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'''"Turf"''' is the sixtieth televised episode of the series ''[[Gargoyles (TV series)|Gargoyles]]'', and the forty-seventh episode of Season 2. It originally aired on May 6, 1996. | '''"Turf"''' is the sixtieth televised episode of the series ''[[Gargoyles (TV series)|Gargoyles]]'', and the forty-seventh episode of Season 2. It originally aired on May 6, 1996. | ||
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* Produced & Directed by: [[Dennis Woodyard]] | * Produced & Directed by: [[Dennis Woodyard]] | ||
* Voice Director: [[Jamie Thomason]] | * Voice Director: [[Jamie Thomason]] | ||
+ | * Music by: [[Carl Johnson]] | ||
+ | * Title Theme by Carl Johnson | ||
+ | * Music Editing: [[Marc Perlman]] | ||
* Animation by: [[Sunwoo Animation Co., Inc.]] | * Animation by: [[Sunwoo Animation Co., Inc.]] | ||
* Backgrounds by: Sunwoo Animation Co., Inc. | * Backgrounds by: Sunwoo Animation Co., Inc. | ||
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===Act One=== | ===Act One=== | ||
+ | A stray cat dodges out of the path of a speeding car on the streets of [[Manhattan]]. The car quickly pulls into a garage and [[Glasses]] guides it in. As the garage door closes behind the car, Glasses yells for a crew to hurry up and get to work. Several men approach the car with tools and begin disassembling it. As the engine is lifted out, Glasses jokes about "Dracon's House of Auto Parts. The prices are hot and so is the merchandise." The car, one of many in the warehouse, is rapidly being reduced to sellable components. | ||
+ | |||
+ | Meanwhile, high above [[New York City]], the [[Trio]] and [[Angela]] are on patrol. [[Brooklyn]] explains to "Angie" that he patrols the city every night. "It's a dangerous job, but somebody's got to do it," he boasts. [[Lexington]] glides forward and brags that he must've foiled a hundred muggings in New York. Then [[Broadway]] glides between his [[rookery]] brothers and Angela to explain that the real action is in organized crime and the city has been much safer since he sent [[Tony Dracon]] to prison. Angela, somewhat unimpressed, tells the Trio that their actions are "very impressive." Her attention is drawn to something flying ahead of them and she asks if it is normal. Lexington identifies it as a [[Cyberbiotics]] [[Hovercraft]] and then uses the opportunity to tell Angela that he once flew a [[Lex's Helicopter|helicopter]]. Ignoring him, Angela tells her companions that she has seen one like that before and didn't like it's owner. She dives to follow the craft and the others follow. The hovercraft arrives at Glasses' warehouse and ropes are dropped down to the roof. Three [[human]]s descend from the craft. One, a blonde female, approaches the roof door and kicks it open. Seeing nothing inside, she motions for her companions to join her. Suddenly, [[Pal Joey]] appears from behind some nearby machinery and fires a rocket at the woman! She dodges, but the blast destroys the roof entrance and throws the woman down hard. Another of the Hovercraft men is revealed to be [[Tomas Brod]]. Looking at the unconscious woman he jokes to his companion, [[Jack Dane]], that "that is why I never go in first." He fires a gas canister at Pal Joey and it bursts open and releases a green gas. Pal Joey starts coughing and then passes out. Several more humans descend from the hovercraft wearing gas masks and join Dane and Brod (who also don gas masks) at the hole in the roof. Dane wonders what they should do about the blond woman and Brod tells him to let her sleep as they have other things to do. He fires another gas canister down into the building and he and his team descend into the warehouse. In the room below, Glasses and his men have armed themselves and are watching the roof access stairway. Green gas is pouring through the door. The door is suddenly flung open and several more gas canisters bounce down into the room. Glasses and his men start coughing and running away while Brod's people begin firing weapons throughout the garage. They are causing as much damage as they can to as many cars and parts as possible. Glasses and one of his men run to dodge the bullets and dive into a car that Glasses explains is bulletproof. As they close the door, bullets hit the glass windows, but don't make it through. The voice of [[Maria Chavez|Captain Maria Chavez]] comes across a bullhorn. The [[New York Police Department|NYPD]] have the building