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Brooklyn in 1997

Brooklyn was a member of the Wyvern Clan before its destruction and eventually became the second-in-command of the Manhattan Clan. He has also been known as The Gargoyle of the Sword and TimeDancer. In 971 AD, Alesand called him Caesar.

"This has nothing to do with what I want!" - Brooklyn, ("Kingdom")


Dark Ages

The Trio (and a rookery sister) as rooklings in 971 AD

Caesar hatched in the year 958 in the rookery under Wyvern Hill, and in his youth became good friends with two of his rookery brothers, Alexander and Charlemagne, as well as a rookery sister, Antiope. [1] When the Wyvern Clan was forming an alliance with Prince Malcolm's people in 971, Caesar eavesdropped on the meeting with his fellow rooklings. After the clan helped win Kenneth II the crown, he and the rest of the clan participated in a Wind Ceremony for the gargoyles that died in the conflict. After the alliance between Prince Malcolm and the Wyvern Clan was established, he and his rookery siblings befriended the human child, Alesand. When the traveling performers known as the Light-Bringers visited Wyvern Hill, Caesar was amongst the crowd listening to Shahrizad's stories about the Three Brothers. ("The Reach", "The Oath", "The Promise")

Days later, Caesar and Charlemagne played about the Castle's construction site when Caesar and Charlemagne accidentally broke some of the equipment. Running off, Caesar and his rookery brothers ran into Antiope and Alesand. They were all too willing to help take Alesand out gliding, if only to escape the fury of Brother Valdez. They landed right outside a cave. The five were eager to explore the caverns, discovering not only the Megalith Dance, but one filled with gold and the giant dragon, Wyvern. In their efforts to protect Alesand from being eaten by Wyvern, Caesar quickly directed his brothers to help distract the dragon so that Antiope could help the human escape. After Wyvern flew off towards the unfinished Castle, the five friends scurried back as fast as they could to warn the others. While they only arrived after the conflict had passed, both humans and gargoyles were grateful to see everyone safe and accounted for. ("The Dream", "The Pledge")

Caesar and his fellow rooklings are, in particular, an adventurous lot. In the decades to follow, Caesar eagerly engaged in battle and even rode a horse once. ("Temptation") His nature led him to be the natural leader of the Trio. In 994, he got into a fight with Mary and some of the humans in the Castle and was sent to the rookery with his brothers and the gargoyle beast later known as Bronx as a punishment. Though he found this very embarrassing, it ultimately saved his life when the Wyvern Massacre occurred the next day. Shortly thereafter, he was placed under the Magus's curse of permanent sleep. ("Awakening: Part One", "Awakening: Part Two")


Brooklyn in 1994

This gargoyle, once known as Caesar, was finally awakened in 1994 with the rest of the surviving clan members. Not long after his awakening in Manhattan he took the name Brooklyn. ("Awakening: Part Two", "Awakening: Part Four")

Brooklyn and his brothers found an old motorcycle and repaired it. Brooklyn eagerly took to riding the motorcycle. Unfortunately, he only got to ride it once; it was destroyed in a clash with a biker gang and this altercation led to an encounter with Demona that had a major impact on his life. Demona convinced him that Goliath was blind to the true threat of humanity and tricked him into stealing the Grimorum Arcanorum for her, so that she could use it to magically bring Goliath under her control. Though Brooklyn was able to thwart Demona's plans and with Elisa's help negated the spell Demona placed on Goliath, he has never forgiven Demona for it. He continues to hold a bitter grudge against her for having used him (fueled in part by his guilt over having helped her enslave Goliath). ("Temptation")

Although he was originally somewhat philosophical about his anger at Demona (especially compared to Lexington's similar enmity for the Pack), his own hate for the renegade gargoyle eventually grew to the point where he would reflexively attack her on sight. He had a similarly distasteful encounter with "Iago" who possessed him and used his body to plot against the clan before the spirit was convinced to occupy the Coldsteel robot body. ("Possession") However, although Brooklyn eagerly awaits an opportunity to make the insidious renegade pay, it is unclear to what degree his hate for Coldsteel mirrors his enmity for Demona.

