sorcerer were later used for the Magus and the Archmage (and the idea of an ancestral ghost was used in "Vendettas").

The gargoyles themselves went through a lot of alterations. Early documents from the comedy development suggest as many as twelve possible gargoyles, though the number was quickly thinned down to a more manageable cast size. As the comedy treatment progressed, some of the gargoyles began to resemble the gargoyles we know today. A character called Georgette from early memos was promoted from the clan leader's love interest to clan leader. She was described as a scaly female Indiana Jones with a weakness for ice cream and a mortal fear of pigeons. Later, she was renamed "Dakota" (and swapped the ice cream for Chinese food). Finally, she became an overambitious bad apple and the only gargoyle to side with Xavier. To fit her less heroic personality, Dakota got her final change of name: Demona.

Back when Georgette was more the power behind the throne than the actual leader, the gargoyles followed a gargoyle named Nick. Nick was good at coming up with plans, but not so much at coming up with plans that actually worked, leaving Georgette to save the gargoyles' tails. Nick was also highly interested in the ladies, though his interests were seldom returned. Fortunately for the safety of the clan, Nick was demoted in the next pass and given the appropriate name "Trouble". Later dubbed "Amp" and given a hip and modern attitude, he resumed the position of leader when Georgette became Demona and turned to the dark side. His leadership abilities didn't improve much though; he's described as "easily tempted by ... temptation!" Fortunately, the rest of the gargoyles were never very quick to follow his lead. Amp was an obvious early incarnation of Brooklyn, though he apparently bore more physical resemblance to Lexington. The name Amp would eventually be used as well.

During Nick's brief stint as leader, there were two gargoyles named Cambell and Lassie. Cambell was fascinated by everything modern and Lassie was easily distracted and prone to misinterpreting situations. Cambell disappeared in the next memo, but Lassie remained and gained a little of Cambell's love of all things new - from modern weaponry to modern... shoelaces. Lassie eventually became a loyal, sweet-natured idiot-savant. When the action-adventure development began to evolve, Lassie got an intelligence upgrade and eventually became the gargoyle known as Lexington. (Though in a reverse of Amp, Lassie looked a little more like Brooklyn.)

Also among Nick's crew were a pair of gargoyle sisters: Pan Dora and Isa Dora. Isa Dora had a large girth, a love of song and dance combined with a talent for neither, and a generally sweet and friendly personality. The first memo to mention Isa Dora also refers to a possible alternate male version of her. Around the same time that Georgette became Dakota, Isa Dora was renamed "Cocoa", though her personality remained the same. In the 1991 pitch of the comedy development - with Amp as the leader and Demona turning evil - "Coco" was still present and still much the same: a gargoyle with the heart of a dancer and "the grace of a rhinoceros." With a change of gender and some additional refinements, Coco eventually became Broadway.

Rounding out the cast of recurring gargoyles was Ralph. Originally named "Ralph Fullmoon" and paired with "Alice Fullmoon" in an obvious nod to The Honeymooners, Ralph just couldn't catch a break. Everything he tried to do ended up backfiring on him. Of all the gargoyles, he was the least happy about being awake again. In later passes, Ralph lost his last name and went from world's unluckiest gargoyle to aging couch potato. He enjoyed the comforts of modern life and preferred experiencing them from the comfort of the indoors. The other gargoyles would come to him for advice or to catch up on the latest soap opera happenings. When the show became a drama, Ralph became Hudson.

The final pitch for the Gargoyles comedy series was written in September of 1991. It was submitted and rejected shortly thereafter, paving the way for a reimagining of the series as a dramatic action-adventure show.

"The Gargoyle" - Shifting to Drama


After the Disney executives passed on the comedy version of Gargoyles, Greg Weisman went to Disney TV producer Tad Stones for advice. Mr. Stones suggested revamping the series into a more straight-up action-adventure show with a single gargoyle protagonist, borrowing some themes from Disney's highly successful version of Beauty and the Beast. The pitch was almost completely reworked and retitled The Gargoyle. In this version, the titular gargoyle was magically created by an evil wizard to help him attack the castle of a good princess. The gargoyle dutifully makes his way to the castle, but once there, has a change of heart. He is taken with the princess and her ideals and resolves to help her battle the evil wizard. But as the sun rises, the gargoyle turns to stone, a condition of the wizard's spell he didn't know about. When he awakens the next night, he finds the castle ransacked. The princess is gone, possibly dead. Even his creator is nowhere to be found. The gargoyle is alone.

