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===Main Plot===
===Main Plot===
[[Coldstone]] becomes functional again, and controlled by a [[Xanatos Computer Program|program]] designed by [[David Xanatos|Xanatos]], raids the [[Goldencup Bakery Building]] building and unintentionally downloads a [[Computer Virus|computer virus]].  "Othello" is awakened and reunites with [[Goliath]], who invites the cyborg to join the [[Manhattan Clan|clan]].  However, Coldstone becomes tormented by the voices of [[Coldfire|"Desdemona"]] and [[Coldsteel|"Iago"]] in his head.  At [[Ellis Island]], Goliath uses [[RECAP]] to enter Coldstone's mind through a virtual reality hookup, where he encounters the virus emerging from a swirling vortex which is slowly destroying everything.  Goliath, "Othello", and "Desdemona" team up against "Iago" merged with the Xanatos program to battle for control of Coldstone's mind.  "Iago" is swallowed by the vortex and Goliath leaves his brother and sister to an unknown fate as the cyborg body temporarily shuts down.
[[Coldstone]] becomes functional again, and controlled by a [[Xanatos Computer Program|program]] designed by [[David Xanatos|Xanatos]], raids the [[Goldencup Bakery Building]] building and unintentionally downloads a [[Computer Virus|computer virus]].  [[Coldstone|"Othello"]] is awakened and reunites with [[Goliath]], who invites the cyborg to join the [[Manhattan Clan]].  However, Coldstone becomes tormented by the voices of [[Coldfire|"Desdemona"]] and [[Coldsteel|"Iago"]] in his head.  At [[Ellis Island]], Goliath uses [[RECAP]] to enter Coldstone's mind through a virtual reality hookup, where he encounters the virus emerging from a swirling vortex which is slowly destroying everything.  Goliath, "Othello", and "Desdemona" team up against "Iago" merged with the Xanatos program to battle for control of Coldstone's mind.  "Iago" is swallowed by the vortex and Goliath leaves his brother and sister to an unknown fate as the cyborg body temporarily shuts down.
===Sub Plots===
===Sub Plots===
[[Matt Bluestone]] is in charge of RECAP and uses it to try to stop the rampaging Coldstone in the Goldencup Bakery building, but Coldstone destroys it.  [[Elisa Maza|Elisa]] secretly lends RECAP's virtual reality hookup and visor to [[Lexington]] so that Goliath can go into Coldstone's mind.  Despite Elisa's attempts to dissuade him, Matt begins to track the [[gargoyle]]s down through the use of a homing beacon.  He calls in a SWAT Team of police boats and helicopters.  The [[trio]] and [[Hudson]] are able to distract the police long enough for Goliath to return and the gargoyles escape notice.
[[Matt Bluestone]] is in charge of RECAP and uses it to try to stop the rampaging Coldstone in the Goldencup Bakery building, but Coldstone destroys it.  [[Elisa Maza]] secretly lends RECAP's virtual reality hookup and visor to [[Lexington]] so that Goliath can go into Coldstone's mind.  Despite Elisa's attempts to dissuade him, Matt begins to track the [[gargoyle]]s down through the use of a homing beacon.  He calls in a SWAT Team of police boats and helicopters.  The [[Trio]] and [[Hudson]] are able to distract the police long enough for Goliath to return and the gargoyles escape notice.
A conflict between the four [[rookery]] siblings that has happened in the past resurfaces when "Iago", jealous over the love "Desdemona" has for "Othello", convinces "Othello" that Goliath is trying to steal her away from him.  Angered, "Othello" knocks Goliath into the vortex and he is in danger of being pulled down by the virus strands.  "Desdemona" reasons with "Othello" that not only is Goliath innocent, but that "Iago" has deceived him. Convinced, "Othello" saves Goliath before he can be pulled down.
A conflict between the four [[rookery]] siblings that has happened in the past resurfaces when "Iago", jealous over the love "Desdemona" has for "Othello", convinces "Othello" that Goliath is trying to steal her away from him.  Angered, "Othello" knocks Goliath into the vortex and he is in danger of being pulled down by the virus strands.  "Desdemona" reasons with "Othello" that not only is Goliath innocent, but that "Iago" has deceived him. Convinced, "Othello" saves Goliath before he can be pulled down.
Another [[Xanatos Tag]] reveals that Xanatos had given RECAP to the police, and also that he had awakened Coldstone in order for the cyborg to download classified defense specs for him in the Goldencup Bakery.  Though Coldstone was unable to download them because of the virus, Xanatos is unphased, and decides that the virus itself is a deadlier weapon.
Another [[Xanatos Tag]] reveals that Xanatos had given RECAP to the police, and also that he had awakened Coldstone in order for the cyborg to download classified defense specs for him in the Goldencup Bakery.  Though Coldstone was unable to download them because of the virus, Xanatos is unfazed, and decides that the virus itself is a deadlier weapon.
==The Story==
==The Story==
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===Act One===
===Act One===
Deep beneath the surface of the [[Hudson River]], the lifeless shell of Coldstone lies dormant when suddenly its eye opens as its operating systems come back online and initiate its repair sequence. As this happens, memories sporadically flash – memories of "Othello" and "Desdemona" embracing. Memories of Goliath comforting a tearful "Desdemona" in his arms. Memories of jealousy and suspicions of betrayal fueled by "Iago", who encourages "Othello" to attack his [[Rhydderch]]. Memories of "Desdemona" attempting to stop the fighting, only to be swatted away by her enraged mate. With the internal repairs complete, Coldstone activates its jets and emerges from its watery grave, new program parameters initiated. Coldstone flies to the [[Goldencup Bakery Building]], invading the government laboratory within. Well armed and equipped security guards open fire on the creature, but to no avail – their bullets merely bounce off of it.
At the [[Clock Tower]], Elisa Maza tosses a headset into [[Lexington|Lexington's]] hands, telling him that [[Matt Bluestone|her partner]] just got the call to test RECAP. Goliath inquires and Lex explains to him that RECAP stands for "'''R'''econnaissance '''E'''mergency '''C'''yber-'''A'''utomated '''P'''robe". Elisa tries to break it down just a machine for dealing with high risk situations, but the young gargoyle is too excited to just dismiss it as a mere machine; as far as he's concerned, it's the latest breakthrough in robotics hooked to virtual reality. The curious Goliath asks about virtual reality, and Elisa explains that it is "the next best thing go being there" and invites them to join her on her assignment.
Like a juggernaut, Coldstone makes its way through the halls of Goldencup as armed guards continue to fall back. It comes across a steel vault door and deploys its [[Particle Beam Weapons|particle beam]], blowing a giant hole in the door. The guards flee as the monstrosity enters. It eyes a terminal that it identifies as a weapons directory and plugs itself in to download all relevant files. While successful in its mission, the Coldstone shell cries out in pain as the soul of "Othello" emerges, taking control of the body. He has no idea where he is or how he came there. More armed guards arrive and open fire on him; but he defends himself by ripping a terminal from the walls and throwing it at them.