surrounded! Brod, alarmed, calls for a retreat and he and his men race back up to the roof. Outside, Chavez, [[Matt Bluestone]], and many police officers are gathered. Chavez orders the building's occupants to put down their weapons and come out of the building peacefully. Instead, the bulletproof car rams through the garage door and escapes through the police barricades as officers fire on it to no effect. The car races down the street. Meanwhile, on the roof, Brod hurries his people back into the hovercraft. He picks up the still unconscious blonde woman and grabs on to the hovercraft's rope ladder. The hovercraft makes its escape and is also fired at by the NYPD. Chavez tells her people to hold their fire as they watch the two vehicles escape. Also watching the escape are Angela and the Trio. Broadway tells the others that that is his cue and Lexington, annoyed, brushes him aside. Brooklyn, assuming command, starts giving orders and the other three listen to him. Two will follow the car, two will follow the hovercraft. He tells "Angie" to join him and the two depart. Lex and Broadway give each other a glance and then begin to follow, ignoring Brooklyn's orders. As they catch up, Brooklyn is annoyed. Broadway asks why he gets to go with Angela and the beaked [[gargoyle]] explains that he is second-in-command. Lexington accuses him of abusing his power. Brooklyn shoves Lex aside and the two begin a mid-air scuffle. They collide with Broadway and soon all three are physically and verbally fighting. Angela notices something ahead. She tries to warn her companions, but they are too engaged with their argument. Angela veers to the side just as the Trio spot a brick tower right in their flightpath. Unable to stop or avoid it, all three of them slam into the building and fall to a roof below. Angela lands near them and explains that she tried to warn them. "Thanks," the brothers say in unison. | ||
+ | |||
+ | The hovercraft flies over the city. Inside, the blonde woman wakes up and asks her companions what happened. Brod explains that her plan worked... until the police showed up! The woman is angry. Someone must've told the police. Dane explains that he wouldn't have come out of retirement just to turn into a rat. He joined because he sees Brod as tough enough to break the Dracon family hold on the the New York turf. Brod adds that none of the men he brought from [[Prague]] would betray him. The woman scoffs and sarcastically quips, "well, then I guess it was me." Brod laughs. This is why he likes her. Dane guesses that Dracon's people probably got sloppy and led the police to the warehouse. Brod says that this explanation will do. For now. | ||
+ | |||
+ | At the [[Clocktower]], the Trio are arguing about their failure to catch either vehicle as Angela looks out on to the city. Each of the brothers attempts to put the blame on to the others. Angela ignores this and tells them that is is almost dawn and [[Goliath]], [[Hudson]], and [[Bronx]] still have not returned from patrol. Broadway walks over to her and tries to comfort her by explaining that they've all been caught away from home at sunrise. "But how many of us have [[stone sleep|turned to stone]] in mid-air!" Lexington snidely quips. Broadway shoving Lex to the ground, points out that he was being chased by a [[Macbeth robot]] at the time. Brooklyn gets between his quarreling brothers to stop the "mutton heads" from fighting, but he only gets pulled into shoving match himself. As they continue to bicker, the sun rises and all four gargoyles turn to stone. | ||
+ | |||
+ | Later that morning, at [[Rikers Island]], Glasses talks with Tony Dracon through the glass visitation window. He explains that Brod has done a lot of damage and is muscling in on Dracon's territory. Dracon is ready to engage in a full on turf war and Glasses asks for orders. Dracon yells for Glasses to hit Brod's crew and hit them hard. Glasses acknowledges his angry superior and exits. | ||
+ | |||
+ | Two police cars are parked in from of a [[Brod's Favorite Restaurant|restaurant]]. Inside, Brod, Dane, the blonde woman, and another gangster are eating at a table while being questioned by Matt Bluestone. The detective wants to know where Brod was during the raid on Dracon's chop shop the previous night. Brod pretends not to know what a chop shop is and then explains that he and his companions were at the restaurant the previous night until very late. The others agree with him and Bluestone is annoyed. | ||