Brooklyn as a human.

Brooklyn has long had a weakness for the ladies. He first eagerly pursued Maggie the Cat, and it took a long while for him to realize that she wanted nothing to do with him, a realization that crushed him. ("Metamorphosis", "The Cage") Next he pursued Angela when she joined the clan, and again, felt devastated when she chose Broadway for her mate instead. ("Turf", "The Journey", et al.) He also showed an attraction to Delilah, but Goliath asked her to be his date before Brooklyn could for the Halloween Masque party in 1996, though she later apparently chose Brooklyn's Clone Malibu for a companion, much to the original's consternation. ("Invitation Only", "Bash") Brooklyn was still young and found these frequent romantic rejections frustrating, but he had not yet learned to distinguish between infatuation and true love.

After the clan's first battle with the upgraded Pack, where Brooklyn's masterful tactical direction helped soundly defeat them, Goliath appointed Brooklyn his second-in-command, and intended successor. While Brooklyn was, overall, pleased with this new role, he had no desire to become the actual leader of the clan for a long time. ("Upgrade") Nevertheless, he did have to temporarily take command of the Manhattan Clan during Goliath’s absence on the Avalon World Tour, and after a brief period of resistance, finally accepted it while demonstrating the masterful talents that earned him the temporary title of leader. ("Kingdom")



In 1997, a few months after the gargoyles moved back to the Eyrie Building, Brooklyn, Broadway and Angela spotted the Phoenix Gate appearing from out of its fiery portal. When Brooklyn attempted to pick it up (to take it into safe-keeping), it began disintegrating and the Phoenix exploded from the Gate. Singling out Brooklyn, it swallowed him and transported him to Scotland in the year 997, where he met Mary and Finella, still being pursued by Constantine's soldiers because they carried the Grimorum Arcanorum. ("The Gate")

Brooklyn protected the two women, as well as arranged for Demona and her clan to intervene in the Battle of Rathveramoen. During this battle, he became known as the The Gargoyle of the Sword. After Constantine was slain, the Phoenix appeared again. Mary and Finella begged Brooklyn to take them with him. ("Tyrants", "Phoenix")

He did, and the Phoenix transported them all (and the Grimorum as well) to the United States in the late 1970s. [2][3] There, they worked behind the scenes at setting up the alliance between David Xanatos and Demona that would lead to the transporting of Castle Wyvern to New York City and the re-awakening of the gargoyles, with a little help from Owen/Puck. [4]

After that, the Phoenix whisked Brooklyn off on more adventures. Among other places, he visited Xanadu, where he was joined by a gargoyle beast companion named Fu-Dog and the two encountered terracotta warriors in 210 B.C. After a stint in 2198 (where Brooklyn and Fu-Dog aided 's Resistance against the Space-Spawn invaders and where he finally learned to forgive a repentant Demona), the two would visit feudal Japan, where Brooklyn at last found true love with a female gargoyle of the Ishimura Clan named Katana. [5] The three would return to 2198 in New York. Brooklyn and Katana became mates, and in the course of their travels together, parented two eggs, the first hatched and was named Nashville (likely named after their visit of the U.S.S. Nashville in 1942) and the second they continue to call "Egwardo" until its hatching. Before Gnash was hatched in 1978, Brooklyn lost his left eye, which he covered thereafter with a black eyepatch. [6] ("Phoenix", "Underwater", TimeDancer, Gargoyles 2198)

Returning Home

The Trio reunited

At last, after forty years of wandering, from Brooklyn's perspective, the Phoenix deposited him and his family back in Manhattan – only about forty seconds after he first left. He rejoined the clan, adding his family to its ranks, and resumed his position as second-in-command. After his TimeDance, Brooklyn would actively avoid any future encounters with the Phoenix Gate. [7] He and Katana regularly give Gnash history lessons, to provide context to the various eras they lived throughout the timestream. ("Tale Old as Time")