Outside, police officers are assisting injured scientists, escorting them to emergency vehicles. Matt Bluestone dons the RECAP visor and a skeptical Elisa asks him if he's sure that he knows what he's doing. But Matt is quite confident – he's spent the last six months reading and studying the manuals. Matt points out how simple it is – the virtual reality hook up links directly to the visor he's wearing, allowing him to sees everything RECAP does. He operates a remote control as a robotic probe bearing the logo of the [[Scarab Corporation]] emerges from a police van and enters the building. Elisa is still skeptical, and gently needles her partner, hoping that Matt handles it better than a squad car. But Matt retorts that she wouldn't know, as she never lets him drive. As this happens, Goliath and Lexington observe from a nearby rooftop.
The robotic probe approaches the enraged Coldstone as Matt orders him to stand down before firing a canister of tear gas as the cybernetic stone creature advances. Matt attempts to hit the cyborg with a taser which inflicts pain on the cyborg, but Coldstone fires back with a particle beam destroying the probe. The shock rebounds on Matt who removes the visor and tosses it aside. Coldstone blows a hole in the side of the building before tossing the flaming wreckage of the probe down to the street. Crying "freedom!", the cyborg activates its rockets and takes to the sky.
Lexington spots the fleeing Coldstone and Goliath is surprised to see his rookery brother "alive" and the two gargoyles pursue. Coldstone lands on a rooftop and looks out over the [[East River]], attempting to make sense of surroundings. When Goliath lands, Coldstone acts on instinct as attacks him, before he recognizes his rookery brother which brings the fight abruptly to a halt. Lexington reintroduces himself to Coldstone with his new name. A distraught Coldstone doesn't know where he is or what he's doing – he's lost. Goliath assures his wayward brother that his memory will come to him in time and invites him to rejoin the [[Manhattan Clan|clan]] in their new home.  Coldstone is touched by the invitation and agrees, and follows the two gargoyles as they soar to the Clock Tower. Lexington, however, is not entirely on board with this. He reminds Goliath that Coldstone hadn't always been his friend; but Goliath reminds the younger gargoyle that, without trust, there can be no [[clan]].
Within the Clock Tower, [[Bronx]] regards Coldstone with suspicion but Hudson is all too happy to see one of his rookery children come home and welcomes him back. Coldstone, in turn, is happy to see that his Mentor survived but grows melancholy as there is only one other he misses more. Before he can finish that thought, Coldstone's robotic eye flashes. Suddenly Coldstone asks where [[Coldfire|"he"]] is, turning and surprised to see Goliath. Coldstone is surprised Goliath is addressing them as "brother". The cyborg grows more anxious, realizing that "his" voice is different and that they aren't in the [[Castle Wyvern|castle]]. Goliath reminds his brother that the Clock Tower is their home. Coldstone asks again why Goliath keeps calling them "brother" before catching sight of "his" reflection in the television. Coldstone screams in panic before running, activating the rocket thrusters and flying out of the Clock Tower with Goliath and Hudson in pursuit. A stunned [[Brooklyn]] asks what that was all about and [[Broadway]] has no idea. Lexington hypothesizes that there is something wrong inside Coldstone's head and he knows how to find out what.
Coldstone continues to rocket across the Hudson River in a panic, Goliath and Hudson in pursuit. The cyborg's robotic eye flashes and the jets power off over New York Bay as the revived corpse crashes in front of the museum on [[Ellis Island]]. Goliath and Hudson land before the cybernetic, reanimated, stone monstrosity when Coldstone's eye flashes once more. Coldstone smirks and stands up. Goliath, concerned, asks him what's wrong. Coldstone says nothing is wrong but Hudson, suspicious, encourages Goliath to stay back. But Goliath approaches, assuring his rookery brother that he trusts him. "Do you?" Coldstone smirks. "Pity", he says as he fires a particle beam.
===Act Two===
===Act Two===
Coldstone's particle beam hits Goliath right in the chest and the gargoyle falls back before climbing back to his feet. Incredulous, Goliath asks, "you would betray my trust, brother?" But Coldstone taunts Goliath, telling the clan leader that he was a fool to extend it. Goliath promises that Coldstone has left him no choice. Goliath and Hudson growl and the elder warrior draws his [[Hudson's Sword|sword]] and they advance on the cybernetic reanimated corpse.
Back at Goldencup, Matt and Elisa continue their investigation. Matt is reminded of the monster they saw in [[Times Square]] last winter. Lexington begins to radio Elisa, and she gets Matt out of there by promising to clean up while he finishes taking statements so they can call it a night. Once Matt is out of earshot, Elisa answers the gargoyle. Lexington tells her that the creature they're looking for is Coldstone, which Elisa had already guessed. She fills Lex in with the information she's gathered: Coldstone had attempted to steal information from the laboratory's computer files, but he picked the wrong computer to tap into. Turns out the computer was filled with government defense specs for top secret weapons, specs that were protected by a powerful new [[Computer Virus|computer virus]] capable of wiping out any unfamiliar program it infects. For Lexington, this revelation explains a lot, and he asks Elisa for a favor.
Back on Ellis Island, Hudson and Goliath circle Coldstone, all three warriors searching for an opening. As Goliath takes one, Coldstone fires, as Hudson leaps in with his sword, attacking the cyborg's arm-mounted cannon. Goliath collides with Coldstone, knocking him against the wall. Coldstone's eye blinks again and a shocked Coldstone asks why Goliath attacked him. Hudson won't hear it; he figures Coldstone must be playing them both for fools. Coldstone gets to his feet, reasoning that he must have blacked out back at the Clock Tower and asks where they are. Goliath asks Coldstone if he remembers anything, but all Coldstone knows is that his head is throbbing. His eye blinks and he points his weapon once more, vowing to have Goliath's head. His eye blinks again and "he" won't fight his leader. The eye blinks and now he promises to destroy them, but another blink and they're all he has left. Coldstone wrestles with his arm cannon as he collapses to the ground and begs Goliath to help him. Coldstone clutches his head begging to be left alone, screaming "SILENCE!". Within, memories of "Desdemona" urge him to trust Goliath, while "Iago" accuses her of deceiving him by always siding with Goliath. Coldstone leaps to his feet and into the air, vowing to make them be silent and randomly starts blasting. The [[Trio]] soar in, Broadway ramming into the cyborg and knocking him back down to the roof of the island museum. Lexington, carrying the RECAP visor, plugs a cord in to a jack on the cyborg's neck. Still down, Coldstone pleads to the voices to be quiet. Brooklyn asks who Coldstone is talking to, but Goliath believes he must be tortured from within. Lexington holds up the visor, explaining that if they want to save him, then someone will have to go inside to do it.
Matt emerges from the police van, furious that RECAP's VR visor and hookup are gone. Elisa suggests that someone must have took it back to the station, but Matt doesn't believe anyone would do that without telling him first. But Matt's not too worried, RECAP comes complete with a homing beacon. He activates it, telling Elisa not to be surprised if it leads them right to their creature . . .