+ | |||
+ | That evening, at the [[23rd Precinct]] house below the Clocktower, Brod and the blonde woman are brought in for further questioning. Bluestone pulls Brod into a room to "converse" away from the blonde woman. Brod tells him that it is a waste of time since "Salli" will only tell the police the exact same story. Bluestone tells "Salli" to have a seat while Brod accompanies him. The woman sits for a moment before some police officers bring a man into the room who soon begins angrily yelling and throwing a fit. Several police officers move to help subdue the man and "Salli" uses the distraction to slip away unnoticed. The woman slips into a broom closet and avoids notice from several police officers while sighing in relief. Outside, the sun sets and the Trio and Angela awaken from their stone sleep. As they move into their Clocktower home, "Salli" has ascended the stairs into the large room as well. The woman looks up at the four gargoyles as they look at her with alarm. "Uh oh," says Brooklyn, "We've got a problem..." | ||
===Act Two=== | ===Act Two=== | ||
+ | Shortly after sunset at the Clocktower, the Trio and Angela look down upon the unknown blonde woman. The woman pauses for a moment, smiles, and then removes her blonde wig. It is Elisa! "Surprise!" she tells her young friends. The gargoyles are stunned for a moment before all three of the Trio begin gloating to each other how they knew it was Elisa the whole time. Angela continues to be unimpressed by their antics. Lexington asks Elisa why she is wearing a disguise and Broadway correctly guesses that Elisa is undercover. The detective explains that Brod, who she and Angela met in Prague, has moved his operations to New York. Elisa has infiltrated his gang and the police are working to take him down as well as Dracon's people. Brooklyn, pushing Lexington aside, boasts that Elisa must want him to help out. Elisa, uncertain, points out that it is hard to check in with Matt Bluestone, but the gargoyles can follow her to places that the police can't go. Quick to jump on this opportunity to impress Angela, the Trio begins bragging about their abilities and literally flexing their muscles. "Uh... thanks," replies Elisa. She turns to head back into the police station before she is missed. On her way out, Angela runs over to her and asks if the "friendliness" of the boys is how they always are. Elisa, seeing the situation now, explains to Angela that it has been a long time since the others have been around an attractive female gargoyle. She advises Angela to tell the others how she expects to be treated. Angela is uncertain, but says no more as Elisa returns to work. | ||
+ | |||
+ | Elisa is in the office of her boss, Captain Chavez. She is annoyed that after weeks of planning they can't bust anybody from either side of the turf war. Chavez explains that since Elisa was out cold during the raid, lawyers would have no problems tearing down her testimony. Elisa asks her Captain if she can stick around with Brod a little longer in the hopes that one side or the other makes a move to attack their foe. Chavez tells her no. It is too dangerous. Elisa presses her point. If one side wins the turf war, they will become too powerful to control. This is their best opportunity to decimate both sides. Chavez stops to consider this. | ||
+ | |||
+ | Nearby, Brod exits an interrogation room. "So glad we had this chance to chat," he says to sarcastically to Bluestone who follows him out. Down the hall, Chavez's door opens and "Salli" exits with the Captain. Elisa and Chavez both put up an act for Brod's benefit. "Salli" appears to be annoyed with the Captain and Chavez tells her that if she keeps it up she'll find herself in a holding pen. She shoves "Salli" at Brod and tells him to leave and to "take this trash" with him. Brod smiles and he and "Salli" depart. | ||
+ | |||
+ | One of Brod's men pulls up in a car outside the 23rd precinct house as Brod and "Salli" exit. The Trio and Angela watch from high above as they get into the car and pull away. Brooklyn announces his plan: He and "Angie" will follow the car while Broadway and Lexington stay home to await Goliath. As Brooklyn and Angela depart, Lex angrily tells Broadway that their brother is "doing it again". They launch themselves to follow Brooklyn and Angela. Catching up, Broadway tells Brooklyn that "this is too important for you to handle alone." Seeing where this is going, Angela quickly stops them all and reminds them that Elisa is counting on them. No more fighting. The Trio all rigorously deny that they were ever fighting. Angela is quietly annoyed. | ||