In May 1997, Brooklyn resumed leadership of the Manhattan Clan once more when Goliath was captured by the Gargoyle Taskforce in Central Park. Despite Brooklyn's intention to help him escape, Goliath opted to remain in custody at Rikers Island and therefore Brooklyn would lead the clan until Goliath's eventual release. ("Render Unto Caesar") The pressures of leadership began to mount as Brooklyn felt like he was drowning, feeling that things were much easier when he was TimeDancing – as he had only himself and his new family to think of with the phoenix deciding where and when they'd be. He ordered the rest of the clan to stay in the Castle but Lexington and Broadway defied his orders to save the life of Izaak Slaughter when he was targeted for assassination by Dino Dracon. He berated them when they returned out of anger that he was disobeyed but even more out of hurt due to the rift between them. ("Underwater", "Everywhere", "Mayday")

A devastated clan

Alongside the rest of the clan, Brooklyn watched Goliath's Hearing and was stunned that Elisa admitted her relationship to Goliath in court – on live television. Following Goliath's release, Antoinette Dracon called with information about the kidnapping of Rosaria Sanchez and Peter Choy. Brooklyn took his rookery brothers, and Gnash, to rescue the teens and, that night, their relationship mended. The following night, Brooklyn and Katana asked Lexington, Broadway, and Angela to be Rookery parents for Egwardo. Likewise, Brooklyn eagerly accepted Broadway's invitation to stand second for him at his upcoming Commitment Ceremony. Following this, Brooklyn helped broker peace between the Six Families. ("Young At Heart", "Cold Comfort")

As the month's passed, Brooklyn took part in the clan's hunt to prevent Demona from uniting the Three New Keys to Power, but like many in the Manhattan Clan, Brooklyn grew complacent (having long since outgrown his obsession with the rogue gargoyle), instead spending his time thankful to have returned to his clan - and that once Egwardo hatched, the rookling would have a whole clan to raise it. Come Thanksgiving, when Demona made her move, Brooklyn led the clan's defense which allowed Goliath, Angela, and Coldfire to defeat her. But Brooklyn's hopes would soon be dashed - despite her defeat, Demona succeeded in kidnapping Egwardo. ("Acquisitions", "Unequivocal Success", "Queen of All She Surveys")

Future Tense

"Future Tense" Brooklyn

Brooklyn led the resistance against Xanatos and was mated with Demona. He was killed by the Xanatos Program inside the Eyrie Pyramid. ("Future Tense")


Brooklyn sleeping

Physically, Brooklyn is a wiry red-colored gargoyle. He has a mane of wild white hair, an enormous beak, two long horns, and pterodactyl-like wings. At some point during his TimeDancer adventures, Brooklyn lost his left eye. When he finally returned to Manhattan, he was wearing an eye-patch and armor and was carrying a futuristic rifle; a blaster; a katana; and a Scottish broadsword.

Brooklyn likes exploring, and finding out more about human ways. In his adolescence, he even wore sunglasses because they were "cool" (and never mind the fact that sunglasses at night are pointless). He is a quick-witted gargoyle, and has a certain fondness for making wisecracks and sarcastic quips at times. But underneath his thrill-seeking and comic exterior, Brooklyn has a lonelier, almost "Gothic melancholic" side. His favorite type of movies are swashbuckler films.[8]

His best asset is his keen calculating nature. For instance, he is a master tactician capable of orchestrating assaults that often leave the most formidable foes reeling. However, before his TimeDancer adventures, when Demona was involved, Brooklyn's hate could completely cloud his judgment making him prone to attack her on sight.

Brooklyn picked his name after he awakened in New York in 1994, naming himself after the borough of Brooklyn.


210 BC Brooklyn and Fu-Dog encounter Terracotta warriors. ("Underwater")

958 AD. March. Hatches at Wyvern Hill. [9]

971. Attends the Wyvern Clan's Wind Ceremony after its newfound alliance with Prince Malcolm. Later on, he listens to Shahrizad's Tale of the Three Brothers with many of the locals, human and gargoyle alike, of Wyvern Hill.