Being a creation of magic, the gargoyle is immortal. He remains at the crumbling castle, only making occasional forays into the wider world to steal books or sometimes fight evil (e.g. battling alongside the RAF in the Battle of Britain). But he never connects with another person and always returns to the castle in solitude. Then one night, he discovers that someone has been repairing the castle while he slept. He finds more and more of the castle restored each night. Then one day, the castle and the gargoyle are moved across the ocean to the top of a New York skyscraper belonging to wealthy businessman Xavier. It's in this strange new world that the gargoyle makes his first new human friend: an idealistic young plainclothes detective. She helps him find a purpose in life, protecting the city from evil.


Comedy development

  • 115. A real fossile... - The earliest file on the series, dated 3/11/91. (Reprint: 297.)
  • 116. Another tidbit - 3/12/91. (Reprint: 298.)
  • 299. Notes from a lunch meeting... - A memo, written before 3/20/91 by an associate (perhaps Kat Fair), about the comedy development. The modern human ally is described as a "nerd female" and she is a scientist working for the main villain, referred to as "evil 3piece/ex-mage".
  • 300. Early comedy development... - Notes from a Development Staff Meeting 3/20/91, again probably written by Kat Fair. For the first time, gargs turn to stone while sleeping. The castle-atop-a-skyscraper appears too. A mention of Trump Tower suggests that the modern setting is indeed New York. The villains are Nephew (pre-Xavier), Sorcerer (who put the gargoyles to sleep 1000 years earlier) and Sidekick. The female ally (pre-Elisa) is now a curator, perhaps with a young sister or daughter. The name Morgan is mentioned, but not firmly attached to the character. A backstory including an ancient princess counterpart to the modern heroine is mentioned briefly.
  • 301. FIRST BLUSH COMEDY GARGS - 4/5/91. A list of 9 gargoyle characters for the early comedy development with bios, compiled by Kat Fair and Cindy Chupack: Nick, Cambell, Pan Dora, Isa Dora (pre-Coco/Broadway), Alice Fullmoon, Ralph Fullmoon (pre-Ralph/Hudson), Georgette (pre-Dakota/Demona), Trouble and Lassie. Nick was similar to Brooklyn, although he more resembled Lex. Lex shared characteristics with both Cambell and Lassie. Trouble and Lassie were both considered as sidekicks to the evil Nephew.
  • 302. More comedy characterizations... - 4/18/91. A refined list of characters, reduced from 9 to 6 gargoyles: Georgette (pre-Dakota/Demona, now the leader), Trouble (pre-Brooklyn/Lex, resembles Nick but demoted to second-in-command), Isa Dora (pre-Coco/Broadway), Pan Dora (no equivalent), Lassie (pre-Lex/Brook), Ralph (pre-Hudson). Three human characters are also mentioned: Xavier (pre-Xanatos, but somewhat ineffectual), Morgan (pre-Elisa, a museum curator) and Sorcy. The castle is described as having been moved from Northern England, not Scotland. Gargoyles are described as being released from stone sleep when they were dropped during the castle's move and their shells cracked open.
  • 303. Comedy development coming together... - 4/24/91. Another refinement. The cast is the same but several names have changed: Georgette is now Dakota, Trouble is Amp, Isa Dora is Cocoa [sic], Pan Dora is Pandora, Sorcy is Sidero. Sidero is described as having desired immortality and then being trapped inside The Mirror. The backstory is set in 15th century, not 10th. The gargoyles are still awakened when their stone shells are cracked.
  • 304. Enter Owen -- The Aardvark! - 5/8/91. Xavier's sidekick Owen is introduced for the first time, as an aardvark. Owen has a crush on Morgan. Morgan is slightly different but still a curator. Xavier is described as looking good in a tux, but is still ineffectual.
  • 306. Interns again... - Two memos written by interns Hoyland Ricks and Regina Dixon, with ideas for episodes of the comedy series, written 7/3/91. One of Regina Dixon's episodes mentions that Morgan is a teacher, but still with an interest in archaeology.