+ | |||
+ | Brod's car pulls up to his favorite restaurant. The window is rolled down and Brod and "Salli" are shocked to see the restaurant is in flames! Jack Dane approaches the car and explains that Dracon hit them all over town. Their operations have taken serious damage. Brod is furious at the destruction of the restaurant. Dane informs Brod and "Salli" that there is a rumor that Dracon has a train coming in to town tonight that is bearing weapons. Brod orders him to prepare his hovercraft. This is war now! He intends to hit the train and then destroy the rest of Dracon's organization with the weapons they steal. Elisa glances at a nearby payphone but is unable to arrange to call for backup before Brod pulls her into the car. They depart as the restaurant continues to burn. | ||
+ | |||
+ | Later that night, Dracon's train enters the city on a track alongside a river. Brod's hovercraft intercepts it and several ropes are dropped down. Brod, "Salli", and two more of Brod's men descend down to the train's roof. They make their way to the rear and descend the ladder. They open the train's rear door and charge in only to discover empty seats. "Salli" wonders why Dracon would be carrying weapons on a passenger train. Brod points out that Dracon is clever. "You got that right!" calls out Glasses who was hiding behind one of the seats. He and several other of Dracon's gang reveal themselves and begin firing their guns at Brod's crew. The two gangs both take cover among the seats as a fire fight ensues. "Salli" advises her side to get back to the hovercraft. She shoots out the overhead lights which plunges the train car into darkness and allows Brod's gang to escape. They leave the way they came. While running along the train car's roof, they are narrowly missed by gunfire from below: Dracon's men are shooting at them through the ceiling! As they near the ropes dangling from the hovercraft, Glasses climbs on to the roof holding a rocket launcher. He takes aim at the craft and fires. The hovercraft turns to dodge as the projectile nearly hits it and explodes. The hovercraft is undamaged, but has been driven off temporarily: Brod's people are stranded. Dracon's men have climbed on to the train's roof and with weapons drawn, Pal Joey explains to Brod that there is no way out, the turf war is over, and he has lost. As Pal Joey takes aim, Angela suddenly dives towards him and shoves him off the train and into the water below. The Trio follows her lead and soon only Glasses remains of Dracon's gang. Brod is shocked. He explains that he fought "creatures" like these in Prague and wonders why they are helping him now. "Salli" quips that perhaps they hate Dracon more. Above, Brooklyn gloats about his attack of Dracon's crew to Angela. "That's nothing," says Broadway, " Watch me take on the hovercraft!" Lexington tells him that he'll get there first and dives towards Brod's vehicle. Angela pleads with him to wait, but Lex ignores her. Inside the hovercraft one of Brod's people takes aim at Lexington with the ship's primary weapon. The laser cannon fires and Lexington is hit. He falls from the sky, but before he can hit the ground, Angela dives down to rescue him. Unfortunately, another laser blast hits them both and they fall down on to the rail tracks below. Angela and Lexington slowly recover and glance up only to see the train barreling towards them at high speed! | ||
===Act Three=== | ===Act Three=== |
Latest revision as of 18:55, 10 March 2025
"Turf" is the sixtieth televised episode of the series Gargoyles, and the forty-seventh episode of Season 2. It originally aired on May 6, 1996.
Crew | With the Voice Talent Of |
Main Plot
Tomas Brod has moved his organized crime operation to New York and has gotten into a turf war with Anthony Dracon. Elisa has been working undercover as "Salli", and has infiltrated Brod's gang, planning to decimate both gangs before one wins the "turf war" and becomes too powerful. A sting operation at Dracon's chop-shop fails when Elisa is knocked unconscious, so she goes to the Trio and Angela for help. Things come to a head when Brod plans to raid the prison where Dracon is being held and kill him. Elisa stops him, revealing herself in the process, but the gargoyles come to the rescue at that moment, and both gangs are put behind bars.