Goliath sits down next to Coldstone, wearing the RECAP visor. Lexington protests Goliath's actions, arguing that he's best qualified. But Goliath reminds Lex that's why he needs the young gargoyle watching the equipment – in case something goes wrong. Lexington activates the connection and Goliath opens his eyes to find himself in a virtual wasteland, and in the distance . . . a virtual Castle Wyvern. The virtual ground beneath him begins to crumble, revealing a swirling vortex with tendrils emerging from it, grabbing and pulling virtual debris into it. A virtual bridge manifests before Goliath, over the vortex and leading to the castle. Upon the battlements, the [[Stone Sleep|sleeping forms]] of his rookery siblings: "Othello", "Desdemona", and "Iago".
Lighting strikes the [[Goliath's Tower (Wyvern)|highest tower]] and, from the bolt, the all-too familiar image of [[David Xanatos]] clad in medieval armor appears and welcomes Goliath: "Surely you didn't expect to explore Coldstone's mind without my permission."
===Act Three===
===Act Three===
"Xanatos," Goliath growls. But the image of his enemy smiles: "No, merely a [[Xanatos Computer Program|computer program]] designed by him." But Goliath demands an explanation, which the Xanatos program provides: Coldstone was created by a combination of science and [[magic|sorcery]]. As a result, the magical energy has merged with the cybernetic systems that make up his mind. The program explains that its primary directive was to enslave Coldstone to Xanatos's will, but the computer virus, now devouring everything, has stopped him. Goliath narrowly avoids being taken by a tendril as it destroys a section of the virtual castle.
Atop the battlements, "Othello", "Iago", and "Desdemona" awaken from their slumber. "Othello" still feels groggy as "Iago" offers to "help" him. "Desdemona" spots Goliath and soars down to meet him. Goliath, shocked and delighted to see his deceased rookery sister embraces her. Fearing what this embrace might look like, "Desdemona" pushes him away and tells him that Coldstone was created from pieces of different gargoyles and now all three of their souls are trapped inside. Her fears are well founded, as "Iago" tells "Othello" how Goliath is trying to steal his love away, as he claims also happened a thousand years ago. The Xanatos program participates by telling "Othello" that they're betraying his trust. "Othello" cries out in anger and attacks Goliath – knocking him into the void. Goliath manages to right himself, clinging to the virtual castle walls as the virus's tendrils take hold of him – dragging him down.
In the real world, Goliath shakes in pain and Lex wishes he knew what was happening, and Hudson accuses the sight of involving the darkest of sorceries. Elisa suddenly radios Lexington, warning the gargoyle that she's on a police boat heading toward Ellis Island and Matt is tracking RECAP's VR visor. Worse, he's called in an entire SWAT team. She urges the gargoyles to evacuate, but they're unable to. When Lexington attempts to remove the visor from Goliath, he suffers a massive shock. Hudson says they have no choice but to buy Goliath some time.
In the virtual world of Coldstone's mind, Goliath attempts to escape the tendrils, but "Othello" continues to attack him. "Desdemona" rescues Goliath from the void and certain death, holding onto him as she clings to the castle walls . . . but the castle itself begins to come apart as Coldstone's mind continues to fracture. "Othello" swoops in and accuses "Desdemona" of coming to Goliath's defense over an imagined affair. "Desdemona" reminds "Othello" that her love for him is eternal and that Goliath is not his enemy but his brother and true friend. She turns her gaze towards "Iago", reminding "Othello" that he has been the one deceiving him, that he has set "Othello" against Goliath as he tried to do a thousand years ago and urges him to try to remember. "Othello" struggles with his clouded memories, but demands to know why he should trust her. "Desdemona" urges him to trust his heart if he can't trust her. The tendrils continue to drag Goliath down as "Desdemona" loses her grip and he falls – only for "Othello" to take his hand and save his brother's life.
The three rookery siblings now reunited, Goliath reminds them that their enemies are conspiring together to take control of Coldstone's mind and they must hurry. But it is too late as the soul of "Iago" merges with what remains of the virtual castle and landscape, as well as the Xanatos Computer Program. Taking the form of a giant-sized Coldstone, "Iago" captures "Desdemona" and swats Goliath and "Othello" upon a floating remnant over the vortex. Taking them in one hand, he looks to "Desdemona" in his other hand, urging her to merge with him so they can finally be together as he always knew they should have. Desdemona stares at him with disgust.
In the real world, Brooklyn and Broadway take hold of the two helicopters' landing skids, veering them off course while Hudson disables the propellers on the boats with his sword. Lexington tells Goliath to come on, they can't keep this up for long.
Inside the virtual word, "Iago" is somehow incredulous that "Desdemona" fights him, even addressing her as "my love" believing they are destined to be together for all eternity. Furiously, "Desdemona" reminds "Iago" that she will choose who she loves and bites down on his hand. "Iago" cries out in pain and releases her. The three gargoyles soar around the giant "Iago" distracting him. As he swats at them, the tendrils of the computer virus coil around him before dragging him down into the void. As the virus continues to devour the environment around all of them, "Othello" warns Goliath to return to his body. Goliath doesn't want to leave without them, but "Desdemona" says that she and her mate are finally together and that is all that matters. "Othello" is hopeful, if they can stop the virus, then so be it. But if they fail, they will at least be united for all time. The two gargoyles distract the tendrils as Goliath heads back to the portal – and his body.
The glow in Coldstone's eye slowly fades before burning out. Brooklyn, Hudson, and Broadway return unable to hold the police back anymore. Fortunately, Goliath removes the visor in time and stands to his feet, ordering them to leave this place. He takes the lifeless shell of Coldstone into his arms and they depart as the police finally reach the island.
Matt and Elisa emerge onto the museum rooftop, carrying the homing beacon. "We're right on top of it," Matt says. "Now let's see what this creature looks like up close!" But all they find is RECAP and a New York rat –  to Elisa's amusement and Matt's chagrin.
Inside the [[Eyrie Building]], [[Owen Burnett]] presents the remains of RECAP to David Xanatos. Their robotics division confiscated the remains of RECAP from the police, easily accomplished considering that [[Xanatos Enterprises]] supplied it in the first place. Coldstone provided the perfect cover for Xanatos's robot probe. Xanatos considers it a pity they had to sacrifice Coldstone – still, RECAP was able to download the computer virus program through the taser line, if not the defense specs. But Xanatos remains unconcerned about the specs as the virus is the deadliest weapon he knows of – it even managed to defeat the mighty Coldstone.