994. September 30. Sent down to the rookery by Goliath along with Charlemagne, Alexander, and the gargoyle beast later known as Bronx for getting in a fight with humans. This will end up saving his life. ("Awakening: Part One")

October 1. Wyvern Massacre occurs. Brooklyn and the other survivors attack the viking camp to free the humans. Thinking the gargoyles' arrival caused Hakon to kill Princess Katharine, the Magus put Brooklyn and the others under the sleep spell. ("Awakening: Part Two")

997. Brooklyn meets Mary and Finella on his first TimeDancer adventure. He brings Demona's Clan out of hiding to join the Battle of Rathveramoen against Constantine. The Phoenix returns for Brookyln and transports Brooklyn, Mary, Finella, and the Grimorum away.

1975-1980. At some point between these years, Brooklyn, Mary, and Finella are brought to the United States by the Phoenix Gate. They work behind the scenes with Owen in forming an alliance between Xanatos and Demona.

1942. Brooklyn, Katana, Fu-Dog, and an unhatched Gnash were on board the U.S.S. Nashville. ("Underwater")

1978. Brooklyn's son Nashville hatches.

1994. October 4. David Xanatos breaks the sleep spell by putting Castle Wyvern atop the Eyrie Building above the clouds. The gargoyles awaken in Manhattan. A group of commandos attack Xanatos and the clan. They seemingly escape with three diskettes. ("Awakening: Part Two")

October 5. Meets Elisa Maza. The Trio explore the city. ("Awakening: Part Three")

October 6. Chooses his name, and comes up with Bronx's name as well. Xanatos and Demona convince the clan to "retrieve" the stolen disks (though they never belonged to Xanatos in the first place). Brooklyn and his brothers raid the Cyberbiotics Tower and successfully steal one of the disks. ("Awakening: Part Four", "Awakening: Part Five")

October 7. Brooklyn helps Goliath destroy Xanatos's Steel Clan robots. Demona then betrays the clan and flees, and Xanatos is arrested. ("Awakening: Part Five")

November 11. Goes out for a joy-ride on a motorcycle he and his brothers had built. He's accosted and attacked by a biker gang, but saved by Demona's intervention. She seduces Brooklyn into believing her stance on humans. He agrees to aid her in her plan to make Goliath see the truth. ("Temptation")

November 12-13. Steals the Grimorum Arcanorum and lures Goliath to the Cloisters where Demona is waiting to cast her mind control spell. Realizing his mistake, Brooklyn battles with Demona and takes control of Goliath's mind, but is unable to undo the spell. Elisa figures out a way to free Goliath's mind. ("Temptation")

1995. January 3-4. Kidnapped by Macbeth along with Lexington and Bronx. They escape with Goliath. Moves into the Clock Tower with the rest of his clan. ("Enter Macbeth")

January 27-28. Brooklyn, Lexington, and Broadway save Xanatos and Derek Maza from Jackal and Hyena during a helicopter battle. The Trio take control of the Pack's helicopter and later use it to defeat Jackal and Hyena a second time. They then hide the helicopter-permanently. ("Her Brother's Keeper")

February 3. Battles Coldstone and Encounters Demona again on the George Washington Bridge. The gargoyles take up an oath to protect the citizens of Manhattan. ("Reawakening")

September 4-5. Tracks The Pack to their studio along with Lexington and Bronx, where they are captured by the Pack. Thanks to a tip by Owen, Goliath, Hudson, and Broadway free the captives from an oil rig. During the fight, Brooklyn is knocked unconscious and nearly falls into the water, but is saved by Lexington. The Pack escapes. ("Leader of the Pack")

September 7. While on patrol, Brooklyn and Broadway spot Maggie Reed. Brooklyn forms a crush on her, and is intent on saving her from Gen-U-Tech security guards. Maggie seems more afraid of the gargoyles and willingly goes with the guards. ("Metamorphosis")