The trio are at odds with each other, squabbling immaturely over Angela, and becoming careless in their duties. Angela grows increasingly agitated, and after some advice from Elisa, finally sets them straight. At the end of the night, The trio promises to leave Angela alone, but she tells them to just slow down and let things happen in their own time, before giving each suitor a quick kiss and informing them of her fifteen rookery sisters on Avalon.
The Story
Previously on Gargoyles
- Recaps: ("Golem", "The Gathering Part One", "Protection")
Act One
A stray cat dodges out of the path of a speeding car on the streets of Manhattan. The car quickly pulls into a garage and Glasses guides it in. As the garage door closes behind the car, Glasses yells for a crew to hurry up and get to work. Several men approach the car with tools and begin disassembling it. As the engine is lifted out, Glasses jokes about "Dracon's House of Auto Parts. The prices are hot and so is the merchandise." The car, one of many in the warehouse, is rapidly being reduced to sellable components.
Meanwhile, high above New York City, the Trio and Angela are on patrol. Brooklyn explains to "Angie" that he patrols the city every night. "It's a dangerous job, but somebody's got to do it," he boasts. Lexington glides forward and brags that he must've foiled a hundred muggings in New York. Then Broadway glides between his rookery brothers and Angela to explain that the real action is in organized crime and the city has been much safer since he sent Tony Dracon to prison. Angela, somewhat unimpressed, tells the Trio that their actions are "very impressive." Her attention is drawn to something flying ahead of them and she asks if it is normal. Lexington identifies it as a Cyberbiotics Hovercraft and then uses the opportunity to tell Angela that he once flew a helicopter. Ignoring him, Angela tells her companions that she has seen one like that before and didn't like it's owner. She dives to follow the craft and the others follow. The hovercraft arrives at Glasses' warehouse and ropes are dropped down to the roof. Three humans descend from the craft. One, a blonde female, approaches the roof door and kicks it open. Seeing nothing inside, she motions for her companions to join her. Suddenly, Pal Joey appears from behind some nearby machinery and fires a rocket at the woman! She dodges, but the blast destroys the roof entrance and throws the woman down hard. Another of the Hovercraft men is revealed to be Tomas Brod. Looking at the unconscious woman he jokes to his companion, Jack Dane, that "that is why I never go in first." He fires a gas canister at Pal Joey and it bursts open and releases a green gas. Pal Joey starts coughing and then passes out. Several more humans descend from the hovercraft wearing gas masks and join Dane and Brod (who also don gas masks) at the hole in the roof. Dane wonders what they should do about the blond woman and Brod tells him to let her sleep as they have other things to do. He fires another gas canister down into the building and he and his team descend into the warehouse. In the room below, Glasses and his men have armed themselves and are watching the roof access stairway. Green gas is pouring through the door. The door is suddenly flung open and several more gas canisters bounce down into the room. Glasses and his men start coughing and running away while Brod's people begin firing weapons throughout the garage. They are causing as much damage as they can to as many cars and parts as possible. Glasses and one of his men run to dodge the bullets and dive into a car that Glasses explains is bulletproof. As they close the door, bullets hit the glass windows, but don't make it through. The voice of Captain Maria Chavez comes across a bullhorn. The NYPD have the building surrounded! Brod, alarmed, calls for a retreat and he and his men race back up to the roof. Outside, Chavez, Matt Bluestone, and many police officers are gathered. Chavez orders the building's occupants to put down their weapons and come out of the building peacefully. Instead, the bulletproof car rams through the garage door and escapes through the police barricades as officers fire on it to no effect. The car races down the street. Meanwhile, on the roof, Brod hurries his people back into the hovercraft. He picks up the still unconscious blonde woman and grabs on to the hovercraft's rope ladder. The hovercraft makes its escape and is also fired at by the NYPD. Chavez tells her people to hold their fire as they watch the two vehicles escape. Also watching the escape are Angela and the Trio. Broadway tells the others that that is his cue and Lexington, annoyed, brushes him aside. Brooklyn, assuming command, starts giving orders and the other three listen to him. Two will follow the car, two will follow the hovercraft. He tells "Angie" to join him and the two depart. Lex and Broadway give each other a glance and then begin to follow, ignoring Brooklyn's orders. As they catch up, Brooklyn is annoyed. Broadway asks why he gets to go with Angela and the beaked gargoyle explains that he is second-in-command. Lexington accuses him of abusing his power. Brooklyn shoves Lex aside and the two begin a mid-air scuffle. They collide with Broadway and soon all three are physically and verbally fighting. Angela notices something ahead. She tries to warn her companions, but they are too engaged with their argument. Angela veers to the side just as the Trio spot a brick tower right in their flightpath. Unable to stop or avoid it, all three of them slam into the building and fall to a roof below. Angela lands near them and explains that she tried to warn them. "Thanks," the brothers say in unison.