Meanwhile, the Manhattan Clan has returned to the Clock Tower with the comatose Coldstone. Goliath believes that some day his brother and sister will find their way back and when they do, he wants them to be among friends. Within the virtual world of Coldstone, "Othello" and "Desdemona" soar above the virus's reach, hand-in-hand.
==Featured Characters and First Appearances==
==Featured Characters and First Appearances==
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*[[Goldencup Bakery Building]]
*[[Goldencup Bakery Building]]
*[[Ellis Island]]
*[[Ellis Island]]
*[[Castle Moray]]
*[[Edinburgh Castle]]
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:"How would you know?  You never let me drive." - Elisa and Matt
:"How would you know?  You never let me drive." - Elisa and Matt
* "Are you sure this is a good idea?  He hasn't always been your friend.  To invite him into our home; into our [[clan]]..."
* "Are you sure this is a good idea?  He hasn't always been your friend.  To invite him into our home; into our clan . . ."
:"Without trust, there can be no clan." - Lexington and Goliath
:"Without trust, there can be no clan." - Lexington and Goliath
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The other two souls besides "Othello" that inhabit Coldstone ("Iago" and "Desdemona") are introduced in this episode.  Pieces of the three [[Stone Sleep|stone]] gargoyles were used to [[Magic|create]] the cyborg, and through [[Demona]]'s [[Resurrection Spell|sorcery]] in "Reawakening",  all three souls are trapped inside it.
The other two souls besides "Othello" that inhabit Coldstone ("Iago" and "Desdemona") are introduced in this episode.  Pieces of the three stone gargoyles were used to create the cyborg, and through [[Demona|Demona's]] [[Resurrection Spell|sorcery]] in "Reawakening",  all three souls are trapped inside it.
The Goldencup Bakery Building reappears in [[Vows|"Vows"]] (where Goliath and Xanatos meet at the very beginning of the episode), and [[The Reckoning|"The Reckoning"]] (where this time [[Demona]] breaks into it). Its real-life model was Silvercup Studios in Brooklyn.
The Goldencup Bakery Building reappears in [[Vows|"Vows"]] (where Goliath and Xanatos meet at the very beginning of the episode), and [[The Reckoning|"The Reckoning"]] (where this time Demona breaks into it). Its real-life model was Silvercup Studios in Brooklyn.
After being reactivated, Coldstone rises out of the [[Hudson River]] below the [[George Washington Bridge]], where he had disappeared at the end of "Reawakening".
After being reactivated, Coldstone rises out of the Hudson River below the [[George Washington Bridge]], where he had disappeared at the end of "Reawakening".
Elisa continues the trend of walking the fine line of helping the gargoyles while keeping her partner Matt in the dark.
Elisa continues the trend of walking the fine line of helping the gargoyles while keeping her partner Matt in the dark. This (and Matt's comment about never being allowed to drive) will reach its climax in [[Revelations|"Revelations"]].
The Manhattan Clan stores Coldstone's comatose body at the [[Clock Tower]] at the end of this episode, where it remains until [[High Noon|"High Noon"]].
The Manhattan Clan stores Coldstone's comatose body at the Clock Tower at the end of this episode, where it remains until [[High Noon|"High Noon"]].
[[Glasses]] will later use a RECAP visor when he and [[Pal Joey]] attempt to take out [[Izaak Slaughter]] with a swarm of [[Cybots]] in [[Underwater|"Underwater"]].
The episode's title is (like [[Her Brother's Keeper|"Her Brother's Keeper"]]) ultimately drawn from the Bible: to be precise, a story in the Gospels when a demon-possessed man says to Jesus Christ, upon being asked his name, "My name is Legion: for we are many". ''(Mark 5:9)'' The immediate source, however, was a movie adaptation of ''Frankenstein'' which [[Greg Weisman]] had seen as a boy, where the hypnotized Frankenstein monster (composed of the remains of many bodies) utters the same line; since Coldstone was the ''Gargoyles'' version of the Frankenstein monster, such an element was obviously irresistible to Greg. [https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=5759]
The episode's title is (like [[Her Brother's Keeper|"Her Brother's Keeper"]]) ultimately drawn from the Bible: to be precise, a story in the Gospels when a demon-possessed man says to Jesus Christ, upon being asked his name, "My name is Legion: for we are many". ''(Mark 5:9)'' The immediate source, however, was the 1973 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankenstein:_The_True_Story movie adaptation] of ''Frankenstein'' which [[Greg Weisman]] had seen as a boy, where the hypnotized Frankenstein monster (composed of the remains of many bodies) utters the same line; since Coldstone was the ''Gargoyles'' version of the Frankenstein monster, such an element was obviously irresistible to Greg. [https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=5759]
The names "Desdemona" and "Iago" occur only in the ending credits, not in the actual episode. The names are an obvious derivation from [[William Shakespeare]]'s ''[[Othello (play)|Othello]]'', fitting in with the parallel situation to that of the play (with Goliath in the Cassio role).
The names "Desdemona" and "Iago" occur only in the ending credits, not in the actual episode. The names are an obvious derivation from [[William Shakespeare|William Shakespeare's]] ''[[Othello (play)|Othello]]'', fitting in with the parallel situation to that of the play (with Goliath in the Cassio role). [https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=3557]
The audience is carefully prepared for the revelation at the end that RECAP's role in confronting Coldstone at the Goldencup Bakery was all part of Xanatos's plan; when RECAP rushes into the building at the beginning, the familiar [[Scarab Corporation|scarab logo]] from [[Awakening Part Three|"Awakening"]] can be glimpsed on its side.
The audience is carefully prepared for the revelation at the end that RECAP's role in confronting Coldstone at the Goldencup Bakery was all part of Xanatos's plan; when RECAP rushes into the building at the beginning, the familiar [[Scarab Corporation|scarab logo]] from [[Awakening Part Three|"Awakening"]] can be glimpsed on its side.
Marty Isenberg & Robert N. Skir wrote an episode of ''Batman: The Animated Series'', "What is Reality?", where Batman goes into a virtual reality world and battles the Riddler. [http://dcanimated.wikia.com/wiki/What_Is_Reality%3F]
Marty Isenberg & Robert N. Skir wrote an episode of ''Batman: The Animated Series'', "What is Reality?", where [[Caped Crusader|Batman]] goes into a virtual reality world and battles the Riddler. [http://dcanimated.wikia.com/wiki/What_Is_Reality%3F]
==Toon Disney/Disney XD Edits==
==Toon Disney/Disney XD Edits==
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* ''[[Gargoyles: Season Two, Volume One]]''
* ''[[Gargoyles: Season Two, Volume One]]''
==See Also==
*[http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=99 Background Memo]
*[http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=99 Background Memo]
*[http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=101 Greg's Ramble]
*[http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=101 Greg's Ramble]
*[http://www.gargoyles-fans.org/reviews/ep16.htm Extensive Synopsis and Review]
*[http://www.gargoyles-fans.org/reviews/ep16.htm Extensive Synopsis and Review]
*[https://spidey-dude.com/voices-from-the-eyrie-19-legion/ ''Voices from the Eyrie'' Deep Dive]
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Latest revision as of 12:18, 15 December 2024