  • 307. Morgan starts to morph... - A memo presumably from September 1991. Morgan is now an engineer/inventor and former employee of Xavier who resents him for stealing her inventions. Owen is now Mr Owen and still has a crush on Morgan. Xavier's sorcerer ancestor is not mentioned, and Xavier himself seems more competent.
  • 308. Dakota's out. Demona's in. - Two memos, from 9/6/91 and 9/10/91. In the first, Dakota has been removed as leader of the gargoyles. Morgan is still an inventor, but rather than merely being Xavier's former employee, she is now his former partner on equal footing. She has a helicopter. The new leader seems to be Morgan herself, although Amp is De facto in charge in most cases. The second memo is a new backstory. The gargoyles are now from a Prussian town named Oldenberg, but the backstory is now in the 11th century. They were put to sleep not by a magic spell (again, Sidero is not mentioned) but by irate villagers who drugged them. They wake up when the castle is literally dropped into place. Dakota is now Demona, a power-hungry former leader of the gargoyles who quickly sided with Xavier upon waking. The notion of gargoyles protecting appears for the first time, although Greg Weisman doesn't like it because it doesn't fit with the comedy trappings of the show.
  • 309. THE LOST CAUSE DIAMOND (and other stories...) - A dateless, nameless memo from approximately September 1991. Morgan is affiliated with a museum again, but Demona appears as a character. Xavier wants big diamonds and immortality. Amp (pre-Lex/Brook) wants to go joyriding.
  • 310. TIME TO SELL... - The script of the first pitch for the comedy Gargoyles show, from September '91. Morgan's last name is Reed, and she's an amateur archaeologist and second grade teacher. Xavier's last name is Glint (formerly "Xavier" itself has been his last name). Xavier's ancestor is called Xavier, and again was responsible for putting the gargoyles to sleep (again, by drugs). The backstory is firmly set "one thousand years ago". Amp still looks like Lex, but is far more like Brooklyn. Coco (spelled this way for the first time) is now much like Broadway, and is described as "a female John Belushi". Xavier's main motivation is attaining immortality. DeMona is spelled with a capital M in the middle. Xavier's henchmen are some "muscular 3-piece suits" (the origin of both the Goon Squad and the Steel Clan).
  • 311. Another trip to the drawing board... - 11/14/91. The backstory (before and after 1000 year sleep) is reworked, and written up by Fred Schaefer and (possibly) Kat Fair. Both Xavier and Morgan now have 10th century ancestors that knew the gargoyles, both of whom are powerful wizards, but it is not clear which is good and which is evil. (In Kat Fair's memo, the ancestors are known as Morgan and Xavier, although Fred Schaefer's memo mentions Xavier's ancestor as Sidero.) In one of two potential 10th century backstories, the gargoyles' main job is protecting people. In the other possible 10th century backstory, the gargoyles are from a small town outside Paris. For the first time, modern-day Morgan is a police officer (actually the Police Chief). The notion of Morgan being scared when she witnesses a gargoyle (Amp) for the first time are introduced. Although Xavier's ancestor appears in the backstory, Xavier (spelled "Xaxier" in Fred Schaefer's memo) works alone as a villain in modern day. While sleeping for 1000 years, the gargoyles are intentionally positioned on "their favorite perch" on the castle. The idea of gargoyles being servants of the 10th century villain appears.
  • 312. Gargoyles protect... - 11/20/91. A document by Kat Fair pulling the threads together. A handwritten note by Greg says that gargoyles are protectors that are treated like dogs. Again, both Morgan and Xavier have ancestors: Evil Wizard Morgan and Good Wizard Xavier. Again, the gargoyles are for a time servants of the Evil Wizard Morgan. The gargoyles are put to sleep either by a spell (by Morgan) or by a magic drug/potion. Again, the gargoyles are intentionally placed on the castle.

