Coldfire is the robotic body made by Xanatos to house the soul of "Desdemona", as a means of repaying Goliath for saving Alexander from Oberon. Prior to that, "Desdemona" was a member of the Wyvern Clan who studied to be their Warrior Priestess.
"Is this right? To do nothing is not the gargoyle way!" - "Desdemona", ("High Noon")
"Desdemona" hatched in 938 at Wyvern Hill, alongside the rest of her rookery generation. [1][2] As she grew up, she expressed an interest in spirituality and, in 971, began training to be a warrior-priestess under "Sacrifice". During this time, she also fell in love with "Othello" and he with her. Shortly thereafter, her training had advanced enough that she was able to sense the awakening of a dragon nearby. After the confrontation, she and much of the clan attended Shahrizad's nightly telling of the Three Brothers, where she calmed down "Othello" when he was described in the story. ("The Promise", "The Dream", "The Pledge")
"Iago" eventually desired her for himself, and tried to trick "Othello" into believing that "Desdemona" and Goliath were lovers. Fortunately, "Desdemona" convinced "Othello" that she was indeed faithful to him, and peace was restored. ("Legion")
"Desdemona" and "Othello" were among the slain in the Wyvern Massacre of 994, but Xanatos and Demona used pieces of her, as well as of "Othello" and "Iago", in creating Coldstone. She had no memory of the thousand year interval, believing perhaps that, "mortals are forbidden from bringing such knowledge back to the land of the living". Because Coldstone was constructed from the parts of these three gargoyles, all three gargoyle souls were restored within him, and after his raid on the Goldencup Bakery Building, began to vie with one another for control of him. "Iago" once again tried to convince "Othello" that "Desdemona" and Goliath were lovers, but "Desdemona" was able to prevent it in the end, and they and Goliath defeated "Iago" in the struggle for control of Coldstone's body. ("Reawakening", "Legion", "Mayday")
United once more, the souls of "Othello" and "Desdemona" were happy together, so happy that "Othello" decided at first to ignore "Iago" and his schemes when Demona and Macbeth took control of the cybernetic gargoyle's body. However, "Desdemona" finally convinced him of his duty to the rest of the clan (with a little help from the Weird Sisters), leading to "Othello" at last deposing "Iago" from his control of Coldstone's body and thus saving Elisa and the clan from Demona and Macbeth. ("High Noon")
In 1996, Puck and Alexander magically removed the soul of "Desdemona" soul and placed it in the Coldfire shell, after temporarily housing it in Angela's body. After Alex transferred the soul of "Desdemona" to Coldfire, she accompanied Coldstone in her new body in pursuit of Coldsteel. ("Possession")
Coldfire and Coldstone searched the world for Coldsteel and eventually came to Tibet, where Coldstone had spent some time before. They were at a loss in their search until Xanatos activated Coldfire's tracking device in mid-November, 1996 and used it to lead the pair to London, England where they arrived just in time to prevent Coldsteel from harming Hudson. ("Rock & Roll")
They then helped Hudson, Lexington, and members of the London Clan fight off Coldsteel and Coyote 5.0, defending the Stone of Destiny. During the day, the fight continued over the Coldstream Bridge. Coldfire managed to damage Coldsteel but he fell into the river and disappeared; Coyote 5.0 was destroyed by Coldstone. Later that night, Hudson convinced the pair to leave off the search for Coldsteel and return to the Manhattan Clan. ("Rock of Ages")
They returned to join the Manhattan Clan the same night Brooklyn returned from his adventures, just in time to handle the Pack in Times Square. ("Phoenix")
In the months that followed, Coldfire would often patrol Manhattan with her mate. She was also able to communicate with Elisa using her built in communicator. Coldfire took an interest in the birth of Talon and Maggie's son and joined some of the clan in journeying to the Labyrinth to witness it. She ended up aiding in the rescue of the mother and child from the Nightstone Unlimited Building. During the battle, Thailog severed her arm, though her nanotechnology repaired the damage soon after. ("A Little Crazy", "Idyll or Nightmare", "Miracle Child")
Shortly thereafter, in May 1997, Broadway and Angela approached Coldfire to ask her to perform their Commitment Ceremony. She agreed to do so. The following night, she joined Brooklyn and Coldstone in the attempted rescue of Goliath. When Goliath chose to remain in captivity, Coldfire asked if he was certain of his decision, which he admitted he was not. She ultimately respected her leader's decision and flew off with Brooklyn and Coldstone. ("Render Unto Caesar", "Underwater")
In the days leading up to Goliath's Hearing she had to assure her mate to trust their leader's judgement. She herself wondered if the clan could survive without Goliath's leadership. She and Coldstone, with the rest of the Manhattan Clan, would watch the first night of Goliath's Hearing, but the proceedings proved too vexing for her mate, and he refused to watch the second night. Coldfire would report later to him that their rookery brother was released from human custody. ("Mayday", "Your Witness", "New Rules")
The night after Goliath returned back to the castle, Coldfire and the rest of the clan would help to safely detonate bombs that gangster Dino Dracon and his men had planted throughout Manhattan. ("Cold Comfort")
"Desdemona" had tan skin, blond hair, and large curved horns. She had most unusual wings, which seemed to be shaped almost like a butterfly's. When she glided, each wing appeared to emerge from her back in two separate parts.
The façade of Coldfire bears a striking resemblance to her original body (thanks to Xanatos accessing Coldstone's memory banks when designing the robotic body). [3] Unlike Coldstone, she is completely robotic. She has a golden "skin" and can shoot flames from the palms of her hands in battle. Unfortunately, her robotic body does not seem to work well in water. When submerged, her flame weapon does not work at all. Coldfire tends to avoid water. She has a built in communication device, internal clock, infrared eyes that enable her to see warm bodies through walls, and nanotechnology that allows her to repair her robot body quickly. She is able to offer additional protection for the Manhattan Clan during the daytime, which has proven especially helpful while they remain wary of their current landlord, Xanatos. ("Underwater", "Mayday")
"Othello" and "Desdemona" are the biological parents of Gabriel, although neither of them consider this important or see themselves in such a light, rather seeing themselves as parents to all their rookery children.
Real World Background
The name Desdemona is borrowed from Shakespeare's Othello, thanks to her role in "Legion" having a strong echo of the original Desdemona in the play, whom Iago falsely accused to Othello of having an affair with Cassio.
Production Background

Voice Actor: CCH Pounder
The name Desdemona was never actually used in the series, but merely in the ending credits to "Legion" and "High Noon"; her name does not actually exist in the Gargoyles Universe as Coldfire's does.
As far back as 1997 fans knew about Coldfire's spiritual interests. [4]