The hovercraft flies over the city. Inside, the blonde woman wakes up and asks her companions what happened. Brod explains that her plan worked... until the police showed up! The woman is angry. Someone must've told the police. Dane explains that he wouldn't have come out of retirement just to turn into a rat. He joined because he sees Brod as tough enough to break the Dracon family hold on the the New York turf. Brod adds that none of the men he brought from Prague would betray him. The woman scoffs and sarcastically quips, "well, then I guess it was me." Brod laughs. This is why he likes her. Dane guesses that Dracon's people probably got sloppy and led the police to the warehouse. Brod says that this explanation will do. For now.
At the Clocktower, the Trio are arguing about their failure to catch either vehicle as Angela looks out on to the city. Each of the brothers attempts to put the blame on to the others. Angela ignores this and tells them that is is almost dawn and Goliath, Hudson, and Bronx still have not returned from patrol. Broadway walks over to her and tries to comfort her by explaining that they've all been caught away from home at sunrise. "But how many of us have turned to stone in mid-air!" Lexington snidely quips. Broadway shoving Lex to the ground, points out that he was being chased by a Macbeth robot at the time. Brooklyn gets between his quarreling brothers to stop the "mutton heads" from fighting, but he only gets pulled into shoving match himself. As they continue to bicker, the sun rises and all four gargoyles turn to stone.
Later that morning, at Rikers Island, Glasses talks with Tony Dracon through the glass visitation window. He explains that Brod has done a lot of damage and is muscling in on Dracon's territory. Dracon is ready to engage in a full on turf war and Glasses asks for orders. Dracon yells for Glasses to hit Brod's crew and hit them hard. Glasses acknowledges his angry superior and exits.
Two police cars are parked in from of a restaurant. Inside, Brod, Dane, the blonde woman, and another gangster are eating at a table while being questioned by Matt Bluestone. The detective wants to know where Brod was during the raid on Dracon's chop shop the previous night. Brod pretends not to know what a chop shop is and then explains that he and his companions were at the restaurant the previous night until very late. The others agree with him and Bluestone is annoyed.
That evening, at the 23rd Precinct house below the Clocktower, Brod and the blonde woman are brought in for further questioning. Bluestone pulls Brod into a room to "converse" away from the blonde woman. Brod tells him that it is a waste of time since "Salli" will only tell the police the exact same story. Bluestone tells "Salli" to have a seat while Brod accompanies him. The woman sits for a moment before some police officers bring a man into the room who soon begins angrily yelling and throwing a fit. Several police officers move to help subdue the man and "Salli" uses the distraction to slip away unnoticed. The woman slips into a broom closet and avoids notice from several police officers while sighing in relief. Outside, the sun sets and the Trio and Angela awaken from their stone sleep. As they move into their Clocktower home, "Salli" has ascended the stairs into the large room as well. The woman looks up at the four gargoyles as they look at her with alarm. "Uh oh," says Brooklyn, "We've got a problem..."