The Gargoyle

  • 313. The paradigm shift... (reprinted from 117. More...) - After the previous document (312), the comedy development was pitched to executives and rejected. On the advice of Tad Stones, the comedy development was abandoned in favor of an action-drama with a single tragic gargoyle lead. Some inspiration is taken from Beauty and the Beast. Summary of a meeting 12/19/91, this is the earliest file on the dramatic version, now called The Gargoyle. The 10th century backstory is "in barbaric Briton [sic]". The evil wizard (no name given, and with no apparent connection to Xavier) is now the creator of the Gargoyle (this is the only name used, as yet), who initially serves the wizard. A princess character appears for the first time, and shows the Gargoyle the error of his ways. The idea of gargoyles turning to stone during the day is firmly in place. The Gargoyle is immortal and awake through the 1000 years, perhaps fighting evil in WW2. Again, the castle is flown to the top of a NY skyscraper by the "arrogant villain" Xavier, a manipulative businessman. The Gargoyle's modern friend no longer has a name but is described as a "young idealistic girl (perhaps a plain clothes detective)". Possibility of the ancient wizard returning is raised, as is the possibility that the modern friend may have a child. The Gargoyle may have the power to awaken other stone statues, perhaps with a magic powder.
  • 314. brainstorming villains... - 1/6/92. A note from Fred Schaefer with suggestions for possible names for the main Gargoyle character (including Griffin), as well as ideas for villains for him to combat.
  • 315. And now "THE GARGOYLE: - 1/7/92. A pitch breakdown for the new development. The show is described as "gothic melodrama in a very modern setting". The Evil Wizard, Princess, Gargoyle, Xavier (described as new and menacing) and modern heroine (again suggested to be a police detective) are the only characters that appear. Suggestion is made that the modern heroine and the princess could use the same art model, and that Xavier and the evil wizard could be related. Suggestion is made that the Gargoyle might still live in Xavier's tower, perhaps even with Xavier. The heroine might have a child. During the 1000 year intermission, the Gargoyle might steal books from the library, or make occasional forays out into the world (e.g. to fight in WW2 - ripping the wings off a German plane).
  • 316. Villain-work... - 1/9/92. Fred Schaefer compiles Greg Weisman's suggestions for dramatic villains. Notably, a werewolf is mentioned as an example of a "horror-based" villain.
  • 317. More on villains... - 1/9/92. Another note from Fred Schaefer on villains, this time including Xavier and the Evil Wizard. Xavier is described as a "very big, muscular man" in a three-piece suit, as well as "a self-taught Machiavellian". Mention is made that Xavier and the Wizard might be enemies or rivals.
  • 318. My guru speaks... - 1/10/92. Tad Stones' feedback on the latest pitch breakdown (presumably document 315). Comments suggest that the backstory was set in the time of King Arthur, although that may have been for convenience or analogy rather than an actual suggestion. In particular, Merlin is credited with enchanting the Gargoyle to protect the castle, after the Gargoyle was framed by a (separate) evil wizard. Notable suggestions include: focusing more on the romance between the Gargoyle and his human ally, avoiding making the Gargoyle a creation of the wizard (to avoid making the wizard "godlike"), removing the Princess from the backstory (to avoid a connection with the modern ally), and making the Gargoyle a human under a spell.
  • 319. Mike responds to the guru... - 1/10/92. Staff assistant Mike Ryan's response to Tad Stones. Mike agrees that the Princess is unnecessary and that the romance should be more central.
  • 320. More Tad e-mails... - 1/10/92. A brief email exchange between Tad Stones and Greg Weisman. Once again Tad promotes the romance element of the series, and Greg Weisman agrees but says he doesn't know how much they can "get away with romance-wise". Greg points out that they cannot make the Gargoyle a human under a curse, because of similarities with several comic book characters.
  • 321. A species is born (again)... - 1/10/92. A second round of emails between Greg Weisman and Tad Stones. Tad mentions Beauty and the Beast explicitly, although this is in reference to human-to-beast transformation rather than romance. Greg is now very much leaning towards the idea of gargoyles as a species, and is considering bringing back other members of the species (as in the comedy development, but seen "through the dramatic prism").
  • 322. More emails: CATMAN - 1/13/92. Fred Schaeffer says he has created a villain named Cat Scan (the proto-Talon), and asks for information about "silly villains" like DC's Catman. Greg's response is mostly about DC villains, although an example about Black Canary includes the phrase "Even the badguys can have a committed relationship."
  • 279. I'm back... and so is Catscan - 1/13/92. Backstories and episode ideas featuring two new villains, Cat Scan and Shard, created by Fred Schaeffer. Elements of Cat Scan were later used for both Talon and Sevarius. In particular, mention is made that Xavier orchestrated the "lab accident" that mutated Cat Scan into a panther and that, after learning this, Cat Scan plans revenge.
  • 323. Enter "The Sculptor"... - 1/15/92. A backstory for a villain named the Sculptor, author unknown. Elements survived in Coldstone, as well as Jackal and Hyena (particularly in Jackal's fantasy dream from "The Green").
  • 280. Danger! - 1/17/92. Tad Stones gives notes on Catscan.
  • 324. Developments converge... - 1/20/92. The old comedy development begins to be re-incorporated into the show. Demona, Ralph (proto-Hudson), and the proto-Trio are back in the show. The Gargoyle Master is no longer a magical creation, but the leader of a different species.
  • 325. "The Gargoyle" still taking form... - 1/24/92. Still trying to figure out the series.


