Cloud Fathers (episode)
"Cloud Fathers" is the fifty-fourth televised episode of the series Gargoyles, and the forty-first episode of Season 2. It originally aired on February 21, 1996.
Crew | With the Voice Talent Of |
Main Plot
Peter Maza comes to Arizona to visit Beth Maza, who is concerned what David Xanatos plans to do with the tribal land he's leased nearby. Meanwhile, the travellers arrive in a swimming pool at Beth's school, and meet up with Peter and Beth. Goliath and Angela go to investigate what Xanatos is up to at the Xanatos Construction site, but are captured by him and Coyote 4.0, and are pinned to the ground atop Coyote's sacred carving for Xanatos's plan to use all three as bait so as to lure the trickster to him. Coyote, in the guise of a young Peter Maza, comes to the aid of the Mazas and Bronx in saving the gargoyles, as well as the Coyote carving, from having acid poured onto them. The Coyote robot finally manages to capture the trickster while he was trying to reconnect Peter to his past. Xanatos tries to force Coyote to grant him immortality, when the Mazas and gargoyles arrive. They are nearly beaten until a Kachina dancer performing the Dance of the Coyote appears, causing Coyote 4.0 to release the trickster from within the compartment in his body. With Coyote's help, the group defeats Xanatos, and his robot is once again destroyed. The masked dancer reveals himself to be Peter, who confesses he doesn't know why he put the costume on, but Coyote tells him that the two of them have been connected ever since Peter played the part of Coyote as a Kachina dancer when he was a boy.
Peter Maza abruptly left his father and his home in 1960 to go to New York City.
Throughout the episode, Elisa and Beth ask Peter if he wants to visit their grandfather, for which he answers in the negative. After Peter is reminded of his connection to Coyote and his past heritage, he finally decides to visit his father, who is revealed to be deceased. He admits that he wouldn't go to see him previously because of his own pride and guilt.
Xanatos continues in his quest for immortality. He had the Cauldron of Life melted down to be incorporated into Coyote 4.0, so that the robot could hold the trickster captive.
The Story
Previously on Gargoyles
- Recaps: ("Mark of the Panther", "The Cage")
Act One
In the American southwest, the Sun begins to set. The ground suddenly begins to quake outside a Xanatos Construction site, with temporary buildings shaking. A dust devil begins to swirl around a bulldozer before suddenly lifting it and a second tractor clear off the ground and before throwing both pieces of heavy machinery on their backs several feet away. The dust continues to swirl in the evening sky as the howl of a coyote rings through the air.
Arizona, 1960. A similar dust devil blows past a neighborhood of Pueblo-style homes while a father and son are having a heated discussion. Holding a packed gym bag, the son named Peter asks why his dad, Carlos, can't see things his way and Carlos responds that it is not the way of their people. Carlos further stresses that Peter can't abandon everything he's been raised to love and respect just because Peter's angry with him. Peter insists his departure is not about whatever feelings he has for his father. But the way Carlos sees it, it is about his only son turning his back on his heritage to live with the wasi'chu. Peter tells his pop that its 1960, not 1860. As he treks off, Peter accuses his father of living in the past while he plans for his future. Carlos calls out to Peter one last time, but Peter dismisses him with an apology and the promise to send him a postcard from New York City. Another dust devil manifests itself, obscuring Peter from his father's view. A tear streams down Carlos's eye as he watches his son depart.
Flagstaff Airport, 1996. Peter Maza is greeted by his daughter Beth, waving from her pickup truck. Entering the vehicle, Peter tells his daughter how much he's missed her. Beth thanks him for coming. As they fasten their seatbelts and drive off, Peter notes the worry on Beth's face and wonders what Xanatos has already done. She shares that Xanatos hasn't done anything – yet. He's just started construction on the land he leased from the tribe. Still, after what happened to Derek, she wanted not only for someone to investigate Xanatos, but someone who knows what he's actually capable of. Hearing this, Peter's more than ready to find out what Xanatos is up to. Beth takes a left to an unpaved road and asks her dad if he wants "to visit Grandpa" while he's in town. Peter's response is a curt "No, I don't". Changing the subject, Beth asks if he's heard anything new about Elisa . . .