Act Two
Shortly after sunset at the Clocktower, the Trio and Angela look down upon the unknown blonde woman. The woman pauses for a moment, smiles, and then removes her blonde wig. It is Elisa! "Surprise!" she tells her young friends. The gargoyles are stunned for a moment before all three of the Trio begin gloating to each other how they knew it was Elisa the whole time. Angela continues to be unimpressed by their antics. Lexington asks Elisa why she is wearing a disguise and Broadway correctly guesses that Elisa is undercover. The detective explains that Brod, who she and Angela met in Prague, has moved his operations to New York. Elisa has infiltrated his gang and the police are working to take him down as well as Dracon's people. Brooklyn, pushing Lexington aside, boasts that Elisa must want him to help out. Elisa, uncertain, points out that it is hard to check in with Matt Bluestone, but the gargoyles can follow her to places that the police can't go. Quick to jump on this opportunity to impress Angela, the Trio begins bragging about their abilities and literally flexing their muscles. "Uh... thanks," replies Elisa. She turns to head back into the police station before she is missed. On her way out, Angela runs over to her and asks if the "friendliness" of the boys is how they always are. Elisa, seeing the situation now, explains to Angela that it has been a long time since the others have been around an attractive female gargoyle. She advises Angela to tell the others how she expects to be treated. Angela is uncertain, but says no more as Elisa returns to work.
Elisa is in the office of her boss, Captain Chavez. She is annoyed that after weeks of planning they can't bust anybody from either side of the turf war. Chavez explains that since Elisa was out cold during the raid, lawyers would have no problems tearing down her testimony. Elisa asks her Captain if she can stick around with Brod a little longer in the hopes that one side or the other makes a move to attack their foe. Chavez tells her no. It is too dangerous. Elisa presses her point. If one side wins the turf war, they will become too powerful to control. This is their best opportunity to decimate both sides. Chavez stops to consider this.
Nearby, Brod exits an interrogation room. "So glad we had this chance to chat," he says to sarcastically to Bluestone who follows him out. Down the hall, Chavez's door opens and "Salli" exits with the Captain. Elisa and Chavez both put up an act for Brod's benefit. "Salli" appears to be annoyed with the Captain and Chavez tells her that if she keeps it up she'll find herself in a holding pen. She shoves "Salli" at Brod and tells him to leave and to "take this trash" with him. Brod smiles and he and "Salli" depart.
One of Brod's men pulls up in a car outside the 23rd precinct house as Brod and "Salli" exit. The Trio and Angela watch from high above as they get into the car and pull away. Brooklyn announces his plan: He and "Angie" will follow the car while Broadway and Lexington stay home to await Goliath. As Brooklyn and Angela depart, Lex angrily tells Broadway that their brother is "doing it again". They launch themselves to follow Brooklyn and Angela. Catching up, Broadway tells Brooklyn that "this is too important for you to handle alone." Seeing where this is going, Angela quickly stops them all and reminds them that Elisa is counting on them. No more fighting. The Trio all rigorously deny that they were ever fighting. Angela is quietly annoyed.
Brod's car pulls up to his favorite restaurant. The window is rolled down and Brod and "Salli" are shocked to see the restaurant is in flames! Jack Dane approaches the car and explains that Dracon hit them all over town. Their operations have taken serious damage. Brod is furious at the destruction of the restaurant. Dane informs Brod and "Salli" that there is a rumor that Dracon has a train coming in to town tonight that is bearing weapons. Brod orders him to prepare his hovercraft. This is war now! He intends to hit the train and then destroy the rest of Dracon's organization with the weapons they steal. Elisa glances at a nearby payphone but is unable to arrange to call for backup before Brod pulls her into the car. They depart as the restaurant continues to burn.