  • 326. Still trying to find focus... - 1/29/92. Greg Weisman trying to put together a pitch for a series now, again, called "Gargoyles".
  • 327. More on villains... - 1/29/92. Fred Schaefer's work on villains continues, including a rejected real name for Catscan and the introduction of Scarab.
  • 328. NAMES - 2/1/92. Circling in on the series concepts, Greg tries to find the names of the characters. The goal for the Gargoyle-Master's name was something Shakespearean or Mythological. Meanwhile, Gary Krisel was concerned that the name 'Demona' was too on the nose for a villain.
  • 329. A random thought that went nowhere... - 2/2/92. Greg suggested the possibility of naming all the gargoyles after stones or rocks.
  • 330. Still reworking the pitch... - 2/2/92. Another draft of the pitch. Goliath was still awake for a thousand years, and at the time gargoyles had stone-like skin even when awake.
  • 331. Must you humans name everything... - 2/3/92. Fred Schaefer's suggestions for names.
  • 332. Still searching for names... - 2/3/92. Tad Stones suggests some names.
  • 333. Still searching... - Bob Kline submits his name suggestions.
  • 334. Closing in... - Bruce Cranston suggests names based on New York City locations for the first time.
  • 335. THE PITCH: Version 4.0 - 2/6/92. The gargoyles are now named, but Goliath was still awake for a thousand years. Elisa's last name is still Reed. The Magus was called Malachite. But they were closing in on the show.
  • 336. PITCH 5.0 - 2/7/92. Similar to the previous pitch, but more nuanced.
  • 337. Pitch version 7 - 3/3/92. Goliath was also put to sleep for a thousand years, now.
  • 338. ANIMATION TEST - 4/23/92 The show had been rejected by Michael Eisner, but Jeffrey Katzenberg encouraged them to pursue it further. Gary Krisel suggested a five minute animation test that was never made, but this was Greg's first pass on what it would have contained.
  • 339. 2nd Draft of Animation Test - 5/8/92. The second outline of the never made animation test.
  • 340. Another pass at a test... - 5/18/92. A third pass.
  • 341. Trying again to sell the thing... - 10/21/92. Preparation to pitch the show to Michael Eisner for a third time but instead of changing the show, they began changed the pitch.
  • 342. Sold... - 12/4/92. Finally given the green light, they received an outline from a writer which wasn't the series Greg wanted to make, these are his notes trying to redirect things.
  • 114. More archives material... - 12/4/92 to one of the earliest writers to work on the project, about the five-part pilot. All the names seem to have been finalized, except Xanatos is still called Xavier.
  • 343. More work on the pilot... - 1/19/93. Creative differences with the first writer continue.
  • 344. At work on the pilot... - 1/20/93. Greg starts taking a much stronger hand than a development executive normally would, already moving towards being a producer on the series. Lex and Brooklyn's personalities hadn't switched yet. The Vikings are "marauders", Princess Katharine was a queen, Tom is called Robby, and the Magus was old and dottering.
  • 345. Still at work on the pilot... - 1/22/93. Still working with the first writer who felt that the gargoyles turning to stone every night was too limiting. Greg's first order of business was to confirm the rule.
  • 346. FOCUS TESTING - 1/29/93. They modified the pitch again when Disney decided to focus test it with a group of kids.
  • 347. My Journey to Oregon... - 3/4/93. Gary Krisel became fascinated with comic books because his sons were collecting, and wanted to pitch the show to Todd McFarlane to see if he would participate. Greg modified the pitch again but nothing came of the meeting.
  • 348. NEW WRITER ON PILOT - March, 1993. After going their separate ways with the first writer, Eric Luke is brought on board, and this document is rehashed for his benefit.
  • 349. Just to be complete... - 4/9/93. The final version of the pitch, the version that was shown at the Gathering of the Gargoyles and on the first season DVD.
  • 350. Back at work on the pilot... - 5/17/93. Eric Luke had turned in his first draft plot outline and this memo was Greg's response.
  • 351. Still honing the pilot... - 6/10/93. Another memo response to Eric Luke as Greg tries to bring the story out to help it shine.
  • 352. Kenner weighs in... - 6/25/93. Kenner won the toy license and brings in notes of their own. The one note kept was the gargoyles gliding rather than being able to fly.
  • 296. The word from Kenner Toys... - 6/30/93. The meeting with Kenner happened and they expressed their "concerns."
  • 272. - 7/2/93. Walt Disney TV Animation Japan had been asking for a more creative role in the division. Paul Lacy wrote up some character descriptions for Goliath and the Trio. Brooklyn and Lexington were assigned their basic personalities. Broadway moved away from being female.
  • 353. Prepping Production - 7/2/93. A memo from Lenora Hume to Mr. Tokunaga who was the head of Walt Disney Television Animation Japan.
  • 354. Being SANTA CLAUS is stressful. - 7/8/93. Kenner sent Greg a large box of toys which he gave to the company.
  • 355. Ducks in a row... - 7/10/93. Mr. Tokunaga of Walt Disney TV Animation Japan suggests some of his staff to be creative forces for "Gargoyles".
  • 356. Back to the pilot... - 7/15/93. Eric Luke turned in another outline for the pilot, it still had the Pack but it also introduced the concept of Gargoyle Eggs.
  • 359. An old memo... - 7/16/93. In the outline for the pilot, a corporation named CYBERCORP is referred to and Bruce Cranston suggests they make sure there is no real company by that name.
  • 360. Design work memo... - 7/21/93. Greg Weisman's notes on character designs by Walt Disney Japan.
  • 273. Another memo to Japan... - 7/26/93. A follow-up memo to the previous one.
  • 274. More correspondence with Tokyo... - 8/4/93. Greg expresses confidence in Mr. Tokunaga after viewing the Clayface episode of Batman: The Animated Series.
  • 275. Another design memo... - 8/26/93. Greg's response to more designs from Japan.
  • 276. Hudson's nearly renamed... - 9/13/93. A Disney Executive had just had a son she named Hudson and asked Greg to rename Hudson.
  • 361. BACK TO THE PILOT... - 9/19/93. Eric Luke turned in a script but it didn't match Greg Weisman and Gary Krisel's vision. Afterwards, Michael Reaves is brought in and this is Greg's long memo to him.