From the mists the shadowing silhouettes of Goliath, Bronx, Angela, and Elisa emerge. Goliath notes how calm the waters are as the mist clears around the skiff. "Well, this is certainly different," Elisa comments, seeing that they are, in fact, in the college campus pool. Angela briefly asks if they arrived in a pond, and Elisa points out that the University of Flagstaff is where her sister Beth goes to school. If Avalon sent them here, Beth could be in danger, she reasons.
Back at the Xanatos Construction site, the Mazas are talking to a security guard on the other site of the chain-linked fence. Saying they are from the university, Beth asks if they could look around, even though its late. The security guard opens the gate to let them in, saying the two were expected. Peter finds that suspicious, but the guard shrugs it off. As they walk past him, Beth asks her dad if the guard looks familiar, but Peter insists he's never seen him before and comments that the guard doesn't appear too bright, either. As they survey the area, Peter isn't expecting to find much – Xanatos is a smooth operator, after all. The two suddenly come upon a circle of turn-overed bulldozers and other construction equipment, looking like a makeshift Stonehenge. Before Beth and Peter can investigate further, a bright light breaks out, blinding them. Voices from the Tribal Police suddenly tell them to freeze and that they are under arrest. As the Mazas are restrained, Peter asks what charge they are being arrested for. From behind a building, David Xanatos appears. He explains that the charges he's pressing are trespassing and vandalism. Beth debates the point about trespassing, arguing that his own security guard let them in and should also be questioned. But Xanatos maintains that he hasn't hired any security yet for this construction site, although given the circumstances, he probably should have. Xanatos tells the Tribal Police to take them away.
The following morning, Beth opens the door for Peter to her apartment, vowing to never experience a night like that again. Commenting that she's happy the two of them at least made bail, Beth is greeted by Elisa who is already in the apartment. While Beth is surprised to see her sister in Arizona, Elisa is also surprised to see her father in the same state. "Where did you come from?" Peter asks his eldest daughter and she quips, "The deep end." Elisa asks if her mother filled the two of them in about their World Tour, and Peter admits the details she did share were a bit much to swallow. Looking at the apartment balcony, Peter asks Elisa if the petrified gargoyles are her "friends" and Elisa promises they will properly meet at sunset. But for now, she wants to know what all this "making bail" talk is about. Peter tells her that Xanatos arrested them overnight. Beth reasons they were set-up, but Peter figures such a ploy to be a pretty neat trick, especially since Xanatos didn't know they were coming in the first place. Beth reminds her father that the security guard was somehow expecting him and, now overwhelmed, Elisa asks the two of them to start at the beginning.
As the Xanatos Construction site, Coyote 4.0 checks to see if Xanatos realizes that the Mazas had nothing to do with the vandalism. Xanatos admits as much, but still needed a reason to rid himself of the Tribal Police once the silent alarm was tripped. Looking at the security footage, Xanatos spots the true vandal: the welcoming security guard Beth mentioned. Xanatos tells Coyote that the security guard is also their target. "When the time comes, don't miss," Xanatos orders. Coyote assures Xanatos that he won't.
Nightfall arrives as the three Mazas wait for the gargoyles to finally awaken. Peter and Beth are startled by the stone skin cracking and eyes glowing. Elisa, meanwhile, is slightly entertained watching her sister and father's first time witnessing the gargoyles awaken. As Beth steps back a bit, Elisa introduces her family to her "friends".
Later on, after everyone is now on the same page, Goliath decides he and Angela will investigate the site by air to see what Xanatos is really up to. Peter isn't thrilled with the plan – he took an oath to uphold the law, not break it. Elisa offers him another legal interpretation: since the gargoyles don't exist in the eyes of the law, then no one will be trespassing. Peter concedes, admitting its futile to debate with Elisa once she's set her mind on something. Elisa notes how much she takes after her father. As Goliath and Angela take to the skies, Peter tells Elisa that she's certainly keeping strange company these days. As Bronx barks after the two gliding gargoyles, Beth notes how beautiful and alien the gargoyles are. Petting Bronx, Elisa replies, "After a while all you notice is the beauty." She tells her sister and father they should also get going. As they leave the apartment, Elisa asks Peter if he wants to see Grandpa. Once again, Peter is succinct, "No. Thank you." Beth and Elisa exchange a look as Beth shrugs.