"Legion" is the sixteenth televised episode of the series Gargoyles, and the third episode of Season 2. It originally aired on September 6, 1995.


Main Plot

Coldstone becomes functional again, and controlled by a program designed by Xanatos, raids the Goldencup Bakery Building building and unintentionally downloads a computer virus. "Othello" is awakened and reunites with Goliath, who invites the cyborg to join the Manhattan Clan. However, Coldstone becomes tormented by the voices of "Desdemona" and "Iago" in his head. At Ellis Island, Goliath uses RECAP to enter Coldstone's mind through a virtual reality hookup, where he encounters the virus emerging from a swirling vortex which is slowly destroying everything. Goliath, "Othello", and "Desdemona" team up against "Iago" merged with the Xanatos program to battle for control of Coldstone's mind. "Iago" is swallowed by the vortex and Goliath leaves his brother and sister to an unknown fate as the cyborg body temporarily shuts down.

Sub Plots

Matt Bluestone is in charge of RECAP and uses it to try to stop the rampaging Coldstone in the Goldencup Bakery building, but Coldstone destroys it. Elisa Maza secretly lends RECAP's virtual reality hookup and visor to Lexington so that Goliath can go into Coldstone's mind. Despite Elisa's attempts to dissuade him, Matt begins to track the gargoyles down through the use of a homing beacon. He calls in a SWAT Team of police boats and helicopters. The Trio and Hudson are able to distract the police long enough for Goliath to return and the gargoyles escape notice.

A conflict between the four rookery siblings that has happened in the past resurfaces when "Iago", jealous over the love "Desdemona" has for "Othello", convinces "Othello" that Goliath is trying to steal her away from him. Angered, "Othello" knocks Goliath into the vortex and he is in danger of being pulled down by the virus strands. "Desdemona" reasons with "Othello" that not only is Goliath innocent, but that "Iago" has deceived him. Convinced, "Othello" saves Goliath before he can be pulled down.

Another Xanatos Tag reveals that Xanatos had given RECAP to the police, and also that he had awakened Coldstone in order for the cyborg to download classified defense specs for him in the Goldencup Bakery. Though Coldstone was unable to download them because of the virus, Xanatos is unfazed, and decides that the virus itself is a deadlier weapon.