September 9-10. Brooklyn insists on saving Maggie. He, Goliath and Lexington raid Gen-U-Tech, and bring Maggie back to the Clock Tower, but she flees at sunrise. After a fight at Castle Wyvern with the mutates ends when Elisa realizes one of them is her brother, a dejected Brooklyn mopes that Maggie is not interested in him. ("Metamorphosis")

November 13-14. Raids Macbeth's mansion along with the rest of the clan, and fights and subdues Demona with Bronx. However, the clan is defeated and captured by "Iago" (working through Coldstone), and Macbeth and Demona (who are working under a spell by the Weird Sisters). The clan is saved by Elisa and Othello at Belvedere Castle. ("High Noon")

November 15. Goliath is badly injured during a fight with the Pack. Brooklyn insists on helping Goliath rather than going after the Pack. Hudson tells Goliath to choose a second-in-command amongst Brooklyn and his brothers. ("Upgrade")

December 14. Has grown at odds with his brothers over Goliath's slowness in choosing second-in-command, and has nightly competitions to see who foils the most crimes. ("Upgrade")

December 15. Thanks to a clever tip by Fox, the Trio realizes the rest of the clan have been captured by the Pack. Brooklyn comes up with a plan and leads his brothers in saving Goliath, Hudson, Elisa, and Bronx from the upgraded Pack. Brooklyn is chosen as Goliath's second-in-command. ("Upgrade")

December 20. Encounters Maggie the Cat again when she leads the mutates to the Clock Tower where they attack. The mutates are defeated, and Brooklyn lets them go to show Maggie that he can be trusted. ("The Cage")

1996. January 4. The rest of the clan realize that Goliath, Elisa, and Bronx are missing. Brooklyn is reluctant to take the reigns of leadership. He visits the Labyrinth to talk to Talon, and attacks Fang for harassing Al. ("Kingdom")

January 5. Against Brooklyn's better judgment, he allows Talon to lead the clan in an attack against Xanatos, which goes unsuccessfully and alerts Xanatos to Goliath's disappearance. Later, Maggie goes to the Clock Tower to tell the clan of Fang's take-over in the Labyrinth, and Brooklyn leads the others against Fang and his minions, accepting leader responsibility at last. ("Kingdom")

May 19. Brooklyn and his clanmates encounter King Arthur and Griff, and help Arthur reclaim Excalibur while battling with Macbeth and his flunkies. ("Pendragon")

July 9. The Avalon World Tour travelers return home. Brooklyn meets Angela, and is smitten with her. The whole clan battles against Oberon to keep him from kidnapping Alexander. ("The Gathering" Part One, "The Gathering" Part Two)

July 14. Bitten by a robotic mosquito that samples his DNA while on stakeout with Goliath and Angela, as part of Demona and Thailog's cloning scheme. Encounters Demona who has stolen a battle suit from the Goldencup Bakery Building. She is defeated, and Brooklyn proposes they lock her up in the labyrinth. ("The Reckoning")

August 2-3. Elisa enlists the help of the Trio and Angela in helping her take down Dracon and Tomas Brod. The entire time, the Trio are duking it out over Angela. Brooklyn even tries to use his status to be alone with her. Angela finally sets them straight and they apologize to her after successfully helping to stop the two criminals' gangs. ("Turf")

October 16-17. The soul of "Iago" secretly takes possession of Brooklyn's body during Puck's soul-transference plan. After being weakened in battle, "Iago" decides to transfer to the Coldsteel robot body. ("Possession")

October 24. Encounters Demona again at a warehouse and fights with her, trying to keep her from obtaining the chemical DI-7. He's unsuccessful and has to be saved by Lexington from the burning warehouse. ("Hunter's Moon" Part One)

October 25. The Hunters destroy the Clock Tower. The gargoyles temporarily reside at Elisa's apartment. ("Hunter's Moon" Part Three)

October 27. After a battle with the Hunters, Goliath saves the world from Demona, and the gargoyles reclaim Castle Wyvern. Though Brooklyn is wary about living under the same roof as Xanatos. ("Hunter's Moon" Part Three)

October 29. Witnesses Broadway and Angela kissing in the library, and skulks away dejectedly. ("The Journey")