Both this series and its spin-offs were initially continued in the Gargoyles comic series produced by Slave Labor Graphics from 2006-2009.

In 2022, new canonical comics will be published by Dynamite Entertainment.


During the show's original run, various licensed items were available for purchase from various companies like Applause, Kenner, Skybox, and even Nestle. The show's first thirteen episodes debuted on VHS from 1995 to 1996, with the latter eight episodes of the first season released in four separate volumes and the five-part pilot released as an 80-minute movie (the latter also saw a release on Laser Disk). A non-canonical series was also released by Marvel Comics in 1995.

After the show's tenth anniversary in 2004, other products have been made available. In addition to the canonical SLG comics, the original series has been released on DVD and sculptures of Goliath have been created by both Electric Tiki and Bowen Designs. Hot Topic has also sold Gargoyles related t-shirts on-and-off since 2008. [1][2]

In 2015, Joe's Books announced its intention to release Cinestory comics based on the original series. By 2017, the plan was quietly shelved. In 2018, Funko Pop released more than a dozen figures. These included chase variants and key chains.

Following the original series' inclusion to the Disney+ streaming library in November 2019, there has been to a near-continuous line of new products and collectibles available to fans. NECA debuted their own detailed action figures in 2021. NECA's subsidiary, Kidrobot, released Gargoyles Phunny Plushes the same year. Also in 2021, Quantum Mechanix began releasing their own line. Target also released a new board game that hit their shelves, even a new pin [3]. Additional figures from other makers are set to be released.

See Also