Goliath and Angela soon land at the Xanatos construction site, just past the vandalized vehicles. The two gargoyles walk toward the large equipment shed and Goliath breaks the padlock to its door. On a small table, Angela spots some aerial shots of a large coyote carved into the ground. Goliath realizes the shed is directly atop that carving. As Goliath takes a closer look at the Coyote Carving, Angela looks over the aerial shots a bit longer and doesn't spot the large robotic arm in time. Grabbing Angela by the shoulder, the robot admits he wasn't expecting gargoyles, but they'll do just fine. Angela recognizes the robot as Coyote, and the robot clarifies it is "Coyote-Four-Point-Zero: the new, improved model". As Goliath turns to face the robot, Coyote 4.0 tosses Angela aside to where she hit some crates. Before Goliath can properly charge at the giant robot, Coyote emits a vertigo beam from an arm, disorienting the gargoyle. Goliath now down on his knees, Coyote swats the gargoyle away, landing near Angela, who is now back on her feet. She asks if Goliath is all right, and he admits he is not. Coyote eggs them on now, "Once more with feeling?" the two gargoyles pounce on the robot only to be electrified by the robot's metallic body.
"Don't quit your day job," the robot Coyote quips.
Act Two
As Bronx and the Mazas arrive at the Xanatos Construction site, they see the security guard exit the front building. Peter tells him to stop, but the security guard only smiles and runs off into the desert. Elisa tells Bronx to stop him and the gargoyle beast soon gives chase, pinning him to the ground. "Uh, nice puppy, good puppy" blurts the young man, trying to calm the beast. The Mazas finally catch up and before releasing him, Elisa makes him promise not to run. "Hey, I've got no place to be," he concedes. Before he can even get back on his feet, Elisa and Beth are both astonished by his appearance. Peter, however, quickly grabs him by the collar of his jacket, oblivious to what his daughters are seeing. Elisa tries to give him a hint, doesn't the guard remind Peter of someone he knows? All Peter can see is every punk he busted in the last twenty years. In his face now, Peter demands the guard explain why he helped Xanatos frame them.
Back inside the construction site's equipment shed, Xanatos approaches Goliath and Angela in his battle armor. He aims a large Staple Gun at the Goliath's right arm, and fires. The large metal staple is the last of eight, pinning him and Angela to the large Coyote Carving. Xanatos welcomes the gargoyle, expressing how flattered he is that Goliath showed up just in time to be used as bait. From above, Coyote 4.0 explains that in ten minutes the trough of acid hovering over them all will make short work of the ancient carving and Goliath's "rugged good looks".
"It's my first real stab at clichéd villainy. How am I doing?" Xanatos quips.
Meanwhile, a wild coyote howls beneath a full Moon as the young security guard, still sitting on the ground, asks the Mazas why shouldn't he help Xanatos – "Who cares if he wants to destroy a soil carving dedicated to the Kachina Coyote? It's just old Indian stuff." Beth is appalled at the guard's dismissiveness to blatant desecration. Knowing how important Coyote the Trickster is to Native American legend, Beth knows the Coyote Carving would be considered sacred. Recognizing the carving's anthropological importance, Peter's ready to inform the Tribal Police, when the guard suddenly jumps to his feet and tells Peter that its "1996, not 1896. Get with the program, Xanatos is bringing real jobs to the tribe, and real money." Further, he tells Peter that if he shuts down Xanatos's operation, then he's living in the past. "Me, I'm planning for the future."
A coyote howls in the distance as Angela struggles against the staples pinning her to the Coyote Carving. She calls Xanatos a fiend, but he ignores her, pointing out how lovely she is and how proud Goliath must be of her. Goliath pleads for her freedom given that she's done nothing to him, but Xanatos clarifies that neither of them have done anything to him that he would hold a grudge over. Truthfully, he has no desire to kill either of them but the death trap has to be real if Xanatos has any chance of capturing his true quarry. With seven minutes left to go, Xanatos explains that it wasn't until yesterday that he decided to actually bulldoze the carving that his prey made his presence known. "My prey seems to know when I'm sincere . . ."