October 31. Goes with Goliath to the Labyrinth. Attempts to ask Delilah on a date, but Goliath does before him. ("Invitation Only")

November 1. Battles with Thailog during his attack of the Eyrie on Halloween. Later sees Delilah holding his clone Malibu affectionately and is greatly annoyed. ("Bash")

November 2. Elects to stay in Manhattan when Macbeth recruits the clan for help in guarding the Stone of Destiny. Broadway and Angela stay with him, much to his chagrin. ("The Rock")

1997. January 10. Brooklyn discovers the Phoenix Gate in Manhattan and begins his TimeDancer journey. Forty seconds later, he returns from his forty year journey. Katana, Nashville, and Fu-Dog join the Manhattan Clan. An unhatched egg is also brought back.

May 16. Brooklyn, Coldfire, and Coldstone attempt to rescue Goliath from Rikers Island following his capture from the Gargoyle Taskforce in Central Park. ("Render Unto Caesar")

May 19. Watches the first night of Goliath's Hearing on live television with the rest of the Manhattan Clan.

May 20. On the second night of Goliath's Hearing, watches Elisa Maza testify as a rebuttal witness.

October 31. Convinces Katana to let Gnash go trick-or-treating. Dresses up as a TimeDancing gargoyle at the Greenwich Village Halloween party. ("Trick-Or-Treat")

2198. A TimeDancing Brooklyn, Katana, and Fu-Dog arrive in New York and join Samson's Resistance against the Space-Spawn. ("Underwater")



The Goliath Chronicles

Brooklyn inadvertently allowed a group of criminals to escape. Goliath reacted angrily to his second-in-command's mistake, causing Brooklyn to run away from the clan. After assisting a group of human runaways against Radar, Brooklyn returned. ("Runaways")

Brooklyn played a critical role in winning over humanity once and for all when Angela and Bronx were captured after the rest of the Clan was apparently murdered in a grand trap designed by John Castaway. While the survivors were being transported on a passenger train to a prison, the Quarrymen led by Castaway himself attacked the train, only to face the rest of the Clan who arrived to save their brethren. During the battle, in front of human witnesses, Castaway made the train race out of control towards a bridge he had destroyed, vowing to kill everyone on it.

Although Goliath detached the locomotive car, the remaining cars with their sabotaged brakes obviously would not stop in time. However, while the leader ordered the clan to extract as many passengers as they can, Brooklyn asserted that it was possible to save them all. To do so, he ordered three Quarryman jetpacks embedded in the lead car to act as retro-rockets to stop the train. The gambit was successful and the train was saved.

Brooklyn's solution created a spectacularly successful rescue that convinced humanity of their intelligence and heroism and ended their persecution. ("Angels In the Night")

Production Background

Voice Actor: Jeff Bennett

In the early days of the comedy development, the leader of the clan was a gargoyle named Nick. Nick was great with coming up with plans, but not so great at coming up with plans that worked. He was also very much interested in the women of virtually any species, though his interests were seldom - if ever- returned. When the much more capable Dakota became the clan's new leader, Nick was renamed first "Trouble" then "Amp". Amp got another shot at leading the clan when Dakota became Demona and joined up with the bad guys. He developed a cool dude attitude and was supposedly "easily tempted by ... temptation." Though he apparently looked more like Lexington, Amp was an obvious forerunner of Brooklyn. The name "Amp" showed up again as a nickname for the London Clan gargoyle Staghart, though so far, no one other than Lexington uses it.

Some of the other names considered for this character were "Nasti", "Static", and "Moe".

Brooklyn's appearance after he returns from his TimeDance directly references his appearance in two other episodes. He can be seen wearing a black patch over his left eye in "Eye of the Beholder" and can be seen wearing the exact same armor and be 40 years older in "Future Tense". The only completely new elements to his appearance are his weapons.

Greg has likened Brooklyn to Errol Flynn.[10]


Brooklyn had a (chibi-form) cameo in "Journey to the Center of the Chibiverse", an episode in Disney's "Chibiverse" series.