The Story

Previously on Gargoyles

Act One

Deep beneath the surface of the Hudson River, the lifeless shell of Coldstone lies dormant when suddenly its eye opens as its operating systems come back online and initiate its repair sequence. As this happens, memories sporadically flash – memories of "Othello" and "Desdemona" embracing. Memories of Goliath comforting a tearful "Desdemona" in his arms. Memories of jealousy and suspicions of betrayal fueled by "Iago", who encourages "Othello" to attack his Rhydderch. Memories of "Desdemona" attempting to stop the fighting, only to be swatted away by her enraged mate. With the internal repairs complete, Coldstone activates its jets and emerges from its watery grave, new program parameters initiated. Coldstone flies to the Goldencup Bakery Building, invading the government laboratory within. Well armed and equipped security guards open fire on the creature, but to no avail – their bullets merely bounce off of it.

At the Clock Tower, Elisa Maza tosses a headset into Lexington's hands, telling him that her partner just got the call to test RECAP. Goliath inquires and Lex explains to him that RECAP stands for "Reconnaissance Emergency Cyber-Automated Probe". Elisa tries to break it down just a machine for dealing with high risk situations, but the young gargoyle is too excited to just dismiss it as a mere machine; as far as he's concerned, it's the latest breakthrough in robotics hooked to virtual reality. The curious Goliath asks about virtual reality, and Elisa explains that it is "the next best thing go being there" and invites them to join her on her assignment.

Like a juggernaut, Coldstone makes its way through the halls of Goldencup as armed guards continue to fall back. It comes across a steel vault door and deploys its particle beam, blowing a giant hole in the door. The guards flee as the monstrosity enters. It eyes a terminal that it identifies as a weapons directory and plugs itself in to download all relevant files. While successful in its mission, the Coldstone shell cries out in pain as the soul of "Othello" emerges, taking control of the body. He has no idea where he is or how he came there. More armed guards arrive and open fire on him; but he defends himself by ripping a terminal from the walls and throwing it at them.

Outside, police officers are assisting injured scientists, escorting them to emergency vehicles. Matt Bluestone dons the RECAP visor and a skeptical Elisa asks him if he's sure that he knows what he's doing. But Matt is quite confident – he's spent the last six months reading and studying the manuals. Matt points out how simple it is – the virtual reality hook up links directly to the visor he's wearing, allowing him to sees everything RECAP does. He operates a remote control as a robotic probe bearing the logo of the Scarab Corporation emerges from a police van and enters the building. Elisa is still skeptical, and gently needles her partner, hoping that Matt handles it better than a squad car. But Matt retorts that she wouldn't know, as she never lets him drive. As this happens, Goliath and Lexington observe from a nearby rooftop.

The robotic probe approaches the enraged Coldstone as Matt orders him to stand down before firing a canister of tear gas as the cybernetic stone creature advances. Matt attempts to hit the cyborg with a taser which inflicts pain on the cyborg, but Coldstone fires back with a particle beam destroying the probe. The shock rebounds on Matt who removes the visor and tosses it aside. Coldstone blows a hole in the side of the building before tossing the flaming wreckage of the probe down to the street. Crying "freedom!", the cyborg activates its rockets and takes to the sky.

Lexington spots the fleeing Coldstone and Goliath is surprised to see his rookery brother "alive" and the two gargoyles pursue. Coldstone lands on a rooftop and looks out over the East River, attempting to make sense of surroundings. When Goliath lands, Coldstone acts on instinct as attacks him, before he recognizes his rookery brother which brings the fight abruptly to a halt. Lexington reintroduces himself to Coldstone with his new name. A distraught Coldstone doesn't know where he is or what he's doing – he's lost. Goliath assures his wayward brother that his memory will come to him in time and invites him to rejoin the clan in their new home. Coldstone is touched by the invitation and agrees, and follows the two gargoyles as they soar to the Clock Tower. Lexington, however, is not entirely on board with this. He reminds Goliath that Coldstone hadn't always been his friend; but Goliath reminds the younger gargoyle that, without trust, there can be no clan.

Within the Clock Tower, Bronx regards Coldstone with suspicion but Hudson is all too happy to see one of his rookery children come home and welcomes him back. Coldstone, in turn, is happy to see that his Mentor survived but grows melancholy as there is only one other he misses more. Before he can finish that thought, Coldstone's robotic eye flashes. Suddenly Coldstone asks where "he" is, turning and surprised to see Goliath. Coldstone is surprised Goliath is addressing them as "brother". The cyborg grows more anxious, realizing that "his" voice is different and that they aren't in the castle. Goliath reminds his brother that the Clock Tower is their home. Coldstone asks again why Goliath keeps calling them "brother" before catching sight of "his" reflection in the television. Coldstone screams in panic before running, activating the rocket thrusters and flying out of the Clock Tower with Goliath and Hudson in pursuit. A stunned Brooklyn asks what that was all about and Broadway has no idea. Lexington hypothesizes that there is something wrong inside Coldstone's head and he knows how to find out what.

Coldstone continues to rocket across the Hudson River in a panic, Goliath and Hudson in pursuit. The cyborg's robotic eye flashes and the jets power off over New York Bay as the revived corpse crashes in front of the museum on Ellis Island. Goliath and Hudson land before the cybernetic, reanimated, stone monstrosity when Coldstone's eye flashes once more. Coldstone smirks and stands up. Goliath, concerned, asks him what's wrong. Coldstone says nothing is wrong but Hudson, suspicious, encourages Goliath to stay back. But Goliath approaches, assuring his rookery brother that he trusts him. "Do you?" Coldstone smirks. "Pity", he says as he fires a particle beam.

Act Two

Coldstone's particle beam hits Goliath right in the chest and the gargoyle falls back before climbing back to his feet. Incredulous, Goliath asks, "you would betray my trust, brother?" But Coldstone taunts Goliath, telling the clan leader that he was a fool to extend it. Goliath promises that Coldstone has left him no choice. Goliath and Hudson growl and the elder warrior draws his sword and they advance on the cybernetic reanimated corpse.