Having heard enough, Peter begins to take the security guard to the Tribal Police, figuring the tribe can decide what's in their best interest. The guard stops and demands to know just where the Mazas' priorities are: "Why worry about some scratches in the sand when Xanatos is about to ice your two gargoyle friends?" The Mazas turn their heads to look at the construction site and when they turn back, the guard has vanished! All they see is small dust devil. The Mazas and Bronx race back to help Goliath and Angela. Bronx charges ahead to smash down a section of the chain-link fence, and as Elisa and the others wonder where Goliath and Angela might be, Beth points to the large equipment shed. Bronx smashes down the door to the shed and the Mazas storm in. Blinding lights activate, and Xanatos expresses his disappointment that its only them. He quickly recovers, offering to add Elisa, Beth, and Peter to his death trap. Xanatos prepares to subdue the Mazas, but Bronx leaps at Xanatos pinning, the beast's mouth on Xanatos's particle beam weapon. While Xanatos is distracted by Bronx, the Mazas race to help the gargoyles. But Goliath tells her to step back, explaining that the trough of acid can drop at any second. Indeed, with less than twenty seconds to spare, the trough begins to move into position. Elisa is adamant of freeing both Goliath and Angela, but Peter is struggling to release even one of the giant staples bracing Angela to the carving. Elisa calls Bronx over to help pry off the staples. Xanatos prepares to shoot the Mazas and gargoyles, but Bronx has mangled the particle beam cannon so much that it explodes instead! Bronx meanwhile has pried a giant staple off Goliath's left arm allowing Goliath to finally free himself as the gargoyle beast assists Angela. But just as Goliath is back on his feet, Xanatos comes at his captives with the Staple Gun. He's barrage is halted by Angela, now freed and back on her feet. As she forces the Staple Gun upwards away from the others, Xanatos continues to fire, staples hitting the trough and – miraculously – the timed mechanism, stopping the count with a second to spare. Acid nevertheless leaks from the trough from the giant staples' penetrations falling neatly on the Coyote Carving's eyes. Freeing himself from Angela's grip, Xanatos takes a look at his failed death trap. Sensing the uncanny serendipity, Xanatos concludes his quarry must be nearby. He scans the upper levels of the equipment shed and spots the young security guard hiding behind two large crates. Coyote 4.0 suddenly breaks through the shed's roof and pursues the young man, who jumps out the equipment shed from an opening at least a few stories high. Beth watches the chase in disbelief as Goliath knocks Xanatos off his feet. Their adversary down but not for long, Goliath orders everyone to make their retreat. As they leave, Xanatos stands back up, and removes his helmet, confident at how close he is to apprehending his quarry.
As the Mazas drive back (with Bronx in the truck bed) and Goliath and Angela following them from the skies, Beth shares a theory of hers: that the security guard is none other than Coyote. "Um, the trickster, not the robot," she clarifies. Peter dismisses him as a punk working for Xanatos, but Beth argues that it would make no sense for Xanatos to capture a mere employee, and, besides, Coyote the trickster is a shapeshifter. Beth can't help notice just how much the guard looked like Peter when he was young. "Right out of your high school yearbook," Elisa seconds. Peter tries to shrug it off, but Elisa notes just how obvious the guard was trying to provoke him. "His reverse-psychology was pretty blatant," she points out. Beth also recalls the vandalized bulldozers, pointing out no one else could have done that. Peter doesn't respond, but strokes his chin, considering the facts at hand.
On a remote mesa just outside the tribal village, Beth stops the truck and everyone exits the vehicle. By this point, she's concluded that Coyote the trickster has not only been protecting his sacred carving, but them as well, steering the luck their way. But Peter disagrees. "Beings like Coyote do not exist." Elisa points to the gargoyles, asking her father if they are figments of his own imagination. Goliath then chimes in, explaining that Beth's theory does fit with what Xanatos said about his "true quarry". Peter still isn't convinced, and figures the drama of the last few nights boils down to a rich man who wants to bulldoze a cultural icon so he can construct a building. He's ready to make a statement to the Tribal Police, and before he and his daughters leave, Peter suggests the gargoyles wait by the truck.
As Peter, Elisa, and Beth finally approach the Tribal Police station, Elisa notes how suspicious it is that there's no lights at all in the village. Beth sees a light though behind a building and beckons the other two over. The three Mazas see a ceremonial dance around a fire, and Beth explains that they are Kachina dancers. "When they put on the masks, the Cloud Fathers (or Kachinas) come down to dance with them." But Beth doesn't recognize this particular ritual. Peter does, however – he tells his daughters that it is a ceremony of gratitude to the Kachina Coyote, and how his father made him participate when he was young. Peter shares that he played the Coyote, and that the dance was rarely performed, even back then. Hearing this, Beth asks her father how much more proof he needs that the trickster Coyote is involved, but Peter strokes his chin and calls the whole thing a coincidence. At this, the Coyote dancer leaves the dance and removes his mask. "Another coincidence, Peter?" the 'security guard' laughs. But, now exposed, Coyote 4.0 swoops in and grabs the Kachina dancer, whisking him away.