Later that night, Dracon's train enters the city on a track alongside a river. Brod's hovercraft intercepts it and several ropes are dropped down. Brod, "Salli", and two more of Brod's men descend down to the train's roof. They make their way to the rear and descend the ladder. They open the train's rear door and charge in only to discover empty seats. "Salli" wonders why Dracon would be carrying weapons on a passenger train. Brod points out that Dracon is clever. "You got that right!" calls out Glasses who was hiding behind one of the seats. He and several other of Dracon's gang reveal themselves and begin firing their guns at Brod's crew. The two gangs both take cover among the seats as a fire fight ensues. "Salli" advises her side to get back to the hovercraft. She shoots out the overhead lights which plunges the train car into darkness and allows Brod's gang to escape. They leave the way they came. While running along the train car's roof, they are narrowly missed by gunfire from below: Dracon's men are shooting at them through the ceiling! As they near the ropes dangling from the hovercraft, Glasses climbs on to the roof holding a rocket launcher. He takes aim at the craft and fires. The hovercraft turns to dodge as the projectile nearly hits it and explodes. The hovercraft is undamaged, but has been driven off temporarily: Brod's people are stranded. Dracon's men have climbed on to the train's roof and with weapons drawn, Pal Joey explains to Brod that there is no way out, the turf war is over, and he has lost. As Pal Joey takes aim, Angela suddenly dives towards him and shoves him off the train and into the water below. The Trio follows her lead and soon only Glasses remains of Dracon's gang. Brod is shocked. He explains that he fought "creatures" like these in Prague and wonders why they are helping him now. "Salli" quips that perhaps they hate Dracon more. Above, Brooklyn gloats about his attack of Dracon's crew to Angela. "That's nothing," says Broadway, " Watch me take on the hovercraft!" Lexington tells him that he'll get there first and dives towards Brod's vehicle. Angela pleads with him to wait, but Lex ignores her. Inside the hovercraft one of Brod's people takes aim at Lexington with the ship's primary weapon. The laser cannon fires and Lexington is hit. He falls from the sky, but before he can hit the ground, Angela dives down to rescue him. Unfortunately, another laser blast hits them both and they fall down on to the rail tracks below. Angela and Lexington slowly recover and glance up only to see the train barreling towards them at high speed!
Act Three
Featured Characters and First Appearances
Gargoyles | Humans | Others |
- "Come on down to Dracon's house of auto parts. The prices are hot! And so is the merchandise." - Glasses
- "What about Sleeping Beauty?"
- "Let her sleep. The prince has a kingdom to conquer." - Jack Dane and Brod
- "Hey, am I the second-in-command or not?"
- "Yeah, but how many of us have turned to stone in mid-air?" - Lexington
- "Knock it off, mutton-heads." - Brooklyn
- "Woah, busted." - Broadway
- "Oh, and another thing...Stop calling me Angie!!" - Angela
- "What's going on? I didn't order a break-out!" - Dracon
- "I thought you flew a helicopter!"
- "Yeah, but first I-I kind of crashed it." - Angela and Lexington
- "So, when do we get our World Tour?" - Brooklyn
Jack Dane from "Revelations" returns to become a member of Tomas Brod's gang (he should probably have stayed in the Witness Relocation Program), apparently out of hostility towards Tony Dracon and his family.
There are several allusions to past episodes here, including not only "Protection" (with Broadway proudly boasting about how he helped put Dracon behind bars) and "Golem" (with the return of Brod and his hovercraft - though how he recovered it is not explained), but also "Her Brother's Keeper" (Lexington recalls his flying the Pack's helicopter) and "The Price" (Broadway's turning to stone in mid-air during the battle with the Macbeth robot are also mentioned).
According to Greg Weisman, the events in "Vendettas" and "Turf" took place more or less simultaneously (see the Timeline for further details), indicating that Goliath and Hudson's absence was due to their fight with Wolf and Hakon's ghost. This doesn't explain Bronx's absence, however. Greg hints that the gargoyle beast was having an adventure of his own at the time. [1]
Elisa's alias of "Salli" is another in-joke; she was voiced by Salli Richardson.
Brooklyn's question to Goliath, "So when do we get our world tour?" was intended to foreshadow the TimeDancer spin-off. (Like Goliath in "Future Tense", Brooklyn really should learn to be careful about what he asks for.)
Though Lexington is as eager at pursuing Angela in this episode as Brooklyn and Broadway are, in fact (again according to Greg Weisman), he's actually gay - a revelation that would be handled very carefully in the series under Greg's direction. Presumably, Lex must not have realized this at the time of "Turf"; it does help to explain, though, why he wasn't as upset as Brooklyn was in "The Journey" when it became clear that Angela had chosen Broadway.
Toon Disney/Disney XD Edits
Brod and his gang shooting up Dracon's chopshop has been cut.
DVD Release
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