Back at Goldencup, Matt and Elisa continue their investigation. Matt is reminded of the monster they saw in Times Square last winter. Lexington begins to radio Elisa, and she gets Matt out of there by promising to clean up while he finishes taking statements so they can call it a night. Once Matt is out of earshot, Elisa answers the gargoyle. Lexington tells her that the creature they're looking for is Coldstone, which Elisa had already guessed. She fills Lex in with the information she's gathered: Coldstone had attempted to steal information from the laboratory's computer files, but he picked the wrong computer to tap into. Turns out the computer was filled with government defense specs for top secret weapons, specs that were protected by a powerful new computer virus capable of wiping out any unfamiliar program it infects. For Lexington, this revelation explains a lot, and he asks Elisa for a favor.

Back on Ellis Island, Hudson and Goliath circle Coldstone, all three warriors searching for an opening. As Goliath takes one, Coldstone fires, as Hudson leaps in with his sword, attacking the cyborg's arm-mounted cannon. Goliath collides with Coldstone, knocking him against the wall. Coldstone's eye blinks again and a shocked Coldstone asks why Goliath attacked him. Hudson won't hear it; he figures Coldstone must be playing them both for fools. Coldstone gets to his feet, reasoning that he must have blacked out back at the Clock Tower and asks where they are. Goliath asks Coldstone if he remembers anything, but all Coldstone knows is that his head is throbbing. His eye blinks and he points his weapon once more, vowing to have Goliath's head. His eye blinks again and "he" won't fight his leader. The eye blinks and now he promises to destroy them, but another blink and they're all he has left. Coldstone wrestles with his arm cannon as he collapses to the ground and begs Goliath to help him. Coldstone clutches his head begging to be left alone, screaming "SILENCE!". Within, memories of "Desdemona" urge him to trust Goliath, while "Iago" accuses her of deceiving him by always siding with Goliath. Coldstone leaps to his feet and into the air, vowing to make them be silent and randomly starts blasting. The Trio soar in, Broadway ramming into the cyborg and knocking him back down to the roof of the island museum. Lexington, carrying the RECAP visor, plugs a cord in to a jack on the cyborg's neck. Still down, Coldstone pleads to the voices to be quiet. Brooklyn asks who Coldstone is talking to, but Goliath believes he must be tortured from within. Lexington holds up the visor, explaining that if they want to save him, then someone will have to go inside to do it.

Matt emerges from the police van, furious that RECAP's VR visor and hookup are gone. Elisa suggests that someone must have took it back to the station, but Matt doesn't believe anyone would do that without telling him first. But Matt's not too worried, RECAP comes complete with a homing beacon. He activates it, telling Elisa not to be surprised if it leads them right to their creature . . .

Goliath sits down next to Coldstone, wearing the RECAP visor. Lexington protests Goliath's actions, arguing that he's best qualified. But Goliath reminds Lex that's why he needs the young gargoyle watching the equipment – in case something goes wrong. Lexington activates the connection and Goliath opens his eyes to find himself in a virtual wasteland, and in the distance . . . a virtual Castle Wyvern. The virtual ground beneath him begins to crumble, revealing a swirling vortex with tendrils emerging from it, grabbing and pulling virtual debris into it. A virtual bridge manifests before Goliath, over the vortex and leading to the castle. Upon the battlements, the sleeping forms of his rookery siblings: "Othello", "Desdemona", and "Iago".

Lighting strikes the highest tower and, from the bolt, the all-too familiar image of David Xanatos clad in medieval armor appears and welcomes Goliath: "Surely you didn't expect to explore Coldstone's mind without my permission."

Act Three

"Xanatos," Goliath growls. But the image of his enemy smiles: "No, merely a computer program designed by him." But Goliath demands an explanation, which the Xanatos program provides: Coldstone was created by a combination of science and sorcery. As a result, the magical energy has merged with the cybernetic systems that make up his mind. The program explains that its primary directive was to enslave Coldstone to Xanatos's will, but the computer virus, now devouring everything, has stopped him. Goliath narrowly avoids being taken by a tendril as it destroys a section of the virtual castle.

Atop the battlements, "Othello", "Iago", and "Desdemona" awaken from their slumber. "Othello" still feels groggy as "Iago" offers to "help" him. "Desdemona" spots Goliath and soars down to meet him. Goliath, shocked and delighted to see his deceased rookery sister embraces her. Fearing what this embrace might look like, "Desdemona" pushes him away and tells him that Coldstone was created from pieces of different gargoyles and now all three of their souls are trapped inside. Her fears are well founded, as "Iago" tells "Othello" how Goliath is trying to steal his love away, as he claims also happened a thousand years ago. The Xanatos program participates by telling "Othello" that they're betraying his trust. "Othello" cries out in anger and attacks Goliath – knocking him into the void. Goliath manages to right himself, clinging to the virtual castle walls as the virus's tendrils take hold of him – dragging him down.

In the real world, Goliath shakes in pain and Lex wishes he knew what was happening, and Hudson accuses the sight of involving the darkest of sorceries. Elisa suddenly radios Lexington, warning the gargoyle that she's on a police boat heading toward Ellis Island and Matt is tracking RECAP's VR visor. Worse, he's called in an entire SWAT team. She urges the gargoyles to evacuate, but they're unable to. When Lexington attempts to remove the visor from Goliath, he suffers a massive shock. Hudson says they have no choice but to buy Goliath some time.

In the virtual world of Coldstone's mind, Goliath attempts to escape the tendrils, but "Othello" continues to attack him. "Desdemona" rescues Goliath from the void and certain death, holding onto him as she clings to the castle walls . . . but the castle itself begins to come apart as Coldstone's mind continues to fracture. "Othello" swoops in and accuses "Desdemona" of coming to Goliath's defense over an imagined affair. "Desdemona" reminds "Othello" that her love for him is eternal and that Goliath is not his enemy but his brother and true friend. She turns her gaze towards "Iago", reminding "Othello" that he has been the one deceiving him, that he has set "Othello" against Goliath as he tried to do a thousand years ago and urges him to try to remember. "Othello" struggles with his clouded memories, but demands to know why he should trust her. "Desdemona" urges him to trust his heart if he can't trust her. The tendrils continue to drag Goliath down as "Desdemona" loses her grip and he falls – only for "Othello" to take his hand and save his brother's life.