Act Three
The remaining three Kachina dancers, remove their masks revealing they were the Tribal Police from the night before. They are all confused at why they are outside, with one recalling that the last thing they remember is preparing to order a pizza. They spot the Mazas and ask what they are doing here, but Elisa only promises to tell them later.
Back at Beth's truck, Goliath pieces together what the Mazas witnessed, that the robot Coyote kidnapped the Kachina Coyote. Holding the ceremonial Coyote mask, Peter is still not convinced, arguing that Xanatos was just preventing one of his employees from being arrested. That's what they should have told the Tribal Police. But Beth reminds them all how Coyote the trickster protected them and that they should rescue him. Elisa agrees, but they need a plan – with his battle armor and robot, Xanatos is close to invincible. Peter calls them all crazy and is determined to have nothing more to do with this ridiculousness. As adamant as he's been, Peter begins to waver, "This can't be true, it just . . . can't."
As Coyote 4.0 lands back at the construction site, Coyote the trickster is astonished that the machine can keep ahold him. Xanatos explains that Coyote 4.0 was built from another acquisition of his, the Cauldron of Life. After falling short of his initial expectations to achieve Immortality, he melted it down so that it could prove useful in another venture. The magic inherent in the iron is what allows the robot to keep a grip on the Kachina. Xanatos notes the irony of one Coyote catching another, but the trickster is unamused, "I should sue you for trademark infringement." Xanatos considers the robot a tribute, "Besides, I've always considered myself a trickster at heart." With that, Xanatos is ready to start the negotiations, but before they can begin, Coyote 4.0 detects company. Xanatos puts his helmet back on and orders the robot to "bottle" the Kachina. Coyote 4.0 promptly tosses the trickster into his open torso, a sliding iron door keeping the Kachina at bay. Elisa and Beth approach the robot on foot. Goliath landing in front of Elisa and Beth, declares they've come for Coyote. Coyote 4.0 casually points out he's right there, and Goliath clarifies he meant the other one. "Also right here," Coyote 4.0 explains, patting his iron torso. "LET ME OUT!" the trickster yells from inside the robot's cavity, banging against the iron door. Goliath growls and begins to attack, but Coyote 4.0 fires back particle beams emitting from his head. Goliath takes to the skies while Xanatos fires a Staple Gun at Elisa and Beth. That attack is diverted by Angela and Bronx, who charge at Xanatos. Xanatos rockets off while Bronx still has his jaw chomped at one of Xanatos's armored feet. Angela leaps atop the Stonehenged machinery in order to have enough currents to glide. Before she can reach Xanatos, he flies close enough into the unfinished building that Bronx is smacked against a steel girder, losing his hold on the armor. Bronx falls from the collision, but Angela swoops in to rescue the beast in time. Goliath meanwhile lands behind one of the vandalized bulldozers but Coyote 4.0 fires through the heavy machinery, steel girders and beams raining down as result. Goliath climbs to the top of the unfinished building to gain more air, only for Coyote 4.0 to swat him away. Xanatos lands by Angela and Bronx, admitting that while the evening has been "invigorating" it's time to – but he cuts himself off. He sees Coyote dressed as a Kachina dancer behind the vandalized bulldozers. Angela and Bronx turn and also see the Kachina dancing. From above, Coyote 4.0 sees the Kachina and remarks at the curious sight. Xanatos flies off, as Angela and Bronx begin to scale the unfinished building. Xanatos lands and briefly confers with Coyote 4.0, wondering if the robot somehow lost the trickster. Coyote 4.0 is confident he still has his captive, but admits he might have kidnapped the wrong Kachina. He opens the door to his torso to check, and despite Xanatos's command to stop, Coyote the trickster makes his escape, jumping out just in time for Angela to swoop in and collect him. Bemused, Xanatos comments that, "It's so hard to program good help these days."