The three rookery siblings now reunited, Goliath reminds them that their enemies are conspiring together to take control of Coldstone's mind and they must hurry. But it is too late as the soul of "Iago" merges with what remains of the virtual castle and landscape, as well as the Xanatos Computer Program. Taking the form of a giant-sized Coldstone, "Iago" captures "Desdemona" and swats Goliath and "Othello" upon a floating remnant over the vortex. Taking them in one hand, he looks to "Desdemona" in his other hand, urging her to merge with him so they can finally be together as he always knew they should have. Desdemona stares at him with disgust.

In the real world, Brooklyn and Broadway take hold of the two helicopters' landing skids, veering them off course while Hudson disables the propellers on the boats with his sword. Lexington tells Goliath to come on, they can't keep this up for long.

Inside the virtual word, "Iago" is somehow incredulous that "Desdemona" fights him, even addressing her as "my love" believing they are destined to be together for all eternity. Furiously, "Desdemona" reminds "Iago" that she will choose who she loves and bites down on his hand. "Iago" cries out in pain and releases her. The three gargoyles soar around the giant "Iago" distracting him. As he swats at them, the tendrils of the computer virus coil around him before dragging him down into the void. As the virus continues to devour the environment around all of them, "Othello" warns Goliath to return to his body. Goliath doesn't want to leave without them, but "Desdemona" says that she and her mate are finally together and that is all that matters. "Othello" is hopeful, if they can stop the virus, then so be it. But if they fail, they will at least be united for all time. The two gargoyles distract the tendrils as Goliath heads back to the portal – and his body.

The glow in Coldstone's eye slowly fades before burning out. Brooklyn, Hudson, and Broadway return unable to hold the police back anymore. Fortunately, Goliath removes the visor in time and stands to his feet, ordering them to leave this place. He takes the lifeless shell of Coldstone into his arms and they depart as the police finally reach the island.

Matt and Elisa emerge onto the museum rooftop, carrying the homing beacon. "We're right on top of it," Matt says. "Now let's see what this creature looks like up close!" But all they find is RECAP and a New York rat – to Elisa's amusement and Matt's chagrin.

Inside the Eyrie Building, Owen Burnett presents the remains of RECAP to David Xanatos. Their robotics division confiscated the remains of RECAP from the police, easily accomplished considering that Xanatos Enterprises supplied it in the first place. Coldstone provided the perfect cover for Xanatos's robot probe. Xanatos considers it a pity they had to sacrifice Coldstone – still, RECAP was able to download the computer virus program through the taser line, if not the defense specs. But Xanatos remains unconcerned about the specs as the virus is the deadliest weapon he knows of – it even managed to defeat the mighty Coldstone.

Meanwhile, the Manhattan Clan has returned to the Clock Tower with the comatose Coldstone. Goliath believes that some day his brother and sister will find their way back and when they do, he wants them to be among friends. Within the virtual world of Coldstone, "Othello" and "Desdemona" soar above the virus's reach, hand-in-hand.

Featured Characters and First Appearances

Gargoyles Humans Others

Places Miscellaneous


  • "I just hope you handle that vacuum cleaner better than a squad car."
"How would you know? You never let me drive." - Elisa and Matt
  • "Are you sure this is a good idea? He hasn't always been your friend. To invite him into our home; into our clan . . ."
"Without trust, there can be no clan." - Lexington and Goliath
  • "Welcome. Surely you didn't expect to explore Coldstone's mind without my permission." - Xanatos program
  • "If you can't trust me, then trust your heart." - "Desdemona"
  • "Someday I trust, you'll find your way back my brother; my sister. And when you do, I want you to be among friends." - Goliath


The other two souls besides "Othello" that inhabit Coldstone ("Iago" and "Desdemona") are introduced in this episode. Pieces of the three stone gargoyles were used to create the cyborg, and through Demona's sorcery in "Reawakening", all three souls are trapped inside it.

The Goldencup Bakery Building reappears in "Vows" (where Goliath and Xanatos meet at the very beginning of the episode), and "The Reckoning" (where this time Demona breaks into it). Its real-life model was Silvercup Studios in Brooklyn.

After being reactivated, Coldstone rises out of the Hudson River below the George Washington Bridge, where he had disappeared at the end of "Reawakening".

Elisa continues the trend of walking the fine line of helping the gargoyles while keeping her partner Matt in the dark. This (and Matt's comment about never being allowed to drive) will reach its climax in "Revelations".

The Manhattan Clan stores Coldstone's comatose body at the Clock Tower at the end of this episode, where it remains until "High Noon".

Glasses will later use a RECAP visor when he and Pal Joey attempt to take out Izaak Slaughter with a swarm of Cybots in "Underwater".


The episode's title is (like "Her Brother's Keeper") ultimately drawn from the Bible: to be precise, a story in the Gospels when a demon-possessed man says to Jesus Christ, upon being asked his name, "My name is Legion: for we are many". (Mark 5:9) The immediate source, however, was the 1973 movie adaptation of Frankenstein which Greg Weisman had seen as a boy, where the hypnotized Frankenstein monster (composed of the remains of many bodies) utters the same line; since Coldstone was the Gargoyles version of the Frankenstein monster, such an element was obviously irresistible to Greg. [1]

The names "Desdemona" and "Iago" occur only in the ending credits, not in the actual episode. The names are an obvious derivation from William Shakespeare's Othello, fitting in with the parallel situation to that of the play (with Goliath in the Cassio role). [2]

The audience is carefully prepared for the revelation at the end that RECAP's role in confronting Coldstone at the Goldencup Bakery was all part of Xanatos's plan; when RECAP rushes into the building at the beginning, the familiar scarab logo from "Awakening" can be glimpsed on its side.

Marty Isenberg & Robert N. Skir wrote an episode of Batman: The Animated Series, "What is Reality?", where Batman goes into a virtual reality world and battles the Riddler. [3]

Toon Disney/Disney XD Edits

In the Golden Cup building, the part where Coldstone popped a sort of Robocop claw to download the information from the computer was cut out.

DVD Release

See Also

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