As he flies off to chase Angela and Coyote, Goliath careens toward the robot with a steel beam, impaling the robot. As Xanatos chases the gargoyle and trickster, Coyote splits off. Goliath, Bronx, Elisa, and Beth approach the impaled robot Coyote. Goliath tells the others to be careful, but is himself suddenly knock away by a robotic arm. Coyote 4.0 stands back up, still impaled by the steel beam. Angela flies down on top of Xanatos to take him by surprise as Coyote 4.0 rips the steel beam out, a massive cavity where the Kachina Coyote was previously imprisoned. The robot swats Bronx out of the way and begins to disorient Goliath, Elisa, and Beth with his vertigo beam. As Coyote 4.0 advances on them, he's goaded by Coyote the trickster, who is standing by one of the steel girders supporting the unfinished building. Coyote 4.0 fires a particle beam at the trickster, missing but hitting the girder instead. As Coyote 4.0 stalks the area, he warns the trickster that he's programmed for vengeance. Coyote the trickster pops by another steel girder, daring the robot to prove it. Coyote 4.0 fires again, misses again, and aims and fires once more as the trickster Coyote shows himself behind another steel girder. Missing again, the trickster Coyote pops up behind one last steel girder. Coyote the trickster scampers off just as the structural integrity of the unfinished building fails, bringing the entire structure on the robot, crushing it. While Goliath manages to pull Elisa and Beth out of harm's way just in time, Angela loses her grip on Xanatos, who is caught in the unscheduled demolition. He comes to pretty quickly, but is surrounded by the gargoyles. He then notices Coyote 4.0 defeated and rises to his feet, his battle armor strong enough to move aside the debris that fell on him. Foiled once more, Xanatos concedes to Goliath that "these last minute upsets you keep handing me are becoming . . . irritating." He flies off into the night.
Angela revels that they won, and Goliath notes how the tide turned when the Coyote dancer appeared. The dancer approaches the others and removes his ceremonial mask, revealing himself to be Peter Maza. His daughters are surprised that he came to help them out, and Peter begins to share his ambivalence once again, but Coyote the trickster cuts him off. Of course he knows why he did it, he just has to admit it. "You and I are connected, Peter Maza." They've been connected ever since Peter took up Coyote's mask in the night dance all those years ago. Coyote explains that when Peter left, Peter took a part of Coyote with him, and thus, Coyote had to get him back. With that, the Kachina Coyote steps away, and vanishes in a dust devil forming in the face of a coyote's head, with the howls of a coyote ringing into the night.
While Beth is astonished how real the trickster Coyote was, Peter is finally ready to visit his father.
Later that morning, Peter greets his father, and remembers how much they fought. Peter shares how hard it was to admit his father might have been wrong, and how much harder that became when he was gone. It would have meant admitting that he wasted all those years they were apart; years they could have shared. Tears streaming down his eyes, Peter realizes its far too late to say he's sorry, but wishes there was a way his father could know how much Peter loved and respected him. Goliath, Angela, and Bronx asleep in the new day, Elisa and Beth stand beside Peter at the gravestone. Elisa tells Peter that their grandfather knows.
Featured Characters and First Appearances
Gargoyles | Humans | Oberon's Children | Others |
- "Where did you come from?"
- "The deep end." - Peter and Elisa
- "They're kinda beautiful, but so . . . alien."
- "After a while all you notice is the beauty." - Beth and Elisa
- "It's my first real stab at clichéd villainy. How am I doing?" - Xanatos
- "I'm the lovely one, remember?" - Angela
- "I should sue you for trademark infringement." - Coyote
- "Consider him a tribute. Besides, I've always considered myself a trickster at heart." - Xanatos
- "It's so hard to program good help these days" - Xanatos
- "Goliath, I must say these last minute upsets you keep handing me are becoming . . . irritating." - Xanatos
The Coyote robot appears again, reconstructed as Coyote 4.0 after Coyote 3.0's destruction in "Grief". The Cauldron of Life, introduced in "The Price" is mentioned as having been used in Coyote 4.0's construction. Coyote 4.0 is destroyed at the end of the episode, but Coyote 5.0 appears in "The Rock", "Rock & Roll", and "Rock of Ages".
Even though the Coyote robots share half of David Xanatos's face, this is the first episode in which Xanatos and Coyote have interacted.
Peter and Beth Maza appear for the first time since "The Cage".
Xanatos's mention of the Cauldron of Life's being made out of iron, and connecting it to Coyote 4.0's ability to imprison Coyote the Trickster, is a foreshadowing of the revelation in "Ill Met By Moonlight" concerning the Third Race's vulnerability to iron, and also indicates (even before it is confirmed in "The Gathering" Part One) that Coyote is one of Oberon's Children.
DVD Release
See Also
<< Previous Episode: "Bushido" | Next Episode: "Ill Met By Moonlight" >> |